Is there a way to make Dafny generate C# code without also compiling the code to a .dll or .exe? - dafny

The following options seems relevant but the result is no .dll/.exe and no .cs:
/compile:0 /compileTarget:cs
There doesn't seem to be any other command line options to control this.

I found the answer:
/compile:0 /compileTarget:cs /spillTargetCode:2


applying MSDDetector in colab

I have trouble writing the MSD detector correctly. However, it has no attribute ''create''.
I wrote the following code. But my session crashed for an unknown reason.
I will appreciate any help.
unfortunately, you've found a bug here.
there should be a ´XXX_create()´ function, but someone forgot to expose it to the python api, by adding a CV_WRAP to the function signature here
(and no, you cannot use the 'ordinary' constructor, it does not produce a valid instance (will segfault, if you call any method on it !!))
please raise an issue here
if you're able to build from src, try to fix it locally, by changing that line to:
CV_WRAP static Ptr<MSDDetector> create(....

How to fix problem with Latex in R-Markdown?

I have an R Markdown issue, I am trying to write my thesis on it, when I run the code to generate the pdf, the following message is shown:
! LaTeX Error: Command \counterwithout already defined.
Or name \end... illegal, see p.192 of the manual.
Error: Failed to compile THESIS.tex. See THESIS.log for more info.
Execution halted
Any suggestion?
Found your error on TeX exchange, and the solution seems to be to define the following variables:
Before the package chngcntr (if you are using it).
(Credit to the original answer post)

xlwings(0.7.0) importing UDF error

My problem is that when i try to import an UDF in Ecxel 2013 I receive the error message can be seen on the picture. I have installed xlwings and it works except the UDF importing. Note that i used "xlwings quickstart myproject" so there is no problem with the file names and i also used the sample function so that should be fine as well
Thank you in advance for your help!
I currently don't understand why you get that error, but I should be able to tell you how you can work around it for now:
Open the file in the xlwings package and remove the last argument on line 36, i.e. remove , ArgumentDescriptions=argdocs.
The intended functionality of that line (showing function argument description) is currently broken anyway (see here) so hopefully this will be resolved in a future version.

HDF5 example not working

I tried building the first example here and got errors. Right on the first line there's a missing include statement, but I managed to figure out it should be
#include "hdf5.h"
But even after fixing that I got more errors:
$ h5cc ./example1.c
./example1.c: In function ‘main’:
./example1.c:66:4: error: too few arguments to function ‘H5Dcreate2’
In file included from /usr/include/hdf5.h:27:0,
from ./example1.c:6:
/usr/include/H5Dpublic.h:104:14: note: declared here
Any idea how to solve it?
The example code was written for release 1.6 of hdf5, and as such will simply not compile on a 1.8 release without modification.
If you want to get the code to work on 1.8, you need to enable 1.6 compatibility, which means passing in the flag:
to the h5cc command line like:
h5cc -DH5_USE_16_API ./example1.c
and it should compile correctly; otherwise you will have to rewrite the code to make use of the 1.8 API.

Compiling jabber-net in Xamarin Studio

I am trying to compile jabber-net in Xamarin Studio so I can use it in a Xamarin.iOS app.
From other searches I have done I am told I need to recompile the source.
From command line I can build the dll, but I have no idea what version of .NET/Mono this is targeting.
This makes a jabber-net.dll and a jabber-net.dll.mdb.
If I add jabber-net.dll to my project, add the reqiured
using jabber.client;
JabberClient client = new JabberClient ();
and try to compile I am told.
/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/XMPPChat/AppDelegate.cs(37,47): error CS0584: Internal compiler error: Could not import type jabber.client.JabberClient' fromjabber-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=924c5b18328d6f09'
/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/XMPPChat/AppDelegate.cs(37,38): error CS0584: Internal compiler error: Could not import type jabber.client.JabberClient' fromjabber-net, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=924c5b18328d6f09'
/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/XMPPChat/AppDelegate.cs(37,38): error CS0201: Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, and new object expressions can be used as a statement
I got no idea what is going on here...
When I try to open any of the .sln's (or include any of the existing projects, even the mono specific project) that came with jabber-net into my solution it will either hang trying to convert the project, or will tell me
The file '/Users/brad/Projects/XMPPChat/JabberNet-' could not be loaded.
and will spit out this error.
Any idea where to go from here? :|
Start a new solution from scratch, and add all of the .cs files except those in the test and examples directories. Also make sure you don't have an old version of the .dll around somewhere.
