Cytoscape Error Loading KEGG Pathway Index Out of Bounds for length 1 - cytoscape

I'm trying to use CytoKegg in Cytoscape to overlay data on a KEGG Pathway. After uploading the KGML file from KEGG, depending on which pathway, I'm either 1) Not getting the Cytoscape app to interact or 2) Receiving this error message: Error Loading KEGG Pathway Index Out of Bounds for length 1.
I have previously successfully used the macaque WNT & Melanogenesis pathways but am now having #2 occur with these pathways. I'd like to use the Hedgehog pathway and am having #1 happen. The only thing that has changed on my end since successfully doing this is I'm currently out of the US -- I don't think this would affect this app or KEGG but I'm not sure what else would have changed.
Any help is greatly appreciated so thanks in advance!!!

You could try contacting the App authors listed on this page to see if they can help:
and if that fails there is another Cytoscape App that can import KGML files:



I am trying to use C++ AMP in Visual C++ 2017 on Windows 10 (updated to the latest) and I find the archived FFT library from C++ AMP team on codeplex. I try to run the sample code, however the program throws ran out of memory error when creating DirectX FFT. I solve that problem by following the thread on Microsoft forum.
However, the problem doesn't stop. When the FFT library tries to create Unordered Access View, it throws error of CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN. I did not try to operate on clipboard anyhow.
Thank you for reading this!
It seems I solve the problem. The original post mentioned that we need to create a new DirectX device and then create accelerator view upon it. Then I pass that view to ctor of fft as the second parameter.
concurrency::extent<_Dim> _Transform_extent,
const concurrency::accelerator_view& _Av = concurrency::accelerator().default_view,
float _Forward_scale = 0.0f,
float _Inverse_scale = 0.0f)
However, I still have crashes of the CLIPBRD_E_CANT_OPEN.
After reading the code, I realize that I need to create array on that DirectX views too. So I started to change:
array<std::complex<float>,dims> transformed_array(extend, directx_acc_view);
The idea comes from the different behaviors of create_uav(). The internal buffers and the precomputing caused no problem, but the samples' calls trigger the clipboard error. I guess the device matters here, so I do that change.
I hope my understanding is correct and anyway there is no such errors now.

Adding a new language to Tesseract ios SDK

I am able to compile the English version which is already in sample for tesseract but not able to add other language like swe.traineddata.
I'm doing like this
G8RecognitionOperation *operation = [[G8RecognitionOperation alloc] initWithLanguage:#"eng+swe"];
When adding this its giving this error but working fine with English.
Cube ERROR (CubeRecoContext::Load): unable to read cube language model params from /private/var/mobile/Containers/Bundle/Application/D93B654A-1E46-4A34-9A83-95C6FC903085/*.app/tessdata/swe.cube.lm
Cube ERROR (CubeRecoContext::Create): unable to init CubeRecoContext object
init_cube_objects(true, &tessdata_manager):Error:Assert failed:in file tessedit.cpp, line 203
The fact it does not work has to do with the engine mode. If you use the CubeOnly or TesseractCubeCombined, you need 'cube' files. Engine mode TesseractOnly works fine.
you are missing some of files,I think so.Also check on Create Folder References.that helped me once.

Why is PHAssetCollection Count 0?

I'm trying to wrangle the new photo features of iOS 8's photo editing capabilities. Their documentation is very sparse so I'd love some input from you as to what might be going on.
I am trying to fetch ALL the images the user has saved. I am doing a fetch but it keeps telling me the result size is 0. It also shoots out a weird error along with it
func initController()
_userAlbums = PHCollectionList.fetchTopLevelUserCollectionsWithOptions(nil)//GET PERMISSION BEFORE DOING THIS
println("Albums count is \(_userAlbums.count)") //error when printing this
This prints out
2014-10-27 17:43:50.254 appiOS[4854:732084] [PLLogging] ***** Error: logging directory does not exist
Albums count is 0
There are at least 100 images on the iPad I am using. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
_userAlbums = PHAsset.fetchAssetsWithOptions(nil)
There are at least 100 images on the iPad I am using. Any idea what I am doing wrong?
You are not doing anything wrong. Your expectations seem a bit out of whack, though. The statement "there are at least 100 images" seems indicative of a deeper misconception, because, after all, PHCollectionList.fetchTopLevelUserCollectionsWithOptions has nothing to do with images. It has to do with, uh, top level user collections. Evidently your device doesn't have any of those.
But now go to the Photos app on your iPad and make a few albums. Those are top level user collections! So then run your app again. Assuming you've been granted permission to access the photo library, now your logging will result in a number larger than 0.

OpenCV Line-Mod problems with Images

I'm trying to use line-mod (in special line-2d) in opencv 2.4 to compare images. At the moment I try to change the test-implementation linemod.cpp to use an input images instead of the camera, but without any success.
I tried to load an image via imread('...', CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR); and pushed that in the sources vector but got a 'OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (response_map.rows % T == 0) in linearize' error.
If I load a CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE image the run stops at detector->match with the error 'Thread 1: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x11310f000)'.
I don't understand what makes the difference between images coming from a VideoCapturer and from imread...
Is there anyone out there that may help me? I'm totally lost ... again ;-)
(For example sample code for matching two objects from images with linemod would be absolutely great!)
I use opencv 2.4 with xcode on a mac.
Maybe it is too late for an answer, but I am also interested in the algorithm
In the OpenCV Minutes 2012-06-26 ( ) you can read:
Will work with Stefan Hinterstoisser for final version of LINEMOD by September
So if you did not already solve it, you may want to wait.

xtaskcreate-getting error

Hello I am working on EZ430-RF2560T target board attached to debugging interface (attached to USB of PC) for the Tux Racer game application (MSP430BT5190 target board ). I am working on the accelerometer application code. After the bluetooth is turned On it gives the message "unable to create task " for the function
xTaskCreate((pdTASK_CODE) user_task_routine,
(const signed portCHAR *)USER_TASK_NAME,
(xTaskHandle *) NULL);
Please let me know what could be done.........
Hard to say without more info or code. Looks like the task create line is straight from some dummy documentation or sample. Have you defined all the relevant parts such as USER_TASK_NAME, USER_TASK_STACK_SIZE, USER_TASK_PRIORITY, and especially the function user_task_routine?
Were there any compiler errors in this module?
The name "user task" sounds rather generic, maybe you might consider a descriptive name :)
Are other demo tasks running on the board? You might compare your task to them and see how they are started.
Could you simply be running out of memory? Try disabling some of the other tasks and starting only your task.
There is also a support community at that tends to provide helpful responses.
