How do i test requests with digest authentication on RSpec - ruby-on-rails

Hope you're having a great day.
I'm new to security in Rails and I've come through a problem of authenticating a Digest request on tests in Rails. From the course I'm learning this from (which doesn't use tests), the Digest authentication provided by Rails is not really that much used, so there wouldn't be a necessity for it. But i still got curious on how to test it with RSpec, which led me to a lot of hours trying to do something that probably isn't supposed to be done.
Anyways, here's my dilemma, it seems to me that a Digest authentication needs two requests, where it can send some variables through the header (like "nonce" and "opaque") and another that receives some calculated stuff with the "failed" request header (like "cnonce" and "response").
Bellow is a code of a helper to make the second header before mocking the request again, which would then make a OK status. Unfortunately, there're some variables lacking (in the case, "cnonce" and "response"), and i have no idea where to find them. I tried finding methods in Digest related classes on Ruby and Rails, but none seem to make these calculations, although i feel like i'm not seeing something here.
class DigestHeaderWriter
def initialize(header, user, password)
#header = header
#user = user
#password = password
def call
str_pieces = #header["WWW-Authenticate"].split(/\"/)
"ACCEPT" => "application/vnd.api+json",
"Authorization" =>
"Digest username=\"#{#user}\","\
OBS: forgive me the unused password variable, i thought i could calculate something with it.
Here is an example string array from the first response header, aka str_pieces:
"Digest realm=",
", qop=",
", algorithm=MD5, nonce=",
", opaque=",
Bellow is the test on the spec archive:
describe "GET /show" do
it "renders a successful response" do
kind = Kind.create! valid_attributes
kind2 = Kind.create! valid_attributes2
get "", headers: header
get "", headers:, "Name", "secret").call
expect(response).to be_successful
expect(response.body).to include valid_attributes[:description]
expect(response.body).not_to include valid_attributes2[:description]
Basically it just stops at expect(response).to be_successful, and the header string just says that it's not an authorized request (401).
Maybe there's a whole other way to do it, either way i'm curious for a solution.


Rails API 422 Unprocessable Entity: No verification key available, heroku

I created a Rails API with a JWT authentication system and deployed it to Heroku. When I request the endpoints locally, all seems to be working fine but when I make requests to the live endpoints (i.e the Heroku deployed app) I get a: 422 Unprocessable Entity server error and the response body looks like this:
"message": "No verification key available"
The class responsible for encoding and decoding the auth token is defined as follows:
class JsonWebToken
# secret to encode and decode token
HMAC_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base
def self.encode(payload, exp = 24.hours.from_now)
# set expiry to 24 hours from the creation time.
payload[:exp] = exp.to_i
# sign token with application secret
JWT.encode(payload, HMAC_SECRET)
def self.decode(token)
# get payload, first index in decoded Array
body = JWT.decode(token, HMAC_SECRET)[0] body
# rescue from all decode errors
rescue JWT::DecodeError => e
# raise custom error to be handled by custom handler
raise ExceptionHandler::InvalidToken, e.message
I have an endpoint /signup where I can make a POST request to register a new user and POST /todos which is accessible and available only to registered users. Making a registration request works perfectly fine, but when I try to make the POST request to the /todos endpoint it raises an error.
The association between user and suit is 1:m respectively.
Please if you have any idea on how I can fix this, I'll be very grateful, thanks : ).
I finally figured a way out by altering the Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base to Rails.application.secret_key_base. For a more detailed review on this please check out this link. Hopefully, this will help someone facing a similar issue.
This was also my problem. After checking out my json_web_token.rb file, I figured out that I had written the following line:
HMAC_SECRET = Rails.application.secrets.secret_key_base
There is an extra secrets reference, which is causing the problem. It should be:
HMAC_SECRET = Rails.application.secret_key_base
But as far as I'm concerned, you managed to figure it out yourself!

Rails - Slack API OAuth Access - invalid_client_id

I'm building Slack integration for my Ruby on Rails application and I'm trying to get an access_token from the Slack API for my Slack App when a user clicks the Add to Slack button.
From Postman, I can successfully post the following:
However, within Rails I always get a response with invalid_client_id, regardless of the way I call the API. I have checked my ID is correct (a lot) and tried regenerating it, but I don't think that is the issue due to the postman success.
Within my get_oauth_access_token method I have tried the following implementations:
rc = JSON.parse('',
params: {
client_id: '',
client_secret: 'secretgoeshere',
code: '12345'
response ='',
headers: { 'Content-Type' => 'application/json; charset=utf-8' },
user: client_id, password: client_secret,
body: oauth_request_body.to_json)
Any implementation I try always ends up getting a invalid_client_id response.
I'm aware it may be something to do with environment config, but I'm not sure what would be helpful to debug, so please let me know what other information I can share. I'm running on localhost.
I just found out that many (maybe all) of the Slack APIs do not accept a JSON format body (which seems crazy seeing as they send a response in JSON.
Make sure to use x-www-form-urlencoded format body on your request or it will not work properly.
"Content-Type" => "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
I use oauth2 gem to authorize. So I was able to get this to work by reading the slack documentation and using oauth2 in my controller:
class OauthController < ApplicationController
def authorize
options = {
site: ''
client ||=
params = {
scope: 'incoming-webhook, commands',
redirect_uri: 'https://localhost:3000/oauth/callback'
redirect_to client.auth_code.authorize_url(params)
def authorize_callback
puts params["code"]
redirect_to root_url
Routes file:
get '/authorize', to: 'oauth#authorize'
get '/oauth/callback', to: 'oauth#authorize_callback'
Don't forget to set your callback url at Oauth settings on, I used localhost for testing purposes as you can see.

Any way to debug RSpec request specs?

I am writing a test for a Rails API in RSpec and the endpoint has token authentication set up. I need to pass an Authorization header in the request, but I keep getting a 401 unauthorized error. Is there any way to debug and get some insight into actually which headers are being passed etc. from these types of specs? Otherwise it seems like shooting in the dark. I should note that the token provided below is working perfectly in Postman.
describe "Chirps API" do
it "GET /chirps should return 200" do
get "/chirps", headers: {
"Authorization": "Token token=7cc9f851ea0e4013b7b15ec9131f6d58"
expect(response).to have_http_status(200)
Assuming your controller action is chirps as well, this will help you see the complete request object
def chirps # complete request object #just the headers
To be more interactive you can insert a byebug, then issue the command.
it { byebug }
Then enter your get in the console.

Having trouble with WebMock, not stubbing correctly

Ruby 1.9.3, RSpec 2.13.0, WebMock 1.17.4, Rails 3
I am writing tests for a company app. The controller in question displays a table of a customer's placed calls, and allows for sort/filter options.
EDIT The test fails because with my current setup, the path does not render, because the recorder_server is either not running locally, OR not setup correctly. Please help with this, too.
A Errno::ECONNREFUSED occurred in recordings#index:
Connection refused - connect(2)
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `initialize'
* URL :
* IP address:
* Parameters: {"controller"=>"recordings", "action"=>"index"}
* Rails root: /var/www/rails/<repository>
As a call is placed, its data joins an xml file, created by an external API, called Recorder
The RecordingsController takes the xml file, and parses it into a hash.
When you visit the associated path, you see the results of the hash -- a table of placed calls, their attributes, and parameters for sort/filter.
Here is my spec so far.
require 'spec_helper'
include Helpers
feature 'Exercise recordings controller' do
include_context "shared admin context"
background do
canned_xml ="spec/support/assets/canned_response.xml").read
stub_request(:post, "").
with(body: {"durations"=>["1"], "durations_greater_less"=>["gt"], "filter_from_day"=>"29", "filter_from_hour"=>"0", "filter_from_minute"=>"0", "filter_from_month"=>"12", "filter_from_year"=>"2014", "filter_prefix"=>true, "filter_to_day"=>"29", "filter_to_hour"=>"23", "filter_to_minute"=>"59", "filter_to_month"=>"12", "filter_to_year"=>"2014"}, # "shared_session_id"=>"19f9a08807cc70c1bf41885956695bde"},
headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: canned_xml, headers: {})
uri = URI.parse("")
visit recorded_calls_path
scenario 'show index page with 1 xml result' do
expect(title).to eq("Recorded Calls")
And here is the RecordingsController
class RecordingsController < ApplicationController
# before_filter options
def index
test_session_id = request.session_options[:id]
#Make request to recording app for xml of files
uri = URI.parse("http://#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server}:#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server_port}/recorder/index")
http =, uri.port)
xml_request =
xml_request_data =
# sorting params
xml_request_data[:shared_session_id] = request.session_options[:id]
response = http.request(xml_request)
if response.class == Net::HTTPOK
#recordings_xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body)
#recordings_sorted = #recordings_xml["Recording"].sort { |a,b| Time.parse("#{a["date"]} #{a["time"]}") <=> Time.parse("#{b["date"]} #{b["time"]}") } unless #recordings_xml["Recording"].nil?
else #recordings_xml =
# other defs
Any and all advice is much appreciated. Thank you.
How I configured WebMock
I am answering my own question, with the help of B-Seven and a string of comments. File by file, I will list the changes made in order to properly use WebMock.
Add WebMock to Gemfile under group :test, :development.
bundle install to resolve dependencies
my current setup included Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 2.13.0, WebMock 1.17.4
Setup spec_helper.rb to disable "Real HTTP connections". (This was a backtrace error received later on in this puzzling process.) This allows, to my understanding, all "real connections" to translate into localhost connections and work offline... Which is great since, ideally, I do not want the external app's server to run simultaneously.
require 'webmock/rspec'
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
In my test.rb environment file, the configurations for recorder_server and port were commented out... If left uncommented, the controller would raise an exception stating uninitialized constants. I used the test server/port (substituting the company name for example) as my layout for the spec stubbing.
In recordings_controller_spec.rb, I had already figured out how to make a canned XML response. With these changes above, my spec was able to correctly stub a response on an external, secondary app, and use such response to correctly render the view associated with the controller being tested.
require 'spec_helper'
include Helpers
feature "Exercise recordings_controller" do
include_context "shared admin context"
# A background is currently not used, because I have 3 scenario types... No xml
# results, 1 result, and 2 results. I will later DRY this out with a background,
# but the heavy lifting is over, for now.
scenario "show index page with 1 xml result" do
canned_xml_1 ="spec/support/assets/canned_response_1.xml").read
stub_request(:post, "").
with(headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: canned_xml_1, headers: {})
uri = URI.parse("")
visit recorded_calls_path
title.should == "Recorded Calls"
page.should have_content("Search Results")
page.should have_content("Inbound", "5551230000", "175", "December 24 2014", "12:36:24", "134")
Advice/Resources that helped
With B-Seven's suggestion to my original question (see revisions), I was initially stubbing localhost:3000. He said this was incorrect. After further research, I agree since stubbing with WebMock is typically reserved for outside http connections.
In comments after his answer, B-Seven listed articles to refer to. I will list the ones that helped me the most.
It is very important to read the backtrace generated from an errors. What took me so long to figure out how to mock was mainly reading them incorrectly. As you can see from my question, I was making a :get stub request. A coworker pointed out that the backtrace suggested to use :post. That was the final piece to make my spec pass.
I decided not to input the configuration variables as my stub request, for it would result in long lines of code. Instead, this is why I needed to uncomment out those configurations in test.rb.
Why are you stubbing localhost? I think you want to
stub_request(:get, "http://#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server}:#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server_port}/recorder/index").

How to get 302 redirect location in Rails? (have tried HTTParty, Net/Http and RedirectFollower)

i am trying to get Facebook user's album's cover picture.
as it's said in the API page, it returns "An HTTP 302 with the URL of the album's cover picture" when getting:
http s://[album_id]}/picture?access_token=blahblahblah...
documents here:
i've tried HTTParty, Net:HTTP and also the RedirectFollower class
HTTParty returns the picture image itself, and no "location" (URL) information anywhere
NET:HTTP and RedirectFollower are a bit tricky...
if i don't use URI.encode when passing the URL into the get method, it causes "bad uri" error
but if i use URI.encode to pass the encoded URI, it causes EOFError (end of file reached)
what's amazing is that i can see the location URL when using apigee's FB API
here is the redirect method which is recommended on the Net:HTTP documents:
anything should be modified? or is there any easier way to do this?
thank you!!
def self.fetch(uri_str, limit = 10)
response = Net::HTTP.get_response(URI.parse(uri_str))
case response
when Net::HTTPSuccess then response
when Net::HTTPRedirection then fetch(response['location'], limit - 1)
If you don't mind using a gem, curb will do this for you. It's all about using the follow_location parameter:
gem 'curb'
require 'curb'
# redirects to
result = Curl::Easy.http_get("") do |curl|
curl.follow_location = true
puts result.body_str
This is not the only library with this feature, though.
As a note, many times you will get an invalid location in the header and it will have to be interpreted by the user agent to render it into something useful. A header like Location: / will need to be re-written before it can be fetched. Other times you will get a header like Location: uri=... and you'll have to pull out the location from there. It's really best to leave it to your library than re-write that yourself.
here is what i end up with after some trial and error:
uri_str = URI.encode([album_id]}/picture?access_token=blahblahblah...)
result = Curl::Easy.http_get(uri_str) do |curl|
curl.follow_location = false
puts result.header_str.split('Location: ')[1].split(' ')[0]
the returned header_str looks like
"HTTP blah blah blah Location: http://xxxxxxx/xxxx.jpg blah blah blah"
so i managed to get the URL by using 2 split()
the final result is a clean URL
also the curl.follow_location should be false so it won't return the body of that page
