Mapping nodeid to embedded vectors in neo4j - machine-learning

I have uploaded a adjacency matrix into neo4j and used node2vec to get the embedded vectors.I intend to use this on a machine learning classification problem where I have to add the output class as the last column to this embedded vectors,but I am not sure if the embedded vectors I obtained are in the same order(row-wise) as in the adjacency matrix.How do I make sure of this.Any help here would be highly appreciated.

Embeddings are unrelated to the node-ids in the graph.
They are just a list/vectors of floating point numbers (of the width you specified or the default width) that represent the "essence" of each node based on it's attributes and contextual neighborhood.


Using awkward1.Array for BDT

I want to implement a boosted decision tree for my analysis. But the entries in my array contain are of varying length, so the array is not convertible directly into numpy or pandas.
Is there any way to use existing ML libraries with awkward array?
Your ML library might assume that the arrays are NumPy arrays and not recognize an ak.Array. That problem, in itself, is easily solved: call np.to_numpy (or equivalently, cast it with np.asarray) to put it in a form the ML library expects. Incidentally, there's also ak.to_pandas to make a DataFrame in which variable-length nested lists are represented by a MultiIndex (with limitations: there has to be only one nested list, since a DataFrame has only one index).
The above is what I'd call a "branding" issue: the ML library just doesn't recognize the ak.Array "brand" of array, so we relabel it. But there's a more fundamental issue: does the ML algorithm in question intrinsically require rectilinear data? For instance, a feedforward neural network maps N-dimensional inputs to M-dimensional outputs; N and M can't be different for each input. This is a problem even if you're not using Awkward Array. In HEP, the old solution was to run variable-length data through a recurrent neural network (thus ignoring the boundaries between lists and imposing an irrelevant order on them) and the new solution seems to be graph neural networks (which is a more theoretically correct thing to do).
I've noticed that some ML libraries are introducing their own "jagged arrays," which are the minimum structure that Awkward Array provides: TensorFlow has RaggedTensors and PyTorch is getting NestedTensors. I don't know to what degree these data types have been integrated into the ML algorithms, though. If they have been, then Awkward Array ought to get an ak.to_tensorflow and ak.to_pytorch to complement ak.to_numpy and ak.to_pandas, as a way to preserve jaggedness when sending data to these libraries. Hopefully, they'll be able to use that jaggedness in their ML algorithms! (Otherwise, what's the point? But I haven't been following these developments closely.)
You're interested in boosted decision trees (BDTs). I can't think of how a decision tree model, boosted or not, could be adapted to different length inputs... Or maybe I can: the nodes of a decision tree choose which subtree to pass the data down to based on the value of one index in the N-dimensional input. That doesn't imply there's a maximum index value N, though a particular tree would have a set of indexes that it splits on, and there would be some maximum of that set (because the tree is finite!). Apply a tree that wants to split on index k on an input with n < k elements would have to have a contingency for how to split anyway, but there are already methods for applying decision trees to datasets with missing values. An input datum with n elements could be treated as an input for which indexes greater than n are considered missing values. To train such a BDT, you'd have to give it inputs with missing values beyond each list's maximum element.
In Awkward Array, the function for that is ak.pad_none. If you know the maximum length list in your sample (ak.num and ak.max), you can pad the whole array such that all lists have the same length with missing values at the end. If you set clip=True, then the resulting array type is "regular," it no longer considers the possibility that a list can have a length different from the chosen length. If you pass such an array to np.to_numpy (and not np.asarray), then it becomes a NumPy masked array, which a BDT algorithm that expects missing values should be able to recognize.
The only problem with this plan is that padding every list to have the same length as the maximum length list uses more memory. If the BDT algorithm were aware of jaggedness (the way that TensorFlow and soon PyTorch is/will be aware of jaggedness), then it should be able to make these trees and apply them to data without the memory-padding step. I don't know if there are any such BDT implementations out there, but if someone wants to write a "BDT with missing values that accepts jagged arrays," I'd be happy to help them get it set up with Awkward Arrays!

What vector space is Rocchio algorithm computed in?

I have been trying to implement the Rocchio algorithm and I understand the basic idea behind the algorithm but I struggle to put it into concrete terms. I calculated tf_idf before and that is a vector of length of the number of query terms we search for each document that contains at least one of the query terms. But now, I feel like I cannot represent the document as a vector in the space formed just by the query terms because that will not allow me to "discover" other terms that the relevant documents have in common. Should I then represent the vector of the query and vectors of the documents in a vector space of all the tokens found in the currently returned set of documents?
Blockquote yes the dimension of the vectors (both docs and queries) is the vocabulary size of the collection... so these vectors are extremely sparse (most entries being zeroes)...
Yes, as #Debasis said this was the correct answer.

Handling geospatial coordinates in machine learning

I'm building a machine learning model where some columns are physical addresses (which I can translate into X / Y coordinates) but I'm a little bit confused on how this will be handled by the ML algorithm.
Is there a particular way to translate a GEO location into columns for use into ML (classification and/or regression) ?
Thanks in advance !
The choice of features would, in general, depend on what kind of relationship you anticipate between the features and the target variable. You are right in saying that post code number itself does not bear any relation to the target. Here the postcode is simply a string, or a category. What kind of model are you planning to use? Linear regression and Decision tree are two examples. These models capture relationships in different ways. As an example for a feature, you could compute the straight line distance between the source and destination, and use that in the model, since intuitively, the farther they are, the higher the transit time is likely to be. What else does the transit time depend on? See if you can relate the factors influencing the travel time to the information that you have, i.e., the postcodes / XY co-ordinates, in some way.
This summarizes the answer we ended up with in the comments of the questions:
This transformation from ZIP codes to geo-coordinates should not be seen as a "split" but only as a way to represent your data in a multidimensional way (in this case the dimension will be 2).
Machine learning algorithms exist for both unidimensional and multidimensional data. The two dimensions can be correlated or uncorrelated, depending on how you define the parameters of the model you choose afterwards.
Moreover, the correlation does not have to be explicitly set in most cases. Only an initial value may be useful, but many algorithm also rely on random initialization or other simple methods that estimate it from a subset of your data. So, for clarity's sake, if you model you data by a Gaussian for example, when estimating the parameters of this Gaussian, the covariance matrix will have non-diagonal term that are non-zeros which will represent the data correlation. You only need not to take an assumption that states that the 2 dimensions are uncorrelated!

Determining groups in a hierarchical cluster

I have an algorithm that can group data into a hierarchical cluster tree. The algorithm is the one described in Toby Seagram's Programming Collective Intelligence. The tree output is a binary tree with a "distance" value at each node, that tells you how far apart the two child nodes are.
I can then display this as a Dendrogram and it makes it fairly easy for a human spot which values are grouped together. However I'm having difficult coming up with an algorithm that automatically decides what the groups should be. I'd like to be able to determine automatically:
The number of group
Which points should be placed in each group
Is there a standard algorithm for this?
I think there is no default way to do this. Simple 'manual' methods would be to either:
specify the number of clusters you want/expect
set a threshold for the maximum distance between two nodes; any nodes with a larger distance belong to another cluster
There are some automatic methods to determine the number of clusters. R has the Dynamic Tree Cut package which automatically deals with this problem, also pvclust could be used. Here are two more methods described to deal with this problem, Salvador (2002) and Daniels (2006).
I have found out that the Calinski-Harabasz index (also known as Variance Ratio Criterion) works well with dendrograms produced by hierarchical clustering. You can find more information (and a comparative study) in this paper.

Loglikelihood similarity for document clustering

I’m using following loglikelihood formula to compare the similarity between a document and a cluster:
log p(d|c) = sum (c(w,d) * log p(w|c));
c(w,d) is the frequency of a word in a document and p(w|c) is the likelihood of word w being generated by a cluster c.
The problem is that based on this similarity the document is often assigned to the wrong cluster. If I assign the document to the cluster with the highest log p(d|c) (as it is usually negative value I take –log p(d|c)) then it will be the cluster that contains a lot of words from a document but the probability of these words in the cluster is low.
If I assign the document to the cluster with the lowest log p(d|c) then it will be the cluster that has intersection with a document only in one word.
Can someone explain me how to use the loglikelihood correctly? I try to implement this function in java. I already looked on google scholar, but didn’t found suitable explanation of loglikelihood in text mining.
Thanks in advance
Your log likelihood formulation is correct for describing a document with a multinomial model (words in each document are generated independently from a multinomial distribution).
To get the maximum likelihood cluster assignment, you should be taking the cluster assignment, c, that maximizes log p(d|c). log p(d|c) should be a negative number - the maximum is the number closest to zero.
If you are getting cluster assignments that don't make sense, it is likely that this is because the multinomial model does not describe your data well. So, the answer to your question is most likely that you should either choose a different statistical model or use a different clustering method.
