how to get an Int and change it to a binary number - ios

I am trying to figure out how to get an Int and change to to a binary format number that has 16 bits. That is 16 bits and each can be 0 or 1. Perhaps getting an Int and returning an array of numbers that has 16 elements, or a string that has the length of 16?? I appreciate any feedback.

You can combine these two answers:
Convert Int to bytes array
Convert byte (i.e UInt8) into bits
TLDR; for you
enum Bit: UInt8, CustomStringConvertible {
case zero, one
var description: String {
switch self {
case .one:
return "1"
case .zero:
return "0"
func byteArray<T>(from value: T) -> [UInt8] where T: FixedWidthInteger {
withUnsafeBytes(of: value.bigEndian, Array.init)
func bits(fromByte byte: UInt8) -> [Bit] {
var byte = byte
var bits = [Bit](repeating: .zero, count: 8)
for i in 0..<8 {
let currentBit = byte & 0x01
if currentBit != 0 {
bits[i] = .one
byte >>= 1
return bits
// Testing
let value: Int32 = -1333
let bits = withUnsafeBytes(of: value.bigEndian, Array.init)


Converting bytes to floats in Swift when receiving bluetooth communications [duplicate]

This is my code to convert byte data to float. I tried every answers given in this site. I am getting exponential value for this "<44fa0000>" byte data
static func returnFloatValue(mutableData:NSMutableData)->Float
let qtyRange = mutableData.subdataWithRange(NSMakeRange(0, 4))
let qtyString = String(qtyRange)
let qtyTrimString = qtyString.stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet(NSCharacterSet(charactersInString: "<>"))
let qtyValue = Float(strtoul(qtyTrimString, nil, 16)/10)
return qtyValue
<44fa0000> is the big-endian memory representation of the
binary floating point number 2000.0. To get the number back from
the data, you have to read it into an UInt32 first, convert from
big-endian to host byteorder, and then cast the result to
a Float.
In Swift 2 that would be
func floatValueFromData(data: NSData) -> Float {
return unsafeBitCast(UInt32(bigEndian: UnsafePointer(data.bytes).memory), Float.self)
let bytes: [UInt8] = [0x44, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00]
let data = NSData(bytes: bytes, length: 4)
print(data) // <44fa0000>
let f = floatValueFromData(data)
print(f) // 2000.0
In Swift 3 you would use Data instead of NSData, and the
unsafeBitCast can be replaced by the Float(bitPattern:)
func floatValue(data: Data) -> Float {
return Float(bitPattern: UInt32(bigEndian: data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.pointee } ))
In Swift 5 the withUnsafeBytes() method of Data calls the closure with an (untyped) UnsafeRawBufferPointer, and you can load() the value from the raw memory:
func floatValue(data: Data) -> Float {
return Float(bitPattern: UInt32(bigEndian: data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: UInt32.self) }))
Here is some swift 5:
let data = Data([0x44, 0xfa, 0x00, 0x00]) // 0x44fa0000
let floatNb:Float = data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Float.self) }
// note that depending on the input endianess, you could add .reversed() to data
let floatNb:Float = data.reversed().withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Float.self) }
WARNING: this sample throws if your Data is under 4 bytes..
Safe Data extension:
extension Data {
enum Endianess {
case little
case big
func toFloat(endianess: Endianess = .little) -> Float? {
guard self.count <= 4 else { return nil }
switch endianess {
case .big:
let data = [UInt8](repeating: 0x00, count: 4-self.count) + self
return data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Float.self) }
case .little:
let data = self + [UInt8](repeating: 0x00, count: 4-self.count)
return data.reversed().withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Float.self) }
let opData = Data([0x44, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00])
let nb42 = Data([0x42, 0x28])
let nb42bigEndian = Data([0x28, 0x42])
let tooBig = Data([0x44, 0xFA, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00])
print("opData: \(opData.toFloat())")
print("nb42: \(nb42.toFloat())")
print("nb42bigEndian: \(nb42bigEndian.toFloat(endianess: .big))")
print("tooBig: \(tooBig.toFloat())")
you may find a faster way but this was good enough for my needs
Use this function:
static func returnFloatValue(data: NSMutableData) -> Float {
let bytes = [UInt8](data as Data)
var f: Float = 0
memcpy(&f, bytes, 4)
return f
And you can see it in action here:
var initialValue: Float = 19.200
let data = NSMutableData(bytes: &initialValue, length: 4)
func returnFloatValue(data: NSMutableData) -> Float {
let bytes = [UInt8](data as Data)
var f: Float = 0
memcpy(&f, bytes, 4)
return f
var result:Float = returnFloatValue(data: data)
print("f=\(result)")// f=19.2
For 64 bit values the code is:
static func longBitsToDouble(x : Int64) -> Float64
{ return Float64(bitPattern: UInt64(x)) }
Swift 4+.

How to convert convert [String] to [UInt8] in swift?

How to convert my stringArray to int8Array. Please give me any solution to convert this.
I want below type of array
let int8Array:[UInt8] = [ox55,0x55,0xff,0x01,0x0B,0x00,0x0B,0x03,0x07,0x12,0x0E,0x0C,0x10,0x09,0x12,0x0C,0x19,0x09,0xFF,0x14]
Below is my ViewController:
class ViewController:UIViewController {
var checkSum:UInt8 = 0
override func viewDidLoad() {
let stringArray:[String] = ["0x55", "0x55", "0xff", "0x01", "0x0B", "0x38", "0x18", "0x31", "0x10", "0x18", "0x0E", "0x16", "0x31", "0x10", "0x18", "0x16", "0x30", "0x11", "0x18", "0x20", "0xE1"]
var int8Array:[UInt8] ={ UInt8($0.dropFirst(2), radix: 16)! }
for item in int8Array {
checkSum = calculateCheckSum(crc: checkSum, byteValue: UInt8(item))
func calculateCheckSum(crc:UInt8, byteValue: UInt8) -> UInt8 {
let generator: UInt8 = 0x1D
var newCrc = crc ^ byteValue
for _ in 1...8 {
if (newCrc & 0x80 != 0) {
newCrc = (newCrc << 1) ^ generator
else {
newCrc <<= 1
return newCrc
If it is an option you could switch it around to specify the UInt8 array and derive the String array from that.
let int8Array: [UInt8] = [0x55, 0x55, 0xa5, 0x3f]
var stringArray: [String] {
return { String(format: "0x%02X", $0) }
// ["0x55", "0x55", "0xA5", "0x3F"]
Just map the stuff, you have to remove 0x to make the UInt8(_:radix:) initializer work.
let uint8Array ={ UInt8($0.dropFirst(2), radix: 16)! }
First take your string array and call map on it then map it to a [UInt8] (where the total result will be [[UInt8]] and call flatMap on the result to get an array of [UInt8].. then you can do forEach on it to calculate your checksum or w/e..
}).flatMap({ $0 }).forEach({
print($0) //Print each byte or convert to hex or w/e..

Swift 2 NOT bitwise operation does not behave as expected

I am trying to flip all of the bits of a number in Swift using the bitwise NOT operator ~
func binary(int: Int) -> String {
return String(int, radix: 2)
let num = 0b11110000
binary(num) //prints "11110000"
let notNum = ~num
binary(notNum) //prints "-11110001"
It is my understanding that notNum should print out 00001111 (docs) but instead it prints -11110001. What's going on here?
It's not a matter of bitwise operator, but a matter of behavior of the String initializer.
There are 2 init(_:radix:uppercase:) initializer in String
public init<T : _SignedIntegerType>(_ v: T, radix: Int, uppercase: Bool = default)
public init<T : UnsignedIntegerType>(_ v: T, radix: Int, uppercase: Bool = default)
To get a expected result, you have to use UnsignedIntegerType one:
let num:UInt = 0b11110000
let notNum = ~num
String(notNum, radix: 2)
// -> "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100001111"
let num = 0b11110000
let notNum = ~num
String(UInt(bitPattern: notNum), radix: 2)
// -> "1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111100001111"
Thats because you are using Int instead of UInt8:
Try like this:
func binary(uint8: UInt8) -> String {
return String(uint8, radix: 2)
let num:UInt8 = 0b11110000
binary(num) //prints "11110000"
let notNum = ~num
binary(notNum) //prints "1111"

Swift native functions to have numbers as hex strings

Is there any native Swift way for any (at least integer) number to get its hexadecimal representation in a string? And the inverse. It must not use Foundation. For example the String class has a function
func toInt() -> Int?
which converts a string representing an integer to its Int value. I am looking for something similar, using the hex strings. I know this is easily implementable, but if Swift has it there already it would be better. Otherwise if you made already an extension of String and Int to achieve the following:
let anHex = "0xA0"
if let anInt = anHex.toInt() {
println(anInt) // prints 128
println(anInt.toHexString()) // prints "0xA0"
I know it isn't rocket science but in case please share it.
PS: This is similar to this question, the difference is that it was very related to the Foundation framework, while I am not using it in my code (nor I am importing anything else) and for now I'd like to keep it in this way, also for learning purposes.
As of Swift 2, all integer types have a constructor
init?(_ text: String, radix: Int = default)
so that both integer
to hex string and hex string to integer conversions can be done
with built-in methods. Example:
let num = 1000
let str = String(num, radix: 16)
print(str) // "3e8"
if let num2 = Int(str, radix: 16) {
print(num2) // 1000
(Old answer for Swift 1:) The conversion from an integer to a hex string can be done with
let hex = String(num, radix: 16)
(see for example How to convert a decimal number to binary in Swift?). This does not require the import of any Framework
and works with any base between 2 and 36.
The conversion from a hex string to an integer can be done with the BSD
library function strtoul() (compare How to convert a binary to decimal in Swift?) if you are willing to import Darwin.
Otherwise there is (as far as I know) no built-in Swift method. Here is an extension
that converts a string to a number according to a given base:
extension UInt {
init?(_ string: String, radix: UInt) {
let digits = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
var result = UInt(0)
for digit in string.lowercaseString {
if let range = digits.rangeOfString(String(digit)) {
let val = UInt(distance(digits.startIndex, range.startIndex))
if val >= radix {
return nil
result = result * radix + val
} else {
return nil
self = result
let hexString = "A0"
if let num = UInt(hexString, radix: 16) {
} else {
println("invalid input")
update: Xcode 12.5 • Swift 5.4
extension StringProtocol {
func dropping<S: StringProtocol>(prefix: S) -> SubSequence { hasPrefix(prefix) ? dropFirst(prefix.count) : self[...] }
var hexaToDecimal: Int { Int(dropping(prefix: "0x"), radix: 16) ?? 0 }
var hexaToBinary: String { .init(hexaToDecimal, radix: 2) }
var decimalToHexa: String { .init(Int(self) ?? 0, radix: 16) }
var decimalToBinary: String { .init(Int(self) ?? 0, radix: 2) }
var binaryToDecimal: Int { Int(dropping(prefix: "0b"), radix: 2) ?? 0 }
var binaryToHexa: String { .init(binaryToDecimal, radix: 16) }
extension BinaryInteger {
var binary: String { .init(self, radix: 2) }
var hexa: String { .init(self, radix: 16) }
print("7fffffffffffffff".hexaToDecimal) // "9223372036854775807" decimal integer
print("0x7fffffffffffffff".hexaToDecimal) // "9223372036854775807" decimal integer
print("7fffffffffffffff".hexaToBinary) // "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111" binary (String)
print("0x7fffffffffffffff".hexaToBinary) // "111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111"
print("255".decimalToHexa) // "ff" hexa (String)
print("255".decimalToBinary) // "11111111" binary (String)
print("11111111".binaryToHexa) // "ff" hexa (String)
print("0b11111111".binaryToHexa) // "ff" hexa (String)
print("11111111".binaryToDecimal) // 255 decimal (Int)
print("0b11111111".binaryToDecimal) // 255 decimal (Int)
print(255.binary) // "11111111" binary (String)
print(255.hexa) // "ff" hexa (String)
Swift 3:
String to UInt:
let str = "fcd7d7"
let number = UInt(str, radix: 16)!
result: 16570327
UInt to hex String:
let number = UInt(exactly: 16570327)!
let str = String(number, radix: 16, uppercase: false)
result: fcd7d7
For Float, If you might want IEEE754 floating point to HEX
extension Float {
func floatToHex()->String {
return String(self.bitPattern, radix: 16, uppercase: true)
let f:Float = 3.685746e+19
let hex = f.floatToHex()
Or Visa-versa
extension String {
func hexToFloat() -> Float {
var toInt = Int32(truncatingBitPattern: strtol(self, nil, 16))
var toInt = Int32(_truncatingBits: strtoul(self, nil, 16)) //For Swift 5
var float:Float32!
memcpy(&float, &toInt, MemoryLayout.size(ofValue: float))
return float

Convert an Objective-C method into Swift for NSInputStream (convert bytes into double)

I have the following code in Objective-C:
- (double)readDouble
double value = 0.0;
if ([self read:(uint8_t *)&value maxLength:8] != 8)
NSLog(#"***** Couldn't read double");
return value;
It works. But I don't know how to convert it to Swift. Here is my code:
public func readDouble() -> Double {
var value : Double = 0.0
var num = *)&value, maxLength:8) // got compiling error here!
if num != 8 {
The error message is:
Cannot invoke '&' with an argument list of type '($T4, maxLength:
Can anybody help? Thanks
The testing data I'm using (1.25):
14 AE 47 E1 7A 14 F4 3F
A simple c solution, but how to do this in Swift?
double d = 0;
unsigned char buf[sizeof d] = {0};
memcpy(&d, buf, sizeof d);
This should work:
let num = withUnsafeMutablePointer(&value) {$0), maxLength: sizeofValue(value))
Explanation: withUnsafeMutablePointer() calls the closure (block) with the only argument
($0 in shorthand notation) set to the address of value.
$0 has the type UnsafeMutablePointer<Double> and read() expects an
UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8> as the first argument, therefore another conversion
is necessary. The return value of the closure is then assigned to num.
The method above does not work for me, using Swift 2 but I discovered a much more simpler method to do this conversion and vice versa:
func binarytotype <T> (value: [UInt8], _: T.Type) -> T
return value.withUnsafeBufferPointer
return UnsafePointer<T>($0.baseAddress).memory
func typetobinary <T> (var value: T) -> [UInt8]
return withUnsafePointer(&value)
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: UnsafePointer<UInt8>($0), count: sizeof(T)))
let a: Double = 0.25
let b: [UInt8] = typetobinary(a) // -> [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 208, 63]
let c = binarytotype(b, Double.self) // -> 0.25
I have tested it with Xcode 7.2 in the playground.
Here is the updated version for Swift 3 beta 6 which is different, thanx to Martin.
func binarytotype <T> (_ value: [UInt8], _ : T.Type) -> T
return value.withUnsafeBufferPointer
UnsafeRawPointer($0.baseAddress!).load(as: T.self)
func typetobinary <T> (_ value: T) -> [UInt8]
var v = value
let size = MemoryLayout<T>.size
return withUnsafePointer(to: &v)
$0.withMemoryRebound(to: UInt8.self, capacity: size)
Array(UnsafeBufferPointer(start: $0, count: size))
let dd: Double = 1.23456 // -> 1.23456
let d = typetobinary(dd) // -> [56, 50, 143, 252, 193, 192, 243, 63]
let i = binarytotype(d, Double.self) // -> 1.23456
