Vaadin 23 Confirm Dialog free or not - vaadin

ConfirmDialog is not marked as commercial feature any more but Vaadin 23.1.7 still shows the Commercial warning message.
So ConfirmDialog is free or not?

The component was recently made free and is probably scheduled for 23.2, but as of now, there is no official statement or roadmap entry for it.


Need to identify this 'appearing before compilation' dialog in my Delphi xe4 IDE

I want to disable the dialog (shown below, titled "Processing File") appears each time I compile or build my project, but I failed to find which IDE plugins it's from since I use a lot of productivity plugins (also shown below).
Anybody has any hint :P
The List of IDE plugins I use is shown below - PS, I believe the DKLang is not shown there.
As hinted by Andy Vines the Delphi G+ group user, that's because I somehow have enabled the 'Set Component Properties' expert included in the GExperts IDE plugin.
It searches for and auto-close active database connections, datasets, etc.
Disabling it fixed the problem. Thanks.

Teechart Axis scrollbar tool

I can see a new tool axis scrollbar in the Teechart 2015 activeX, The issue is when I open the TeeChartDefines.h it doesn't have any tc number related to this tool, Also there are no header file and CPP file for the same.
The problem you are experiencing is a Feature Request. We have already added it in TeeChart Activex bugzilla tracker to consider its inclusion for upcoming versions. Here's the link
Feel free to add your email to the tickets so you can be automatically notified when an update arrives.

Behavior in Delphi Documentation Viewer

Delphi XE2 Update 4 Hotfix 1 and Help Update 6 for XE2.
If I am in the IDE, highlight an object name such as TLabel, then hit F1, I am transported to the description of Vcl.StdCtrls.TLabel in Delphi's help application. The page gives me information for both the Delphi and C++, but I can click on Display Preferences in the top right and 'un-tick' C++ so only the Delphi information is displayed. But now, if I click on TEdit (either by clicking within the help page under See Also or by selecting and F1-ing in the IDE), the Display Preferences automagically reverts to both Delphi and C++ when the TEdit Help is displayed.
If, on the other hand, I go directly to embarcadero online help, for example: to get the same information (using Chrome), the browser (?) remembers my Display Preferences and, once I have un-clicked C++, will only show me the Delphi information if I click on TEdit or further pages.
This drives me to distraction, as I am not the least interested in C++. Have I missed some option within XE2 to only select Delphi in Help's Display Preferences, or is this a 'feature'.
I don't think there's anything you can do with XE2's docs to fix this.
This was improved on in XE3's documentation, and improved even further in XE4's and since there have been four versions released since XE2 there won't be any further updates to it.
(You can't compare the online documentation with the local disk documentation; the first uses the functionality of the web browser, while the second uses the functionality in the MS documentation viewer, which happens to contain a web browser control but implements the functionality in the app itself instead.)
Answer by Ken White

Troubles with Delphi Chromium Embedded

I'm new to StackOverflow, and generally find the answers I'm looking for here. Except this time. I'm confuzzled. Here goes:
Some weeks back, I downloaded Revision 306 of Delphi Chromium Embedded, and installed it on a fresh copy of Delphi XE. Now, this was grabbed from the "Downloads" section of the DCEF Google Code page.
First thing I noticed was that the site mentions that Delphi XE is supported, but there is no project package included specifically for XE. Naturally, I installed the package meant for Delphi 2010, as the one for XE2 won't work due to FMX, and perhaps a few other things (?).
Having used an older build on D7 in the past, I naturally dropped a TChromium on the form, set the default URL to http://foundry-local/assist/node/, and ran the app. Here's what I was greeted with:
Exception EExternal Exception in libcef.dll ... External Exception 80000003.
Couldn't post anything in their new Google Group (they disabled the issue tracker on the Code page), so I thought I'd come here to figure out what happened. But just before that, I decided to checkout the latest code-build from the trunk. Installed it successfully (still no package for XE), dropped a TChromium on a blank form, and ran the app. This time I was greeted as follows:
Exception EReadError in module FoundryAssistNodeManager.exe at 0004BE24. Error reading Chromium1.Options.AcceleratedCompositingEnabled: Invalid property path.
And hence: I am really confuzzled.
(Edit: The app can see the core libraries, and they are being picked up.)
Has anybody else been having problems using DCEF on Delphi XE? If so, anyone had some kind of solution?
See, I'm building a customised help platform for my to-be-released products. Using IE is unreliable, and Gecko's components are no longer in development.
Any tips, guidelines would be great. Thanking you all in advance.
Technically speaking, this is not an answer to my question, but I feel it is necessary to show viewers of this question the best route to take.
Quite simple really: Upgrade to DCEF3.
Some developers local to me have also reported the same problem, with no apparent fix. Using version 3 solves the problem.
To the commenters above, thank you for helping as far as you could. Much appreciated.

Debug buttons are disabled in Delphi 2007 IDE. Why?

Debug buttons are disabled in Delphi 2007 IDE. I can build project with command line or Project -> Build, but cannot run application or either attach to process.
I'm wondering if anyone has encountered this issue in the past and can help me.
Few facts:
Delphi 2007 IDE was installed on my machine and worked just fine.
Debug buttons got disabled at one point of time and I have no idea what was the reason.
I tried reinstalling Delphi, but this did not help.
License for Delphi is ok.
I suppose that there should be
something with either registry or 3rd
party components.
I'm .NET developer and need investigate some piece of Delphi code, so please do not blame me :)
Will appreciate any help.
Go to pull down menu: 'Project/Options/Compiler' and set in field 'Build Configuration' to 'Debug'. In filed 'Debugging' switch-on first 5 switches like 'Debugging Informations' and so on!
So, as I figure it out later (from Delphi developers from different team) issue was with 3rd party components to Delphi. They stored something into registry. It was enough to change some registry keys, they did this so I cannot post it here.
Very interesting how it could be that such components got shipped.
