How can I fetch values from specific signals from a single CAN message in capl script? - can-bus

For example I have a can message "A" which has signals 1,2,3,4,5,6....
Now, I only want to fetch values from signals 3,5 and 6. How can I do that in a smarter way?


Apache Beam Streaming pipeline with sequential batches

What I am trying to do:
Consume json messages from PubSub subscription using Apache Beam Streaming pipeline & Dataflow Runner
Unmarshal payload strings into objects.
Assume 'messageId' is the unique Id of incoming message. Ex: msgid1, msgid2, etc
Retrieve child records from a database for each object resulted from #2. Same child can be applicable for multiple messages.
Assume 'childId' as the unique Id of child record. Ex: cid1234, cid1235 etc
Group child records by their unique id as shown in example below
KV.of(cid1234,Map.of(msgid1, msgid2)) and KV.of(cid1235,Map.of(msgid1, msgid2))
Write grouped result at childId level to the database
Where should the windowing be introduced? we currently have 30minutes fixed windowing after step#1
How does Beam define start and end time of 30mins window? is it right after we start pipeline or after first message of batch?
What if the steps 2 to 5 take more than 1hour for a window and next window batch is ready. Would both windows batches gets processed in parallel?
How can make the next window messages wait until previous window batch is completed?
If we dont do this, the result at childId level will be overwritten by next batches
Code snippet:
PCollection<PubsubMessage> messages = pipeline.apply("ReadPubSubSubscription",
PCollection<PubsubMessage> windowedMessages = messages.apply(Window.into(FixedWindows
PCollectionTuple unmarshalResultTuple = windowedMessages.apply("UnmarshalJsonStrings",
ParDo.of(new JsonUnmarshallFn())
PCollectionTuple childRecordsTuple = unmarshalResultTuple
ParDo.of(new ChildsReadFn() )
// input is KV of (childId, msgids), output is mutations to write to BT
PCollectionTuple postProcessTuple = childRecordsTuple
ParDo.of(new ChildsProcessorFn())
Addressing each of your questions.
Regarding questions 1 and 2 When you us Windowing within Apache Beam, you need to understand that the "windows existed before the job". What I mean is that the windows start at the UNIX epoch (timestamp = 0). In other words, your data will be allocated within each fixed time range, example with fixed 60 seconds windows:
PCollection<String> items = ...;
PCollection<String> fixedWindowedItems = items.apply(
First window: [0s;59s) - Second : [60s;120s)...and so on
Please refer to the documentation 1, 2 and 3
About question 3, the default of Windowing and Triggering in Apache Beam is to ignore late data. Although, it is possible to configure the handling of late data using withAllowedLateness. In order to do so, it is necessary to understand the concept of Watermarks before. Watermark is a metric of how far behind the data is. Example: you can have a 3 second watermark, then if your data is 3 seconds late it will be assigned to the right window. On the other hand, if it is passed the watermark, you define what it will happen with this data, you can reprocess or ignore it using Triggers.
PCollection<String> items = ...;
PCollection<String> fixedWindowedItems = items.apply(
Pay attention that an amount of time is set for late data to arrive.
PCollection<String> pc = ...;
pc.apply(Window.<String>into(FixedWindows.of(1, TimeUnit.MINUTES))
.triggering(AfterProcessingTime.pastFirstElementInPane() .plusDelayOf(Duration.standardMinutes(1)))
Notice that the window is re-processed and re-computed event time there is late data. This trigger gives you the opportunity to react to the late data.
Finally, about question 4, which is partially explained with the concepts described above. The computations will occur within each fixed window and recomputed/processed every time a trigger is fired. This logic will guarantee your data it is in the right window.

Beam CoGroupByKey with fixed window and event time based trigger generates random elements

I have a pipeline in Beam that uses CoGroupByKey to combine 2 PCollections, first one reads from a Pub/Sub subscription and the second one uses the same PCollection, but enriches the data by looking up additional information from a table, using JdbcIO.readAll. So there is no way there would be data in the second PCollection without it being there in the first one.
There is a fixed window of 10seconds with an event based trigger like below;
The issue I am seeing is that when I stop the pipeline using the Drain mode, it seems to be randomly generating elements for the second PCollection when there has not been any messages coming in to the input Pub/Sub topic. This also happens randomly when the pipeline is running as well, but not consistent, but when draining the pipeline I have been able to consistently reproduce this.
Please find the variation in input vs output below;
You are using a non-deterministic triggering, which means the output is sensitive to the exact ordering in which events come in. Another way to look at this is that CoGBK does not wait for both sides to come in; the trigger starts ticking as soon as either side comes in.
For example, lets call your PCollections A and A' respectively, and assume they each have two elements a1, a2, a1', and a2' (of common provenance).
Suppose a1 and a1' come into the CoGBK, 39 seconds passes, and then a2 comes in (on the same key), another 2 seconds pass, then a2' comes in. The CoGBK will output ([a1, a2], [a1']) when the 40-second mark hits, and then when the window closes ([], [a2']) will get emitted. (Even if everything is on the same key, this could happen occasionally if there is more than a 40-second walltime delay going through the longer path, and will almost certainly happen for any late data (each side will fire separately).
Draining makes things worse, e.g. I think all processing time triggers fire immediately.

can I modify ACK field or CRC field in CAN frame?

To generate error on CAN, I've done change data field. But It seems just change numerical things.
I want to know how to modify ACK or CRC field to inject error.
Can I change that field with software?
No, you cannot change that from software, since that part of the message is always constructed on CAN Communication Controller level and down (Physical Layer).
Basically, the ACK field is not set in SW. It is "completed" by other nodes while the message is sent, and the bitstream arrived to the ACK bit slot.
The CRC is constructed on Communication Controler level, upon the payload the application wishes to send.
So in order to inject such faults in a CAN message, you need a special HIL (Hardware in the Loop) device, which will forcefully overwrite fields of your choosing.
One such device is a CANSTress from Vector, but there are many others.
Regarding NACK error, you can simulate that without HIL, if you have a simulation environment.Or, simply do not turn on the other nodes on the cluster, ensuring there is no other node to ACK the message. Beware, disconnecting CANH and CANL cables will result in a different error type.

Plot event values in Graphite

We would like to use Graphite to plot values related to events such as "a packet of N messages has been published". When no packet is published, no code is run at all and so we cannot send zero to Graphite.
Essentially, we would like to compute some kind of publication rate per second.
Here are some sample data that we send to Graphite (with added timestamps):
2016-11-28 14:46:33.6338Z api.message.publication.count:100
2016-11-28 15:01:36.0780Z api.message.publication.count:12
2016-11-28 15:01:36.9911Z api.message.publication.count:1
2016-11-28 15:01:37.0679Z api.message.publication.count:100
Between 14:46:33 and 15:01:36, no messages were sent. However, between 15:01:36 and 15:01:37, 13 messages were sent (reported as two values, 12 and 1).
I've tried the summarize() function but it does not give results that make sense to me, i.e. I cannot correlate what I'm sending to Graphite and what is displayed by Graphite. Moreover, it seems that summarize() does not support 1-second intervals (I've tried "1second" and "1s" for the interval parameter).
The perSecond() function computes a rate of change (i.e. a derivative) but what we're sending is already a kind of derivative (maybe it's closer to a Dirac delta?) so it doesn't make sense in our context.
Are we completely off, or is there a way to make this work with Graphite?
Edit: I guess we need to add an aggregation stage to our data. Would Carbon aggregation fit the bill here?
It turns out that we were already sending our metrics to statsd, which supports aggregation via the c metric type, and a few other nifty things:

how to cluster percentile of events by time delta?

After a mailing at t0, I will have several "delivered" (and open and click) events (schema and example)
mailing_name, timestamp, email_id, event_type
niceattack, 2016-07-14 12:11:00, 42, open
niceattack, 2016-07-14 12:11:08, 842, open
niceattack, 2016-07-14 12:11:34, 847, open
I would like to see for a mailing how long it takes to be delivered to half of the recipients. So say that I'm sending an email to 1000 addresses now, the first open event is in 2 min, the last one is going to be in a week (and min/max first last seems to be easy to find) but what I'd like to see is that half of the recipients opened it in the first 2 hours after it was sent.
The goal is to send being able to compare is sending now vs on sat morning makes a difference on how fast it's open on average, or if one specific mailing get quicker exposure, and correlate that with other events (how many click on a link, take a specific action on our site...)
I tried to use a cumulate function (how many open event for mailing for each point), but it seems that the cumulative function isn't yet implemented
How do you solve that problem with influxdb?
Solving this problem with InfluxDB alone is not currently possible, however if you're willing to add Kapacitor into the mix, then it should be possible. In particular you'll need to write a User Defined Function (UDF) for that cumulative function in Kapacitor.
The general process will look like the following:
Install and Configure Kapacitor
Create a UDF for the cumulative function you're looking for
Enable that UDF inside of Kapacitor
Write a TICKscript that uses the UDF and writes the results back to InfluxDB
Enable a task defined by the TICKscript you've written
Query the InfluxDB instance to get the results of the cumulative function.
My appoligies for being so high level on this. This is a fairly involved process, but should give you the result you're looking for.
