Having trouble with WebMock, not stubbing correctly - ruby-on-rails

Ruby 1.9.3, RSpec 2.13.0, WebMock 1.17.4, Rails 3
I am writing tests for a company app. The controller in question displays a table of a customer's placed calls, and allows for sort/filter options.
EDIT The test fails because with my current setup, the path does not render, because the recorder_server is either not running locally, OR not setup correctly. Please help with this, too.
A Errno::ECONNREFUSED occurred in recordings#index:
Connection refused - connect(2)
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/net/http.rb:763:in `initialize'
* URL : http://www.recorder.example.com:8080/recorded_calls
* IP address:
* Parameters: {"controller"=>"recordings", "action"=>"index"}
* Rails root: /var/www/rails/<repository>
As a call is placed, its data joins an xml file, created by an external API, called Recorder
The RecordingsController takes the xml file, and parses it into a hash.
When you visit the associated path, you see the results of the hash -- a table of placed calls, their attributes, and parameters for sort/filter.
Here is my spec so far.
require 'spec_helper'
include Helpers
feature 'Exercise recordings controller' do
include_context "shared admin context"
background do
canned_xml = File.open("spec/support/assets/canned_response.xml").read
stub_request(:post, "http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index").
with(body: {"durations"=>["1"], "durations_greater_less"=>["gt"], "filter_from_day"=>"29", "filter_from_hour"=>"0", "filter_from_minute"=>"0", "filter_from_month"=>"12", "filter_from_year"=>"2014", "filter_prefix"=>true, "filter_to_day"=>"29", "filter_to_hour"=>"23", "filter_to_minute"=>"59", "filter_to_month"=>"12", "filter_to_year"=>"2014"}, # "shared_session_id"=>"19f9a08807cc70c1bf41885956695bde"},
headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'Content-Type'=>'application/x-www-form-urlencoded', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: canned_xml, headers: {})
uri = URI.parse("http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index")
visit recorded_calls_path
scenario 'show index page with 1 xml result' do
expect(title).to eq("Recorded Calls")
And here is the RecordingsController
class RecordingsController < ApplicationController
# before_filter options
def index
test_session_id = request.session_options[:id]
#Make request to recording app for xml of files
uri = URI.parse("http://#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server}:#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server_port}/recorder/index")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
xml_request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(uri.request_uri)
xml_request_data = Hash.new
# sorting params
xml_request_data[:shared_session_id] = request.session_options[:id]
response = http.request(xml_request)
if response.class == Net::HTTPOK
#recordings_xml = XmlSimple.xml_in(response.body)
#recordings_sorted = #recordings_xml["Recording"].sort { |a,b| Time.parse("#{a["date"]} #{a["time"]}") <=> Time.parse("#{b["date"]} #{b["time"]}") } unless #recordings_xml["Recording"].nil?
else #recordings_xml = Hash.new
# other defs
Any and all advice is much appreciated. Thank you.

How I configured WebMock
I am answering my own question, with the help of B-Seven and a string of comments. File by file, I will list the changes made in order to properly use WebMock.
Add WebMock to Gemfile under group :test, :development.
bundle install to resolve dependencies
my current setup included Ruby 1.9.3, Rails 2.13.0, WebMock 1.17.4
Setup spec_helper.rb to disable "Real HTTP connections". (This was a backtrace error received later on in this puzzling process.) This allows, to my understanding, all "real connections" to translate into localhost connections and work offline... Which is great since, ideally, I do not want the external app's server to run simultaneously.
require 'webmock/rspec'
WebMock.disable_net_connect!(allow_localhost: true)
In my test.rb environment file, the configurations for recorder_server and port were commented out... If left uncommented, the controller would raise an exception stating uninitialized constants. I used the test server/port (substituting the company name for example) as my layout for the spec stubbing.
In recordings_controller_spec.rb, I had already figured out how to make a canned XML response. With these changes above, my spec was able to correctly stub a response on an external, secondary app, and use such response to correctly render the view associated with the controller being tested.
require 'spec_helper'
include Helpers
feature "Exercise recordings_controller" do
include_context "shared admin context"
# A background is currently not used, because I have 3 scenario types... No xml
# results, 1 result, and 2 results. I will later DRY this out with a background,
# but the heavy lifting is over, for now.
scenario "show index page with 1 xml result" do
canned_xml_1 = File.open("spec/support/assets/canned_response_1.xml").read
stub_request(:post, "http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index").
with(headers: {'Accept'=>'*/*', 'User-Agent'=>'Ruby'}).
to_return(status: 200, body: canned_xml_1, headers: {})
uri = URI.parse("http://recorder.example.com:8080/recorder/index")
visit recorded_calls_path
title.should == "Recorded Calls"
page.should have_content("Search Results")
page.should have_content("Inbound", "5551230000", "175", "December 24 2014", "12:36:24", "134")
Advice/Resources that helped
With B-Seven's suggestion to my original question (see revisions), I was initially stubbing localhost:3000. He said this was incorrect. After further research, I agree since stubbing with WebMock is typically reserved for outside http connections.
In comments after his answer, B-Seven listed articles to refer to. I will list the ones that helped me the most.
It is very important to read the backtrace generated from an errors. What took me so long to figure out how to mock was mainly reading them incorrectly. As you can see from my question, I was making a :get stub request. A coworker pointed out that the backtrace suggested to use :post. That was the final piece to make my spec pass.
I decided not to input the configuration variables as my stub request, for it would result in long lines of code. Instead, this is why I needed to uncomment out those configurations in test.rb.

Why are you stubbing localhost? I think you want to
stub_request(:get, "http://#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server}:#{Rails.application.config.recorder_server_port}/recorder/index").


How do i test requests with digest authentication on RSpec

Hope you're having a great day.
I'm new to security in Rails and I've come through a problem of authenticating a Digest request on tests in Rails. From the course I'm learning this from (which doesn't use tests), the Digest authentication provided by Rails is not really that much used, so there wouldn't be a necessity for it. But i still got curious on how to test it with RSpec, which led me to a lot of hours trying to do something that probably isn't supposed to be done.
Anyways, here's my dilemma, it seems to me that a Digest authentication needs two requests, where it can send some variables through the header (like "nonce" and "opaque") and another that receives some calculated stuff with the "failed" request header (like "cnonce" and "response").
Bellow is a code of a helper to make the second header before mocking the request again, which would then make a OK status. Unfortunately, there're some variables lacking (in the case, "cnonce" and "response"), and i have no idea where to find them. I tried finding methods in Digest related classes on Ruby and Rails, but none seem to make these calculations, although i feel like i'm not seeing something here.
class DigestHeaderWriter
def initialize(header, user, password)
#header = header
#user = user
#password = password
def call
str_pieces = #header["WWW-Authenticate"].split(/\"/)
"ACCEPT" => "application/vnd.api+json",
"Authorization" =>
"Digest username=\"#{#user}\","\
OBS: forgive me the unused password variable, i thought i could calculate something with it.
Here is an example string array from the first response header, aka str_pieces:
"Digest realm=",
", qop=",
", algorithm=MD5, nonce=",
", opaque=",
Bellow is the test on the spec archive:
describe "GET /show" do
it "renders a successful response" do
kind = Kind.create! valid_attributes
kind2 = Kind.create! valid_attributes2
get "http://www.example.com/kinds/1", headers: header
get "http://www.example.com/kinds/1", headers: DigestHeaderWriter.new(response.header, "Name", "secret").call
expect(response).to be_successful
expect(response.body).to include valid_attributes[:description]
expect(response.body).not_to include valid_attributes2[:description]
Basically it just stops at expect(response).to be_successful, and the header string just says that it's not an authorized request (401).
Maybe there's a whole other way to do it, either way i'm curious for a solution.

How to check for successful response from API in rails by just using status code?

I am consuming an API using a gem in Ruby on Rails. The gem makes the API call for me and returns the status code as an integer (for example 200, 201 e.t.c.) and the data response from the API.
def get_cars
status_code, data = MyGem::Cars.get_cars
# Perform data manipulation
raise "There was an error processing the request. Status code #{status_code}"
Now I have manually initialised SUCCESSFUL_RESPONSE_CODES as a list containing integers of successful codes I found here.
Is this list defined somewhere in Ruby/RoR to avoid manually defining it?
I would expect any widely supported gem to use standard HTTP response codes to determine if the HTTP response was a success. For example:
require 'open-uri' # Rails loads this by default.
res = open('http://example.com')
=> ["200","OK"]
=> true
So long as you trust the gem code making your request to handle standard HTTP response codes, you should be ok. Here's another example using HTTParty gem
require 'HTTParty'
res = HTTParty.get('https://example.com')
=> true

Can I use a Request / Reply - RPC pattern in Rails 3 with AMQP?

For reasons similar to the ones in this discussion, I'm experimenting with messaging in lieu of REST for a synchronous RPC call from one Rails 3 application to another. Both apps are running on thin.
The "server" application has a config/initializers/amqp.rb file based on the Request / Reply pattern in the rubyamqp.info documentation:
require "amqp"
EventMachine.next_tick do
connection = AMQP.connect ENV['CLOUDAMQP_URL'] || 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost'
channel = AMQP::Channel.new(connection)
requests_queue = channel.queue("amqpgem.examples.services.time", :exclusive => true, :auto_delete => true)
requests_queue.subscribe(:ack => true) do |metadata, payload|
puts "[requests] Got a request #{metadata.message_id}. Sending a reply..."
:routing_key => metadata.reply_to,
:correlation_id => metadata.message_id,
:mandatory => true)
Signal.trap("INT") { connection.close { EventMachine.stop } }
In the 'client' application, I'd like to render the results of a synchronous call to the 'server' in a view. I realize this is a bit outside the comfort zone of an inherently asynchronous library like the amqp gem, but I'm wondering if there's a way to make it work. Here is my client config/initializers/amqp.rb:
require 'amqp'
EventMachine.next_tick do
AMQP.connection = AMQP.connect 'amqp://guest:guest#localhost'
Signal.trap("INT") { AMQP.connection.close { EventMachine.stop } }
Here is the controller:
require "amqp"
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
def index
puts "[request] Sending a request..."
:routing_key => "amqpgem.examples.services.time",
:message_id => Kernel.rand(10101010).to_s,
:reply_to => WelcomeController.replies_queue.name)
WelcomeController.replies_queue.subscribe do |metadata, payload|
puts "[response] Response for #{metadata.correlation_id}: #{payload.inspect}"
#message = payload.inspect
def self.channel
#channel ||= AMQP::Channel.new(AMQP.connection)
def self.replies_queue
#replies_queue ||= channel.queue("reply", :exclusive => true, :auto_delete => true)
When I start both applications on different ports and visit the welcome#index view.
#message is nil in the view, since the result has not yet returned. The result arrives a few milliseconds after the view is rendered and is displayed on the console:
$ thin start
>> Using rack adapter
>> Thin web server (v1.5.0 codename Knife)
>> Maximum connections set to 1024
>> Listening on, CTRL+C to stop
[request] Sending a request...
[response] Response for 3877031: "2012-11-27 22:04:28 -0600"
No surprise here: subscribe is clearly not meant for synchronous calls. What is surprising is that I can't find a synchronous alternative in the AMQP gem source code or in any documentation online. Is there an alternative to subscribe that will give me the RPC behavior I want? Given that there are other parts of the system in which I'd want to use legitimately asynchronous calls, the bunny gem didn't seem like the right tool for the job. Should I give it another look?
edit in response to Sam Stokes
Thanks to Sam for the pointer to throw :async / async.callback. I hadn't seen this technique before and this is exactly the kind of thing I was trying to learn with this experiment in the first place. send_response.finish is gone in Rails 3, but I was able to get his example to work for at least one request with a minor change:
render :text => #message
rendered_response = response.prepare!
Subsequent requests fail with !! Unexpected error while processing request: deadlock; recursive locking. This may have been what Sam was getting at with the comment about getting ActionController to allow concurrent requests, but the cited gist only works for Rails 2. Adding config.allow_concurrency = true in development.rb gets rid of this error in Rails 3, but leads to This queue already has default consumer. from AMQP.
I think this yak is sufficiently shaven. ;-)
While interesting, this is clearly overkill for simple RPC. Something like this Sinatra streaming example seems a more appropriate use case for client interaction with replies. Tenderlove also has a blog post about an upcoming way to stream events in Rails 4 that could work with AMQP.
As Sam points out in his discussion of the HTTP alternative, REST / HTTP makes perfect sense for the RPC portion of my system that involves two Rails apps. There are other parts of the system involving more classic asynchronous event publishing to Clojure apps. For these, the Rails app need only publish events in fire-and-forget fashion, so AMQP will work fine there using my original code without the reply queue.
You can get the behaviour you want - have the client make a simple HTTP request, to which your web app responds asynchronously - but you need more tricks. You need to use Thin's support for asynchronous responses:
require "amqp"
class WelcomeController < ApplicationController
def index
puts "[request] Sending a request..."
:routing_key => "amqpgem.examples.services.time",
:message_id => Kernel.rand(10101010).to_s,
:reply_to => WelcomeController.replies_queue.name)
WelcomeController.replies_queue.subscribe do |metadata, payload|
puts "[response] Response for #{metadata.correlation_id}: #{payload.inspect}"
#message = payload.inspect
# Trigger Rails response rendering now we have the message.
# Tested in Rails 2.3; may or may not work in Rails 3.x.
rendered_response = send_response.finish
# Pass the response to Thin and make it complete the request.
# env['async.callback'] expects a Rack-style response triple:
# [status, headers, body]
# This unwinds the call stack, skipping the normal Rails response
# rendering, all the way back up to Thin, which catches it and
# interprets as "I'll give you the response later by calling
# env['async.callback']".
throw :async
def self.channel
#channel ||= AMQP::Channel.new(AMQP.connection)
def self.replies_queue
#replies_queue ||= channel.queue("reply", :exclusive => true, :auto_delete => true)
As far as the client is concerned, the result is indistinguishable from your web app blocking on a synchronous call before returning the response; but now your web app can process many such requests concurrently.
Async Rails is an advanced technique; you need to know what you're doing. Some parts of Rails do not take kindly to having their call stack abruptly dismantled. The throw will bypass any Rack middlewares that don't know to catch and rethrow it (here is a rather old partial solution). ActiveSupport's development-mode class reloading will reload your app's classes after the throw, without waiting for the response, which can cause very confusing breakage if your callback refers to a class that has since been reloaded. You'll also need to ask ActionController nicely to allow concurrent requests.
You're also going to need to match up requests and responses. As it stands, if Request 1 arrives, and then Request 2 arrives before Request 1 gets a response, then it's undefined which request would receive Response 1 (messages on a queue are distributed round-robin between the consumers subscribed to the queue).
You could do this by inspecting the correlation_id (which you'll have to explicitly set, by the way - RabbitMQ won't do it for you!) and re-enqueuing the message if it's not the response you were waiting for. My approach was to create a persistent Publisher object which would keep track of open requests, listen for all responses, and lookup the appropriate callback to invoke based on the correlation_id.
Alternative: just use HTTP
You're really solving two different (and tricky!) problems here: persuading Rails/thin to process requests asynchronously, and implementing request-response semantics on top of AMQP's publish-subscribe model. Given you said this is for calling between two Rails apps, why not just use HTTP, which already has the request-response semantics you need? That way you only have to solve the first problem. You can still get concurrent request processing if you use a non-blocking HTTP client library, such as em-http-request.

Ruby VCR gem keeps recording the same requests

In my cucumber support directory I have the following in vcr.rb:
require 'vcr'
VCR.configure do |c|
c.cassette_library_dir = 'fixtures/vcr_cassettes'
c.hook_into :webmock
c.ignore_localhost = true
c.default_cassette_options = { record: :new_episodes }
I am geocoding city names which makes calls to the Google Maps API. I'm trying to record and stub these requests, but it keeps recording the same requests to the same yml file:
- request:
method: get
uri: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Miami,%20FL&language=en&sensor=false
encoding: US-ASCII
string: ''
- gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
- ! '*/*'
- Ruby
# response...
- request:
method: get
uri: http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/geocode/json?address=Miami,%20FL&language=en&sensor=false
encoding: US-ASCII
string: ''
- gzip;q=1.0,deflate;q=0.6,identity;q=0.3
- ! '*/*'
- Ruby
It's the same URL and very same request, shouldn't VCR stub the request? How can I prevent my specs from hitting the API every time I try to search for the same city?
It's hard to say for sure what's going on with just what you've posted, but I can explain a bit more about how VCR works and make some guesses about possible reasons for this behavior.
VCR uses request matchers to try to find a previously recorded HTTP interaction to play back. During a single cassette session, when an HTTP interaction is played back, it is considered to be "used" and it will not be played back again (unless you use the allow_playback_repeats option).
So...here are a couple possibilities that come to mind:
Maybe VCR is unable to match your HTTP requests. What request matchers are you using? There are some easy ways to troubleshoot this (see below).
If you're not using :allow_playback_repeats (which is the default, and how I recommend you use VCR), then the behavior you're seeing could happen if multiple duplicate requests are being made in your test--e.g., maybe the cassette has only one matching request but you're test makes 2 of them--that would play back one and record one (since you're using :new_episodes).
To troubleshoot this, I recommend you use the debug_logger option to get VCR to print what it's doing and how it's trying to match each request. That should give you insight into what's going on. You can also override any of the built in request matchers and provide your own logic and/or set a breakpoint in the matcher:
VCR.configure do |c|
c.register_request_matcher :uri do |request_1, request_2|
debugger # so you can inspect the requests here
request_1.uri == request_2.uri
You may also have run into a VCR bug, although comparing the URIs (using String#==) is such a basic operation that I have a hard time imagining a bug there. Feel free to open a github issue (hopefully with the debug logger output and/or a code sample that triggers this) if you can't figure it out.
On a side note, I recommend you use the :once record mode (the default) rather than :new_episodes. :once will never record additional HTTP interactions to an existing cassette--it only allows the cassette to be recorded once. If a request fails to match, it'll raise an error alerting you to the fact it couldn't match. :new_episodes, on the other hand, will record any request that it can't find a match for, which is the behavior you're seeing.
When I had a similar problem, I fixed it by making the match_requests_on setting more specific:
VCR.configure do |c|
c.default_cassette_options = {
match_requests_on: [:uri, :body, :method]
I experienced similar behaviour, so what I do is basically keeping to set to :none. If any new requests come up, I use :any, run the part of the test suite that did the requests and set it back to :none.
Seems like :new_episodes uses some strange heuristics to detemermine what new requests are and what requests already occurred. In our case it marked two different requests to the payment gateways as the same ones, leading to endless hours of debugging - because we got a RefundOk answer to a CaptureRequest and things like that. Better don't use :new_episodes...
Using Elasticsearch with VCR will always regenerate the cassettes if you not define the match parameters. I've to define the match to only :method because the :uri and :body could change each time that the test is running.
VCR.configure do |c|
c.hook_into :webmock
c.ignore_localhost = true
c.cassette_library_dir = 'spec/cassettes'
c.default_cassette_options = { record: :new_episodes,
match_requests_on: [:method] }

What's the best way to use SOAP with Ruby?

A client of mine has asked me to integrate a 3rd party API into their Rails app. The only problem is that the API uses SOAP. Ruby has basically dropped SOAP in favor of REST. They provide a Java adapter that apparently works with the Java-Ruby bridge, but we'd like to keep it all in Ruby, if possible. I looked into soap4r, but it seems to have a slightly bad reputation.
So what's the best way to integrate SOAP calls into a Rails app?
I built Savon to make interacting with SOAP webservices via Ruby as easy as possible.
I'd recommend you check it out.
We used the built in soap/wsdlDriver class, which is actually SOAP4R.
It's dog slow, but really simple. The SOAP4R that you get from gems/etc is just an updated version of the same thing.
Example code:
require 'soap/wsdlDriver'
client = SOAP::WSDLDriverFactory.new( 'http://example.com/service.wsdl' ).create_rpc_driver
result = client.doStuff();
That's about it
We switched from Handsoap to Savon.
Here is a series of blog posts comparing the two client libraries.
I also recommend Savon. I spent too many hours trying to deal with Soap4R, without results. Big lack of functionality, no doc.
Savon is the answer for me.
Getting Started with SOAP4R
And I just heard about this on the Rails Envy Podcast (ep 31):
WS-Deathstar SOAP walkthrough
Just got my stuff working within 3 hours using Savon.
The Getting Started documentation on Savon's homepage was really easy to follow - and actually matched what I was seeing (not always the case)
Kent Sibilev from Datanoise had also ported the Rails ActionWebService library to Rails 2.1 (and above).
This allows you to expose your own Ruby-based SOAP services.
He even has a scaffold/test mode which allows you to test your services using a browser.
I have used HTTP call like below to call a SOAP method,
require 'net/http'
class MyHelper
def initialize(server, port, username, password)
#server = server
#port = port
#username = username
#password = password
puts "Initialised My Helper using #{#server}:#{#port} username=#{#username}"
def post_job(job_name)
puts "Posting job #{job_name} to update order service"
job_xml ="<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv=\"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/\" xmlns:ns=\"http://test.com/Test/CreateUpdateOrders/1.0\">
#http = Net::HTTP.new(#server, #port)
puts "server: " + #server + "port : " + #port
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(('/XISOAPAdapter/MessageServlet?/Test/CreateUpdateOrders/1.0'), initheader = {'Content-Type' => 'text/xml'})
request.basic_auth(#username, #password)
request.body = job_xml
response = #http.request(request)
puts "request was made to server " + #server
validate_response(response, "post_job_to_pega_updateorder job", '200')
def validate_response(response, operation, required_code)
if response.code != required_code
raise "#{operation} operation failed. Response was [#{response.inspect} #{response.to_hash.inspect} #{response.body}]"
test = MyHelper.new("mysvr.test.test.com","8102","myusername","mypassword")
Hope it helps. Cheers.
I have used SOAP in Ruby when i've had to make a fake SOAP server for my acceptance tests. I don't know if this was the best way to approach the problem, but it worked for me.
I have used Sinatra gem (I wrote about creating mocking endpoints with Sinatra here) for server and also Nokogiri for XML stuff (SOAP is working with XML).
So, for the beginning I have create two files (e.g. config.rb and responses.rb) in which I have put the predefined answers that SOAP server will return.
In config.rb I have put the WSDL file, but as a string.
##wsdl = '<wsdl:definitions name="StockQuote"
In responses.rb I have put samples for responses that SOAP server will return for different scenarios.
##login_failure = "<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
<LoginResponse xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">
<LoginResult xmlns:a="http://schemas.datacontract.org/2004/07/WEBMethodsObjects" xmlns:i="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
<a:Error>Invalid username and password</a:Error>
<a:ObjectInformation i:nil="true"/>
So now let me show you how I have actually created the server.
require 'sinatra'
require 'json'
require 'nokogiri'
require_relative 'config/config.rb'
require_relative 'config/responses.rb'
after do
# cors
"Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*",
"Access-Control-Allow-Methods" => "POST",
"Access-Control-Allow-Headers" => "content-type",
# json
content_type :json
#when accessing the /HaWebMethods route the server will return either the WSDL file, either and XSD (I don't know exactly how to explain this but it is a WSDL dependency)
get "/HAWebMethods/" do
case request.query_string
when 'xsd=xsd0'
status 200
body = ##xsd0
when 'wsdl'
status 200
body = ##wsdl
post '/HAWebMethods/soap' do
request_payload = request.body.read
request_payload = Nokogiri::XML request_payload
if request_payload.css('Body').text != ''
if request_payload.css('Login').text != ''
if request_payload.css('email').text == some username && request_payload.css('password').text == some password
status 200
body = ##login_success
status 200
body = ##login_failure
I hope you'll find this helpful!
I was having the same issue, switched to Savon and then just tested it on an open WSDL (I used http://www.webservicex.net/geoipservice.asmx?WSDL) and so far so good!
