Ruby On Rails-Make content on show page content-editable - ruby-on-rails

I would like to make my show page content editable by double clicking on the content and after I update that content, then that updated content would also be save in the database. I am working on Ruby on Rails. Any suggestions, how can make my content editable.

Rails 7 has Hotwire
This can also be accomplished with AJAX and UJS
Basically, when a user clicks on an area you want to be content-editable, you would replace that static section of the DOM with a form and a field. Then either clicking a submit button or clicking away would trigger a remote PATCH or PUT call to update the database and you'd again replace that section of the DOM with a static section containing the newly edited data.
There are quite a few good tutorials out there on this subject.
And even some gems for you to use:


Ruby on Rails: How to validate form that is split into tabs?

I'm improving RoR application. In this app there is a page where user can crete or edit items. This page contains form. In that form there are 11 tabs (implemented with javascript, we use bootsrap's tabbable here). Form controls are divided between 11 tabs.
There is a problem: After user submits form with wrong data in 2nd or 3rd tab, the same form is shown, and first tab is activated.
I need to solve this problem. I want not to use client side validation. All validation should be done in rails. Also I don't want to use AJAX.
So if user submits form that have wrong data in 5th tab, then 5th tab must be shown after submit, and form error messages should be placed into 5th tab. How can I do that?
I think the problem is a Javascript one - how to load up validation errors in the correct tabs?
From my perspective, it seems Rails is handling the data you send, and returns the original page your request was sent from. The problem is this does not load the correct tabs, which is JS' responsibility (front-end)
I would personally create an anonymous function to load up the tabs which have errors. You need to remember tabs are all HTML elements, and Rails append field_with_error wrapper around fields with errors
I don't have any experience with Bootstrap tabs, but you could do something like this:
$(function() {
$('#myTab .div_with_errors:first').tab('show')

Creating ajax-enabled subform with "Edit" button

I am looking for the best way to create ajax enabled subforms from items in a list with MVC 3. A static list of values should be generated, but with an "edit" link/button next to every item, to toggle inline edits.
I did follow the tutorial at this link [1]
However it is based on the form edit fields always being visible
I'd like to show a static list with field values, but let the user activate an edit field by clicking "edit" (e.g. button)
I did modify the example at [1] by creating a default partial view with a form with submit button only. When posting the data by ajax the edit form will show. It looks like it is working, (I only need to hide validation errors on the first POST - which does not send real data).
An even better solution would probably be to leave out all forms in the static view, just have a single css class button/link next to each item, and let jquery fetch the relevant view for the clicked item. I am not sure how to do that with MVC 3+jQuery though.
Another update:
I discovered Ajax.Actionlink, which did exactly what I wanted!
I found out how to do it, and it turned out to be real simple!
I created two partial views.
One for rendering each static item. I used used Ajax.ActionLink with InsertionMode "replace", and set the parent of the item as the target
The second for rendering the form. Here I used Ajax.Beginform with similar options.
On successfully saved data, I returned the static view, on failure, I returned the partial view with the ajax form again.
I'm happy I found a MVC-centric way to do it (although it is fun creating custom stuff with jQuery)
It sounds like you need an inline editing plugin for jQuery. I would try jEditable. I have not used it myself but appears to have extensive docs.
this entry might help: code + video + explanation ;)

JQuery Mobile & passing variables in links via the querystring - but the querystring doesn't refresh

I am doing a PhoneGap app with JQuery Mobile and I have two pages, one that has a dynamic list of pages and one that has a form to either edit or create a page. These are in a single html file.
Tapping on a list item passes ?action=edit and tapping the "Add" button I have, passes ?action=add querystrings.
Here is a jsfiddle to visualize the pages
NOTE: The example doesn't act quite the same as the live code.
I am running my app on an Android phone and if I do these actions, the correct querysting is observed in the alert box: -
Click the add button on list page
Click back on the form page
Click the an edit list item link on list page
However, if I do it the other why around (click edit first, then the add button) clicking the add button never shows the add querystring in the alert box
(the jsfiddle example always locks the first clicked link's querystring, which is even worse than the live code!)
The problem here is that you're using a multiple template to do this. If you were using this as separate pages, this would work as normal. As a multiple app, the best way to handle this would be to make a link trigger the setting of some global variable that keeps track of the current state of the app.
Make the edit links like this
Page 15
Then make the script something like this:
var editingId = 0
function editPage(id){
editingId = id;
$("div#editingPage").live("pageshow", function(){

RAILS: Tracking content with /#foo in the address bar

Just like in Gmail, I want to create a div which when loaded with ajax would output a #foo in the address bar to track what content would be loaded.
If you go to gmail, if signed in, will take you straight to your sent box.
I want to do the same. For example. I have a div that loads a list of recipes. Once a recipe on the list has been clicked content gets loaded from db in the same div and the address bar would say If this link gets passed to a friend and the friend goes to the div would load appropriate content with that recipe.
Also is there a way to control more than one div? For example if url is app would load recipe in one div and appropriate content in another div for #blue (what ever it may be).
Is there a way to make cells or apotomo have this functionality?
Are there any SEO concerns with doing this as well? Would the crawlers be able to pick up content through #foo links?
Probably not a full answer to your question but I believe this episode of railscasts would be interesting to you.

How can I remove body from a Page in OrchardCMS?

I currently have 2 page types in my Orchard CMS setup. One is for the front page, one for a detail page. On the front page, I have removed the body from being displayed, so that it just shows 2 HTML widgets.
Is there a way so that when someone edits this page, they don't get a body section?
A placement file might also do the trick: placement also works for the admin ui... That could enable you to make it show or not without requiring two different content types.
You can remove the Body Part from the page content type you use for the front page. This way people who edit this page won't see the editor for body content and the body won't be rendered at all.
