I will like to share a single dashboard and not the complete dashboard group in Thingsboard.
When using Roles to share the dashboard from the Tenant to the Costumer, I can only choose to share a dashboard group. However, I just want to share a single dashboard inside the group. How do I achieve that?
I installed the official app Google Cloud to manage and monitor my Google Cloud ressources. I then logged in using an account with an Owner role on the top structure My Organization and an Owner role on all its sub-projects as well. I am super-admin in Google Workspace.
However, I can't seem to access/list any project or ressource in the app. Basically it tells me I lack permissions.
I tried looking for specific IAM permissions for this scenario but without luck.
What am I missing?
To get the permissions that you need to manage access to a project, folder, or organization in Google official cloud you need to have following IAM roles on the resource that you want to manage access for (project, folder, or organization):
To manage access to a project: Project IAM Admin
To manage access to a folder: Folder Admin
To manage access to projects, folders, and organizations:
Organization Admin (roles/resourcemanager.organizationAdmin)
To manage access to almost all Google Cloud resources: Security Admin
For more information about granting roles, see Required permissions and Manage access and check these roles.
I found the solution:
In Google Workspace Admin console, you must activate the service named Additional services without individual control.
Menu 'Apps' > 'Additional Google services' > 'CHANGE' next to 'Access to additional services without individual control for all organisational units is turned Off' (info icon in the upper zone) > 'ON for everyone'
I am building a custom app for MS Teams that sends Proactive chat messages to the users of each of the teams. When I give the app to the teams admin, they will publish the app, but I am not sure how the admin will install for their users, so that I receive conversation_id of all the users in their teams after it has been installed.
I am aware that it is possible through Graph API and is looking to eliminate the app installation through Graph Api.
It's possible for an admin to do this using the Teams Admin section in the Microsoft 365 Tenant Admin screens. Specifically, you're wanting to set up something called "App Setup Policies". See here for more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/teams-app-setup-policies#create-a-custom-app-setup-policy
Using these policies, admins can pre-install the app, and can even pin it on the left menu. They can also choose to do this for all users, or just a specified group.
To be clear though, this will install the app to the users in a -personal- context - it will NOT install the app to any -actual- Teams / Channels or Group Chats - you'd need to use Graph for that, and even then it will only be able to install to -existing- Channels or Chats and won't automatically cover new ones added after that, if that's what you were trying to achieve.
Struggling to get a difinitive answer on this so would appreciate any help.
We have a Python Script that pulls data from a piece of hardware and uploads it to a Google Sheet using the drive / sheets api.
We also have a global policy in the top level OU to Restricts sharing outside of the organisation.
If you create a seperate OU in GAdmin console where external sharing is allowed and move the Account assosiated the with Gdrive / Gsheets to this OU, everything works. You share the sheet with the service account as part of the process.
This also means however the owner of the account can share other data using the account. We'd like to lock down the account , but I'm not sure it's possible as you can't whitelist service accounts, only other Gsuite domains.
There is also a point discussed about using the option to grant the service account "delegating domain-wide authority to the service account for a particular API scope (i.e. Drive) -" but from a security point of view that option that doesn't seem optimum either.
Is there any other way to achieve the access where by you can restrict sharing only with the service account and organisation accounts.
The below describes the process:
Similar question previously.
Whitelisting Service Account for Google Drive Document Access
I installed the ThingsBoard on window machine and when I log with admin account, I can't see the dashboard or customer like the demo.
So why can't I see the two options even that I'm using the admin account?
All dashboards and customers in Thingsboard are tied to a Tenant. Thingsboard support multiple Tenants. When you are logged in as system administrator, Thingsboard can't know which of the tenants to show, so no dashboards or customers are shown.
The system administrator account is for system administration tasks, not for dashboard or customer tasks. If you want to manage dashboards or customers, login as the Tenant or Customer you want to manage.
In my app, I have requested users' permissions for their google sheets. However, there are 2 showing up. I don't think I need 1. because 2. is good enough. How can I turn it off or change to access only the spreadsheets opened or created with this app?
1. View and manage your spreadsheets in Google Drive
2. View and manage Google Drive files and folders that you have opened or created with this app
As per your comment, you are utilizing these two Services:
Spreadsheet Service
Requires authorization to access and manage sheets in drive. Even a single spreadsheet, regardless of the owner, requires this authorization.
Drive Service
Requires authorization to access and manage drive files. But this does not grant permissions to modify these files through other services such as the Spreadsheet Service .
Each of these require a different authorization set. Which is why you see two different requested permissions. This does not mean that the app now has access to every sheet on that users drive, it still only has access to the sheets that are appropriately shared with the user the script is executing as. See this answer as well, which is marginally related.
If you want to remove app-permission 1 from showing, you may manage users and limit app-specific permissions by using the "Role" drop-down to select a predefined role for a user or check individual boxes to turn on permission that apply to all apps in your account. Here's how:
Sign in to your Google Play Developer Console.
Click Settings.
On the left menu, click User accounts & rights.
Near the right side of a row, click the Settings Gear icon.
Select Add app specific rights.
Click the search box to find or select an app.
You can select multiple apps to add permissions for multiple apps at once.
Check boxes to add permissions.
Click Add rights.
To remove app-specific rights, click the X next to a permission on the User accounts & rights page.
Developer Console Help - Add developer account users & manage permissions might help.