How to open an app in my flutter app without making it fill up the whole screen? - dart

I'm trying to make a flutter app that can open Instagram, twitter or any other app.
But, I don't want the app to fill up the whole screen. I also want to display the app inside of my own app like this:
Is there a way to display an app like this?

This is not possible.
Opening other apps require their permission.
This means that you need development access for those apps.
The way an app is displayed is handled by the OS and that functionality is not accessible for iOS and Android developers to be customised.


How to Request users to add my website to home screen on ios?

I have designed a react web app that I want my users to add to their home screen and use it like a regular ios app. Something similar to how Nvidia's GeForce now does. They force their users to add their app to their apple device's home screen and then launch the app.
The problem is I am not able to think of a way to be able to identify if my react web app has been opened in safari or it's bookmarked.
Something similar to:

Migrate one of the features in the Android application to iOS

I plan to make an iOS application in the future. How do you create a dialog like the one below on the iOS app? Like Android. Look at the screenshots.
UPDATE: my goal is to make users choose one of their emails to use for a login or register

Swift - how to access all pdf files on device

I am trying to build an app that will allow users to see all pdf files that are on the device (in some kind of a list with a preview) [Regardless of which app it belongs to on the device, all should be shown]. Is there anyway to achieve this?
Sorry but this is not possible on an iOS device because of a feature called sandboxing. Apple does not allow an app to access the sandbox of another app. Each app sits inside a sandbox of its own. This is iOS's security feature. There is no way to go around this feature.
Reference - About App Sandbox

Change app icon without update

Is it possible to change an app logo (on the home screen) without updating the app?
This is from the view of an iOS developer. I got the idea from seeing how the New Yorker newspaper can change their app image without updating the app. Can I do this for a normal app? Is this solely for newstand apps?
Sadly, this is only available to Newsstand apps.
You're correct in that this is solely a newsstand feature for the reason being that content within those applications will change regularly (without requiring a change in the architecture of the application) and provides another way to notify or entice the user to open it again.

How to get the currently selected text in any app?

I want to get the selected text from any application. Is there a way to send it to my app? In android there is a Share button, but how does iOS do it? Or there is another way
You can possibly use the UIPasteBoard API for your needs:
There is, however not any way apps can communicate with each as apps are sandboxed on iOS and not open like you're used to with Android development.
