I am learning how to write OS by rust. The tutorial constantly using Option<&'static mut ListNode> as a type. I don't understand why I need to use this specific type and in what situation should I use it. The related tutorial is in here. https://os.phil-opp.com/allocator-designs/
When F# 4.5 was announced, it was stated that:
The F# feature set is comprised of
The ability to produce IsByRefLike structs (examples of such structs: Span<'T>and ReadOnlySpan<'T>).
How to "produce" these types? I tried the [<IsByRefLike>] attribute but is was not found in .NET Standard 2.0.
The attribute is found in System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
[<Struct; IsByRefLike>]
type Apa =
{ A: Span<int>
B: int }
Phillip Carter talks about this in What's new in F# 4.5 (about 21 min. in).
It is available for .NET Core and .NET Framework, but not .NET Standard 2.0.
Starting with .NET SDK 6.0.200 (available in Visual Studio 2022 17.1), the F# compiler recognizes user-defined IsByRefLikeAttributes. The following code will transparently enable defining ref structs on .NET Standard 2.0 as well as later frameworks:
namespace System.Runtime.CompilerServices
open System
[<Sealed; AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Struct)>]
type IsByrefLikeAttribute() = inherit Attribute()
namespace MyLibrary
open System
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
type MyRefStruct(span: Span<int>) = struct end
Technically, this is not an answer.
First, according to the specs, IsByRefLike is for the compiler, not for the developers to use: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/api/system.runtime.compilerservices.isbyreflikeattribute?view=netframework-4.7.2
Second, when we do want something from a compiler, then it is crucial that we do understand what we want from it. So a correct question could be: I need ABC because I need to do XYZ, where ABC would be something related to IsByRefLike and then XYZ would be something based on IsByRefLike. The question does not explain why IsByRefLike is needed.
I think that a minimalist approach should be always weighted in when considering which language features to use / not to use: do we really need some particular language feature to accomplish what we need? F# Option.bind comes to mind: if the function is a one-liner then Option.bind is great. However, if there is some tree of how to parse the result, then it might be better to do that explicitly without using Option.bind.
So the questions are:
Do you really need IsByRefLike?
If you think that you do, could you, please, post an example of where you actually do need it.
In Real World Ocaml Chapter 9 which is about functors :
Dependency injection
Makes the implementations of some components of a system swappable. This is particularly useful when you want to mock up parts
of your system for testing and simulation purposes.
But I fail to grasp the idea.
I also looked at Wikipedia about DI - but I actually do not catch the relaton with testing and simulation purposes.
Dependency injection is a software engineering technique, whose purpose is to reduce the interdependencies between two subsystems of a program. A very important detail of this technique, is that it involves not two, but three subsystems:
a service,
a client using a
an injector, whose responsibility is to prepare a service for a client.
The latter subsystem, with its responsibility, an often overlooked but crucial detail: this implies that the client knows as little about the service as its public interface, which means that one can easily use a mocked service to test the client.
Assume that we write an application communicating with a key-value store over the network. The key-value store has the following signature:
module type AbstractKeyValueStoreService =
exception NetworkError
type t
val list : t -> string
val find : t -> string -> string option
val set : t -> string -> string -> unit
If we write our client code as a client parametrise by a module of type AbstractKeyValueStoreService we can test the resilience of our application to network errors when using the set function by just providing a mocked service, without needing to actually create the network error:
module KeyValueStoreServiceFailingOnSet =
exception NetworkError
type t = unit
let list () = [ "a"; "b"]
let find = function
| "a" -> Some("x")
| "b" -> Some("y")
| _ -> None
let set _ _ = raise NetworkError
If our client is written as functor parametrised by a module of type AbstractKeyValueStoreService it is easy to write tests for this software component, where a mocking service follow a more-or-less complex interaction script with the client.
Using modules as parameters might not be an “earth shaking idea” it is nevertheless important to be aware of how this idea can be used to solve important software engineering problems. This is what the authors of “real world OCaml” seem to do.
It seems to me they're just trying to show how the term "dependency injection" can be seen to refer to parameters that are full modules. And that's what OCaml functors are: modules with parameters that are also modules.
This has many uses, not just testing and simulation. But certainly you can use it for those. For example, you can use it to supply a "mock" module during testing, to replace some part of the system that's difficult to reproduce exactly in the test environment.
One way to look at this is that "dependency injection" isn't as interesting or novel as its adherents might want you to think. At least that's what I think personally. Using modules as parameters isn't an earth shaking idea, it's been around for decades in the ML languages. In Angular (at least), this is mixed up with a separate notion, that of having the names of function parameters be semantically meaningful. That (IMHO) is a mistake.
I've been programming in F# for some years and there's an "issue" that's been bothering me for some time and I have not been able to solve. It is not a bug, I think it is a design decision, but anyway, the problem is this: is there a way to delay (maybe that's not the correct word for this) the implementation of interfaces?, that is, not implementing them in the initial definition, but later, maybe in the same file after I have implemented a module for the type. I'll explain with a simplified example:
Suppose I have the following data structure:
type 'T MyCollection =
(*type definition*)
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator () =
(* I don't want to implement it here
because I still don't have the module
with a toSeq function *)
If I implemented the method right there, I would have to also implement all the functions as methods of the type and then the module would be just a "proxy" for calling the methods. This way I'm creating a OO-first data structure and then creating a module (overloaded with type annotations) to allow for a functional-first usage. I would prefer to write a functional-first data structure (cleaner since the type inference can work better) and then create a OO wrapper to allow a better intellisense support for languages like C#. That approach complies with what the design guidelines for F# tells us, but the interfaces can't be implemented anywhere but in the initial definition of the type. That restriction forces me to write the whole data structure with members.
I've been looking for examples and I've found that the list implementation in FSharp.Core list does exactly what I want, but I can't do that, the compiler won't let me.
I'm almost sure that this is a design decision, maybe to avoid encouraging bad practices, I don't know, but I don't consider my wish to be a bad practice. Also I'm well aware of the linear nature of the fsharp compiler.
Please if any of you know how to do what I want, I'll be glad if you tell me. Also, if any of you know why I should not follow this approach I'll be glad to know too. There must be a reason why this is not a problem for anyone else.
Thanks in advance.
I completely agree that this is unfortunate problem. The trick that is used in the source code of 'a list in the F# Core library is to define the implementation of the interface in a type augmentation. The compiler does not complain when you add members to a type in this way, but it says that adding implementation of an interface in this way is deprecated. However, it does not prevent you from doing this. The following compiles fine for me:
open System.Collections
open System.Collections.Generic
type MyCollection<'T> =
{ Data : 'T list }
interface IEnumerable<'T>
interface IEnumerable
let getEnumerator { Data = d } =
(d :> seq<_>).GetEnumerator()
type MyCollection<'T> with
interface IEnumerable<'T> with
member this.GetEnumerator() = getEnumerator this
interface IEnumerable with
member this.GetEnumerator() = (getEnumerator this) :> _
The fact that this is deprecated is a bit unfortunate. I quite like this style and I use it when it makes sense. You can start a discussion about this on F# user voice and perhaps it could be turned back into a normal accepted feature :-)
While trying to prove to a colleague that it's possible to use C++ classes from F#, I came up with the following proof of concept. The first snippet is the code he provided for the challenge, and the code snippet below is my implementation in F#.
namespace testapp {
struct trivial_foo {
int bar;
__declspec(dllexport) void set(int n) { bar = n; }
__declspec(dllexport) int get() { return bar; }
open System.Runtime.InteropServices
type TrivialFoo =
val bar: int
new(_bar: int) = { bar = _bar }
[<DllImport("Win32Project2.dll", EntryPoint="?get#trivial_foo#testapp##QAEHXZ", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.ThisCall)>]
extern int trivial_foo_get(TrivialFoo& trivial_foo)
[<DllImport("Win32Project2.dll", EntryPoint="?set#trivial_foo#testapp##QAEXH#Z", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.ThisCall)>]
extern void trivial_foo_set(TrivialFoo& trivial_foo, int bar)
type TrivialFoo with
member this.Get() = trivial_foo_get(&this)
member this.Set(bar) = trivial_foo_set(&this, bar)
When debugged in Visual Studio or run as a standalone program, this works predictably: TrivialFoo.Get returns the value of bar and TrivialFoo.Set assigns to it. When run from F# Interactive however, TrivialFoo.Set will not set the field. I suspect it might have something to do with accessing managed memory from unmanaged code, but that doesn't explain why it only happens when using F# Interactive. Does anyone know what's going on here?
I don't think this proof of concept is a good proof of interoperability. You may be better off creating DLL export definitions from your C++ project and use the de-decorated names instead.
As a PoC: F# creates MSIL that fits in the CLI, so it can interoperate with any other CLI language out there. If that is not enough and you want native-to-net interop, consider using COM, or as mentioned above, DLL export definitions on your C++. I personally wouldn't try to interop with C++ class definitions the way you suggest here, there are way easier ways to do that.
Alternatively, just change your C++ project into a .NET C++ project and you can access the classes directly from F#, while still having the power of C++.
Naturally, you may still be wondering why the example doesn't run in FSI. You can see a hint of an answer by running the following:
> System.IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory();;
val it : string = "R:\TMP"
To fix this, you have a myriad of options:
copy Win32Project2.dll to that directory
add whatever path it is in to PATH
use an absolute path
use a compile-time constant
or use an environment variable (the path will be expanded)
dynamically locate the dll and dynamically bind to it (complex)
Copying is probably the easiest of these solutions.
Since FSI is meant to be a REPL, it may not be best tailored for this kind of tasks that require multiple projects, libraries or otherwise complex configurations. You may consider voting on this FSI request for support for #package to import NuGet packages, which could be used to ease such tasks.
The counterpart of a C++ struct in F# is not necessarily a struct. In C++, the only difference between classes and structs resides in their default access restrictions.
In F#, structs are used for value types, classes are used for reference types. One problem with value types is that they are meant to be used as immutable values, and temporary copies are often created silently.
The problem you are observing is consistent with that scenario. For some reason, F# interactive creates a copy of your struct and passes a reference to that. The C++ code then modifies the copy, leaving the original untouched.
If you switch to using a class, make sure you pin the instance before letting native code use it, or you can end up in a situation where the garbage collector moves it after the native code gets a reference to it.
I am very new to F# and I started to write my functional wrapper on top of OpenGL. I also intend to use it to write a graphics engine which should have interop with all .Net languages.
But it is hard to find information about which code constructs in F# are not CLS compliant.
For example I already know of a few that are not CLS compliant:
static type constrains
tupleless functions
probably 'T list and Seq
maybe even union types
How do I know what features of F# are not CLS compliant?
Use the CLSCompliant attribute. It will guarantee that your code is CLS-Compliant at compile time.
Like this:
module myProject.AssemblyInfo
open System
[<assembly: CLSCompliant(true)>]
Source: Mike-Ward.Net: Learning F#–Assembly Level Attributes
For a more complete discussion of the CLSCompliant attribute, see C# Corner: Making Your Code CLS Compliant