Load stickers from the Server and show in iMessage app - ios

I am starting work on a Sticker pack application. I created a new project and selected the iMessage application.
My requirements are:
Download the stickers from the Server and show them in CollectionView.
The user should tap on the Sticker and add it to the chat thread.
After googling many solutions I see that for sending stickers, it is necessary to set path of the image and localized description. But when we fetch the images from server we only have image server path.
How i send the sticker via local path?

You can´t do that. Stickers have to be in the App Bundle. The bundle can´t be changed from within the App.


How detect changes in the application documents directory in iOS app?

I am currently working on an app with the file sharing feature.
We have a view to ask the user to plug his device to iTunes to add files if there is no files in the app.
I would like to remove this view when the iOS app is launched on the device and when the user add at least one file with iTunes to the app.
Is there a way to do that with the default FileManager ? Like a delegate or something to detect events from the document directory of the app ?
I have looked on the web and found some pods but only for macOS.
I have also tried something with a Timer which will get the files from the document directory of the app each 0.25 seconds, but I don't think this is the best way to do what I want.
Thanks for your help.
Thanks to the MartinR's comment below, the following link helps me to do what I wanted
Notification if user modifies contents of documents directory via iTunes File sharing

Is it possible to dynamically create a sticker pack for iMessage through a companion app?

I'm looking to create a Sticker Pack for iMessage, loaded with preset images but having the ability for users to create their own custom stickers. It seems like an iMessage app wouldn't be able to give users that choice, but would a standalone app be able to do that? Everything I see seems to be based on the assumption that the developer uploads a set of stickers to the store and that these cannot be edited in any way afterwards.
Another option would be to store the edited/exported stickers from the app to a server, and then access that from the iMessage app.
Does anyone know if one of these might be possible? Thanks!

iOS 10 : Add sticker extension to an existing Application

I want to make an iOS sticker pack for my application.
I've been looking around and I managed to do a sticker app via Xcode.
My problem is that I don't want a stand-alone sticker app. Users will never go to the store to download it separately.
I want the sticker to be include in my classic app, like an "extra" : "You've downloaded the app, thanks you, here are stickers you can use in message".
I've tried to do "Add Target" like explained here
But when I run my app, I can see my view controller but not my sticker in my messaging app.
Can someone help me please ?
If you dont want to use it as a standalone app then you have to use it as a extension in your app.Open File->New->Target and add sticker app extension.Give a name to your sticker pack extension.Also add messages framework in your application.Check in simulator.On device you will be requiring new provisioning profile with the app id corresponding to the sticker pack extension.I have verified at my end

Getting images in WatchKit app from iOS app

I'd like to show in a WatchKit app the user's avatar image from its paired iOS app. Such image is downloaded by the iOS app querying a REST web service when the user logs in the app. How could I get it from the WatchKit app?
The downloaded avatar is persisted as a .jpeg file in the Documents folder of the iOS app.
The easiest way to solve your issue is to write the avatar image out to the App Group directory instead of the Documents directory in the iOS app. Then you can load the avatar image from the App Group file system directly from the Watch Extension. In order to do this, you'll need to make the following changes.
Step by Step
Add an App Group to your iOS app and Watch Extension
Write the avatar image to the App Group instead of the Documents directory
Read the avatar image out of the App Group in the Watch Extension
Push the avatar image into the WKInterfaceDevice shared image cache
Apply the image to either a WKInterfaceImage or WKInterfaceGroup to be displayed
Hopefully that helps make things a bit more clear.

How to add downloaded content to an IOS app?

I´m trying to make an iPhone-app where the users can buy and download new content (sound files).
I´ve used the API from Urban Airship to set up the "in-app store", so the buying and downloading the new files part is covered and seems to work as it should - but I´m having a hard time figuring out how to add the new content to my app so the user can access it..
The app comes with 3 sound files to start with, and I´m using a Plist to display and play these files - displayed in a tableview based on my plist.
In my simple mind I´m thinking that I need to add the new content to my existing plist, or I should get my tableview to display content from multiple plists so every new download could contain a plist with info about the downloaded files..
This is my first time trying to make an app, and I am completely lost!
How do I add downloaded content to my app? Should i do something else instead of the plist?
You can copy your initial plist from the app bundle, where it isn't writeable, to your app's Documents directory, where you can write and append info to the plist as necessary. Then just populate your table from that one plist.
