Please tell me the Arrayformula at C1 which converts the column A to column C,D & E as shown.
Google Sheet Link
Extra information:
Column A is actually not raw data, it is also an Arrayformula:
=ARRAYFORMULA(VLOOKUP($A:$A, TRIM(SUBSTITUTE(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(QUERY( {Sheet1!$B:$B&"^"&Sheet1!$C:$C&"^"&Sheet1!$D:$D&"#", Sheet1!$A:$A,Sheet1!$A:$A&"×"}, "select max(Col1) where Col2 is not null group by Col1 pivot Col3",1),,9^9)), "×"), "#", CHAR(10))), 2, 0))
You can check the "Sheet1" & "Extra Information" sheets to understand it.
"Sheet1" Sheet:
"Extra Information" Sheet:
This Arrayformula at B1 is what I achieved, I am not able to split this by ^ into columns as shown in 1st Image.
try in C2:
VLOOKUP(A2:A, TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(QUERY({IF(Sheet1!A2:D="",,{Sheet1!A2:A&"♦", Sheet1!B2:D&"♥"}), ROW(Sheet1!A2:A)},
"select max(Col2) where Col2 is not null group by Col5 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "♦")), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A, TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(QUERY({IF(Sheet1!A2:D="",,{Sheet1!A2:A&"♦", Sheet1!B2:D&"♥"}), ROW(Sheet1!A2:A)},
"select max(Col3) where Col2 is not null group by Col5 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "♦")), 2, ),
VLOOKUP(A2:A, TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(QUERY(QUERY({IF(Sheet1!A2:D="",,{Sheet1!A2:A&"♦", Sheet1!B2:C&"♥", TEXT(Sheet1!D2:D, "dd/mm/e")&"♥"}), ROW(Sheet1!A2:A)},
"select max(Col4) where Col2 is not null group by Col5 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "♦")), 2, )}, "♥$", ), "♥ ", CHAR(10))))
I have a list of answers that comes in through a form in Google sheets like this. Please note that the answers in Column F & G are comma seperated
I would like to end up with a list looking like this for the Name 'Test Mother'...
I merged all my added results and all my deleted results in two columns like this but when I try to look for the difference they take out both the instances of 'lo lo' because it has been deleted and put back again. What I need it to do is to leave one instance and take out the other.
I used this formula
=TEXTJOIN(",",true,unique(ArrayFormula(trim(split(textjoin(", ", true,B2:C2),","))),true,true))
I feel I might have gone down the rabbit hole with this one but it was the only way I could think of starting comparing the cells but as it takes our all the instances it doesn't give me the right result in the end.
The google sheet is here
QUERY({A2:A&"¤", IF(F2:F="",,SUBSTITUTE(F2:F, " ", "×")&","), ROW(A2:A)},
"select max(Col2) where not Col1 = '¤'
group by Col3 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "¤"), "×", " ")), ",$", ))
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(F2:F9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"}), NOT(COUNTIF(FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(G2:G9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})),,9^9))&COUNTIFS(FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(G2:G9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})),,9^9)), FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(G2:G9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})),,9^9)), SEQUENCE(ROWS(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(G2:G9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"}))), "<="&SEQUENCE(ROWS(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(G2:G9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})))), FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(F2:F9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})),,9^9))&COUNTIFS(FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(F2:F9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})),,9^9)), FLATTEN(QUERY(TRANSPOSE(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(F2:F9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})),,9^9)), SEQUENCE(ROWS(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(F2:F9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"}))), "<="&SEQUENCE(ROWS(TEXT(
QUERY(TRIM(SPLIT(FLATTEN(A2:A9&"×"&SPLIT(F2:F9, ",")), "×")),
"where Col2 is not null", ), {"#♦", "#,"})))))))),
"select max(Col2) group by Col2 pivot Col1"),,9^9)), "♦")), ",$", ))
I have 3 columns :
Date start
End date
I want 3 table :
Pivot Table city with people which enter during the year (Done)
"select Col1, count(Col1)
where year(Col2)=2018 or year(Col2)=2019 or year(Col2)=2020
group by Col1
pivot year(Col2)");
"select * order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc label Col1 'Start'";1)
Pivot Table city with people which left during the year (Done)
"select Col1, count(Col1)
where (year(Col3)=2018 or year(Col3)=2019 or year(Col3)=2020)
group by Col1
pivot year(Col3)");
"select * order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc label Col1 'End'";1)
- Pivot Table city with people which stay during the year (Fail)
"select Col1, count(Col1)
(2018>=YEAR(Col2) and 2018<=YEAR(Col3) or
(2019>=YEAR(Col2) and 2019<=YEAR(Col3) or
(2020>=YEAR(Col2) and 2020<=YEAR(Col3)
group by Col1
pivot year(Col2)");
"select * order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc label Col1 'Between'";1)
For the last one, i am getting trouble.
I guess my Where condition is not adapted and my pivot not working too.
I know pivot year(Col2) can't work for the last one, because if a row got a date start 2015 and 2020 end start, i want it to be counted, but my pivot won't show up 2018 2019 2020.
Any idea ?
Thanks for your time
SEQUENCE(1; 5000; ); ROW(A2:A10)&"×"&A2:A10&"×"&TEXT(B2:B10+SEQUENCE(1; 5000; );
"yyyy-1-1"); )); "×"));
"select Col2,count(Col2)
where year(Col3) matches '2018|2019|2020'
group by Col2
pivot year(Col3)
label Col2'Between'");
"order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc"))
SEQUENCE(1; MAX(DATEDIF(B2:B; C2:C; "Y")); ); ROW(A2:A)&"×"&A2:A&"×"&
YEAR(B2:B)+SEQUENCE(1; MAX(DATEDIF(B2:B; C2:C; "Y")); )&"-1-1"; )); "×");
"select Col2,count(Col2)
where year(Col3) matches '2018|2019|2020'
group by Col2
pivot year(Col3)
label Col2'Between'");
"order by Col4 desc, Col3 desc, Col2 desc"))
I have a column where each row is a sentence. For example:
R1: -Do you think they'll come, sir?
R2: -Oh they'll come, they'll come all right.
R3: Here. Stamp those and mail them.
R4: It's ringing.
R5: Would you walk Myron the other way?
From this range, I want to extract a list of unique words (COLUMN2), and a count of how often they appeared in the range (COLUMN3).
The trick is to remove punctuation marks like commas, periods, etc..
So the desired result for the above would be:
Do 1
you 2
think 1
they'll 3
come 2
sir 1
Oh 1
all 1
right 1
Here 1
Stamp 1
those 1
and 1
mail 1
them 1
It's 1
ringing 1
Would 1
walk 1
Myron 1
the 1
other 1
way 1
I tried parsing each row with the SPLIT function, separating each word into their own cells, but I'm stuck removing the punctuation, and building the list of unique words (which I know will involve the UNIQUE function). The count I'm guessing will also involve the COUNTUNIQUE function.
Any guidance will be appreciated!
You could try something like
=query(ArrayFormula(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(A1:A5, "[^A-Za-z\s/']" ,""),,50000)," "))), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1 label Count(Col1)''")
Change range to suit.
If you want to exclude a list of words (ex. in the range J1:J20) you can try
=ArrayFormula(query(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(A1:A5, "[^A-Za-z\s/']" ,""),,50000)," ")), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where not UPPER(Col1) matches '\b"&textjoin("|", 1, UPPER(J1:J20))&"\b' group by Col1 order by Count(Col1) desc label Count(Col1)''"))
Alternatively, you can also add the list of exclusions to the regex pattern...
=query(ArrayFormula(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(A1:A5, "[^A-Za-z\s/']|\b((?i)the|oh|or|and)\b" ,""),,50000)," "))), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where Col1 <>'' group by Col1 order by Count(Col1) desc label Count(Col1)''")
=ArrayFormula(substitute(query(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(substitute(C11:C, char(39), "_"), "[^A-Za-z\s_]" ,""),,50000)," ")), "Select Col1, Count(Col1) where not UPPER(Col1) matches '\b"&textjoin("|", 1, UPPER(substitute(G11:G,char(39),"_")))&"\b' group by Col1 order by Count(Col1) desc label Count(Col1)''", 0), "_", char(39)))
or, using a different approach
=query(filter(regexreplace(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(C11:C, "[^A-Za-z\s'-]" ,""),,50000)," ")), "^-",), isna(match(upper(regexreplace(transpose(split(query(regexreplace(C11:C, "[^A-Za-z\s'-]" ,""),,50000)," ")), "^-",)), upper(filter(G11:G, len(G11:G))),0))), "Select Col1, count(Col1) group by Col1 order by count(Col1) desc label count(Col1)''", 0)
You can use Mid, RegexReplace, Query, Split, etc, Like this:
= query
regexreplace ( textjoin ( " ", true,filter(mid(A11:A,4, len(A11:A)),A11:A<>"") ) , "[>,.?/!-]"," " ) ," ",true,true
,"Select Col1, Count(Col1) group by Col1 label Col1 'Column2', Count(Col1) 'Column3' "
or if without prefix R1: ~ R5, use like this:
= query
regexreplace ( textjoin ( " ", true,filter(A11:A,A11:A<>"")) , "[>,.?/!-]"," " ) ," ",true,true
, "Select Col1, Count(Col1) group by Col1 label Col1 'Column2', Count(Col1) 'Column3' "
TEXTJOIN(" ", 1, LOWER(A:A)), "\.|\,|\?", ), " ")),
"select Col1,count(Col1)
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)''", 0))
QUERY(LOWER(A:A),,999^99), "[^a-z0-9а-я ]", ), " ")),
"select Col1,count(Col1)
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)''", 0))
QUERY(LOWER(A:A),,999^99), "[^a-z0-9 ]", ), " ")),
"select Col1,count(Col1)
where not Col1 matches 'the|and|i|you|its'
group by Col1
order by count(Col1) desc
label count(Col1)''", 0))
In Google Sheets, it's possible to sort by an "inner value", for example:
Is it also possible to do this in the "Filter" (more accurate, this would be a "having" clause), or is this option only available for sorting?
Here's a copy of an example sheet where I have the data sorted, and I'd also like to do a similar filter:
"select A,sum(C) where C >= 2 group by A pivot B"),
"where Col2 is not null")
to mimic those Grand Totals from Pivot table:
"select A,sum(C) where C >= 2 group by A pivot B"),
"where Col2 is not null"),{"Grand Total";
"select sum(C) where C >= 2 group by A pivot B"),
"where Col1 is not null"), "offset 1", 0),
ROW(INDIRECT("A1:A"&COUNTUNIQUE(B2:B)))^0)}};{"Grand Total",
"select sum(C) where C >= 2 group by A pivot B"),
"where Col1 is not null"), "offset 1", 0),
"select sum(C) where C >= 2 group by A pivot B"),
"where Col1 is not null"), "offset 1", 0),
I am trying to query ImportRange data by the condition that a column matches a value from the imported spreadsheet, but it does not work:
=Query(importRange("KEY1","namesheet1!A2:R1600"), "select Col4 where Col7 = (importRange("KEY1","namesheet2!F108:F108")) ",0)
"select Col4 where Col7 = (importRange("KEY1","namesheet2!F108:F108")) "
"select Col4 where Col7 = " & importRange("KEY1","namesheet2!F108")