I want to integrate payment gateway in flutter web. Payment UI is loaded on flutter web but problem is how i get callbacks from this in flutter web.
I want to integrate google Dialogflow chatbot in my iOS application, I have setup everything in google console but don't know how to implement it in iOS(swift) side, can anyone know is there any sdk or document available through which we can integrate dialogflow v2 API in iOS ,do not want to use any chargeable sdk
Since Dialogflow doesn't provide UI to show your chatbot and user's responses, you will have to use the chat SDK platform that supports integration with Dialogflow.
I agree with paying for the SDK may difficult when you are in the initial stage of your business but looks like it is a bit difficult to check for the platform that provides the free SDK integration.
To render your Dialogflow bot responses on your iOS application, you can use a platform like Kommunicate to add the chat option into your iOS app and this will helps you to add your chatbot into your mobile applications.
To do the integration on your iOS app you can check out this documentation and the blog.
I have some confusion for Payment getaway integration with flutter. Right now I can't see any pub for officially provide payment integration with flutter. So We have to do by natively and invoke by platform channel. Payment gateway for flutter
But my question is, instead of integrate payment getaway from mobile side. Can we call payment website by using web view and manage success/failure/cancel status by flutter_webview_plugin or not?
Anybody has done by web view?
Right now, there are available plugins in pub that supports payment integration with flutter. Some of the most popular are the following:
Regarding the implementatio of payment gateways using webview_flutter, you can check out this medium post that shows how to integrate Paypal payment gateway with Flutter.
I have created a payment gateway Framework having bunch of UI and web services for my client.
Now my client want this framework to be used by other IOS developer for Creating Apps and adding his payement gateway using this framework.
Will apple approve app if any app integrate my payment gateway in his/her app?
Or i have to create static library for it?
We are making an app that can sell event tickets from an iOS app. Right now I have implemented Paypal and Stripe payments on my app to charge the customer.
I was asked to integrate Amazon payments on our "NATIVE iOS" app to charge the user of purchased event tickets. I found the integration instructions on the Amazon Payment site but it seems to be compatible for websites only. See https://payments.amazon.com/developer
This was written on their home page:
"Login and Pay with Amazon is the fast, easy and secure way to pay on desktop, tablet and mobile." - https://payments.amazon.com/home
Can you show me how to do it on Swift or Objective-C?
Note: This is about charging the client for payment of a product and not integrating the normal Amazon login or Amazon web services which I think is a different thing from "Amazon Payments" which should be similar to Stripe and Paypal.
From: https://payments.amazon.com/documentation/lpwa/201749840#201749840
Note: The Amazon Payments service has been designed and developed for use within a web browser only. Our Service cannot be used within a native application (including, without limitation, iOS, Android, RIM and Windows operating systems). Amazon Payments reserves the right to suspend the Payment Account of any user of our services that has implemented our Service within a native application.
Check out this resource I found some time back:
However, I am not one hundred percent sure you can actually integrate Amazon Payments into the iOS app natively, as there isn't an official SDK or API that you can use for Android or iOS. However what you could try to do is integrate their C# SDK into your project and then access it through your app.
Hope that helps.
I'm currently developing a phongap application in iOS with payment processs. For that payment process i have integrated Paypal payment gateway. Now my requirement is payment with firstData. I don't know if any SDK is available for this, also what other type of payment should be possible to integrate with phonegap ?