iOS 10 : Add sticker extension to an existing Application - ios

I want to make an iOS sticker pack for my application.
I've been looking around and I managed to do a sticker app via Xcode.
My problem is that I don't want a stand-alone sticker app. Users will never go to the store to download it separately.
I want the sticker to be include in my classic app, like an "extra" : "You've downloaded the app, thanks you, here are stickers you can use in message".
I've tried to do "Add Target" like explained here
But when I run my app, I can see my view controller but not my sticker in my messaging app.
Can someone help me please ?

If you dont want to use it as a standalone app then you have to use it as a extension in your app.Open File->New->Target and add sticker app extension.Give a name to your sticker pack extension.Also add messages framework in your application.Check in simulator.On device you will be requiring new provisioning profile with the app id corresponding to the sticker pack extension.I have verified at my end


Load stickers from the Server and show in iMessage app

I am starting work on a Sticker pack application. I created a new project and selected the iMessage application.
My requirements are:
Download the stickers from the Server and show them in CollectionView.
The user should tap on the Sticker and add it to the chat thread.
After googling many solutions I see that for sending stickers, it is necessary to set path of the image and localized description. But when we fetch the images from server we only have image server path.
How i send the sticker via local path?
You can´t do that. Stickers have to be in the App Bundle. The bundle can´t be changed from within the App.

Can you use two iOS apps with the same Firestore database?

I am working on a project that requires a user iOS app and a creator iOS app, such as how Uber has a driver iOS app and a customer iOS app.
Can I use the same Firebase project and Firestore database for both?
How would I set this up with the GoogleService-Info.plist? as both apps will have a different Bundle Identifier.
On your project console, go to settings and scroll down. you should see the button to download the GoogleService-Info.plist of the iOS app you already have. If you click on the "Add app" button you can add another iOS app for the same project, which will have its won .plist file.

Creating an iMessage App/Sticker App that Allows to Save Stickers, Xcode 9, Swift |&| Replacing an App with One on iTunes Connect

I want to create an iMessage app that allows the user to save stickers, so when a new release of the iMessage app comes out with entirely different stickers the user would be able to use the stickers from the previous version, and so on.
I would also like to know if you can replace an app on iTunes Connect with a different project than the original was built on.
create a game for iOS
a few months later, create the same game for iMessage and iOS but with a new project, and the identifications, profiles and certificates the same as the original.
Not sure if the community can help you with the first part of your question, because it depends on your implementation. Sure it's possible, but you won't be able to use the native UI within iMessage.
Secondary part of your question with regards to updating an app on iTunes Connect: You can always update an app if you use the same bundle ID ( and make sure the version and build code are correct. (i.e. increasing) Besides that it does not matter what project / base you are using, if you correctly sign and build the IPA and upload it to iTunes Connect:

Is it possible to dynamically create a sticker pack for iMessage through a companion app?

I'm looking to create a Sticker Pack for iMessage, loaded with preset images but having the ability for users to create their own custom stickers. It seems like an iMessage app wouldn't be able to give users that choice, but would a standalone app be able to do that? Everything I see seems to be based on the assumption that the developer uploads a set of stickers to the store and that these cannot be edited in any way afterwards.
Another option would be to store the edited/exported stickers from the app to a server, and then access that from the iMessage app.
Does anyone know if one of these might be possible? Thanks!

Issues Uploading Sticker Pack Extension to iMessage

I created a sticker pack extension (not the full sticker app) for iMessage using Xcode 8. I have the icons too and the project gives no errors or warnings. I registered the bundle ID, archived and uploaded the archive, and created a new app. However, I don't see anything about stickers!! iTunesConnect seems to be treating it like a normal app.
In the Apple tutorial, it says there's a category called "Stickers" that I can give it but I don't see that either:
Category. You can list your sticker pack in the Stickers category or another category that best describes your app. You can also list it in a second relevant category.
I see on appCoda that on June 16 (when the article below was written):
You cannot upload your sticker pack to the Messages App Store yet.
Is it still not available two months later, like 10 days before the expected Sep 7 launch? Or is there something in the Build Info I need to change? Or the pList? Please let me know if I'm building / archiving / uploading this incorrectly and how to remedy it!
Apple will tell you when you will be able to upload Stickers to the AppStore. This is normally right after the Keynote Event. Take into consideration that in order to upload an App to the App Store you have to use a NON Beta Distribution of Xcode.
