why my youtube video not displaying an image? - youtube

on this page, the video at the top of the page does not display an image unlike the video located on the side bar.
When play is pressed, there is no playback problem.
But my visitors may not click on the video thinking it doesn't work.
How can I make it appear?
the original video is here
The javascript code is here

The thumbnail sddefault isn't loading for an unknown reason for video VnWbJbtsyv4. However hqdefault seems to be working. So use https://img.youtube.com/vi/VnWbJbtsyv4/hqdefault.jpg instead of https://img.youtube.com/vi/VnWbJbtsyv4/sddefault.jpg.


Clickable preview image that auto-loads a Youtube video

We're working on implementing a clickable preview image that will play a Youtube video.
The goal is to avoid loading unnecessary JS code and improve Google Pagespeed score.
We have implemented a solution that works.
But the problem is that it takes two clicks to actually load the Youtube video: one click to display the Youtube video, another to actually start the video.
I know for a fact that it's possible to load start such videos in one click, because solutions such as this one exist (but it requires Wordpress)
How do we approach this? Is there a ready-made solution for implementing lazy loading for videos? (that doesn't require Wordpress?)
I used this small tutorial: https://www.labnol.org/internet/light-youtube-embeds/27941/
You show a thumbnail image of a YouTube video and 'When a visitor clicks the play button, the thumbnail image is replaced with the standard YouTube video player with autoplay set to 1 so it plays the video instantly.'
You need javascript, css and html (no Wordpress). Hope it helps you.

What can be done to make a Youtube video play properly upon the first attempt to view it?

What can be done to make a Youtube video play properly upon the first attempt to view it?
Most of the time I get dark areas as shown for example in the attached:
Update your flash player. That is probably corrupt.

Launch video player in iOS from a link rather than an embedded video

Sorry if this has been asked before... in a mobile browser (eg iOS Safari) when a Vimeo video is embedded into a HTML page, clicking play on the video pops it open in the native player in Safari - I want to be able to launch a video in this exact way, but from an image link rather than having to embed the video... So that clicking the image pops open the video in the native Safari player.
I've searched around but think I'm lacking the correct terminology to know exactly what to search for.
Is this possible?
Thanks in advance...
Why don't you want to embed the vimeo code?
One work around can be going to your vimeo video settings, then Basic and at the bottom of that page upload your own Thumbnail image... You will still have to embed the vimeo code though, but now you will have the image you want as the first image before you click on the video.
This can be a partial solution in the mean time. Also I think a Pro vimeo account might allow a direct link to a video.

Can't Play iFrame embedded YouTube video on iPad

I'm developing an iOS iPad app with an embedded YouTube video.
I'm having issues when the user tries to play the video touching the red square play image from YouTube, it seems that pressing that image won't trigger the play action. However, touching anywhere outside the red square play button works.
I've tested it with the iPad user agent with same results.
When embedding with controls:0 it seems that the action triggers perfectly, but I need the default controls.
Is there anyway to keep controls:1 and detect that touch to successfully play the video?
Try playing the video itself when it is loaded. If hitting the big red button is not a compulsion add "event.target.playVideo();" to the onReady function in the embeded HTML body. I have done so and the player in my application shows the big red button and starts the video itself immediately. I have used the following YouTube iFrame library youtube-ios-player-helper

How to play video from stream link or youtube link on webview android?

I searched for it a lot but don't have a reasonable answer.How to play video from stream link or youtube link on webview android.i used tag video or iframe but occur some bugs:
-when click full screen video 'll stop and can't play again.
-when click back button for finish fragment,that contain webview,video still playing
Please see the "HTML5 Video support" section at http://developer.android.com/reference/android/webkit/WebView.html for some methods that you must implement.
When the video continues playing after finishing the fragment, are you destroying the WebView?
