How to fix App Store connect demo video error? - ios

I’m trying to upload an speedometer app to apple App Store. But I get this error message from apple:
Does your app interact with hardware, and if so please provide a link to a demo video that demonstrates the current version of your app in use on a physical iOS device, which shows the initial pairing process and entire app workflow with the designated hardware.
I have sent them an video of the whole app but don’t accept it. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?

In the video, make sure you demonstrate the pairing of the "physical iOS device" and other hardware(BLE device?).
I think there is no other way to make your app approved.

With another phone take a video of your iPhone using the app physically.
For example: while walking record yourself holding the phone and the speedometer changing.
Also, tell Apple that your app does not interact with external hardware.


How to detect launch app via MFi device on iPhone

Could someone tell me "How to detect launch app via MFi device on iPhone"?
Apple announced several major changes for a new Location Permission Flow on iOS 13.
If want to get the GPS signal, the user need to select while in using or always.
And set up showsBackgroundLocationIndicator = YES, the app could get the GPS in the background.
It works well on the normal case(Launch with press the icon on the mobile screen).
But I figure out it could not receive the GPS if launch app via MFi device.
I also report it on the Apple bug report(
I got a workaround but the first one is how to detect launch app via MFi device on iPhone.
By the way, I also check the argument of UIApplicationMain, but no use.
Please help or try to give some ideas about how to achieve this. Thanks!
Test Steps
1. First launch & user accept the location permission
2. Confirm the GPS could be used & check the setting page
3. Force close the app
4. Plug with the lighting and launch via MFi device
Answer my final solution.
I figure out if the app launch via the MFi device, the initial flow will enter applicationDidEnterBackground and not run to applicationDidBecomeActive. So, I just add a flag to record that and detect the EAAccessory status.
Share for who guys have a same problem. Hope this could be helped.
iOS 15 can use CLLocation's sourceInfo(CLLocationSourceInformation) to determine location information is from Xcode or MFI.

Is it okay to use my own app from my own device which contains AdMob advertisements

I have implemented an iOS application which has AdMob advertisements in it.
As far as I know if you don't identify your device as a test device during the development phase, Google finds it out and suspends (temporarily or even permanently sometimes) your account.
My app is live on AppStore now. Can I use my own app? Since I used my iPhone as a test device before, I am a little bit worried about it.
Thanks in advance...
Once the app is in production phase and live in the app store, you can use it as any normal user would. However, you should refrain from clicking the ads multiple times as that would lead to click fraud.

Understanding interaction between Apple Watch and iPhone device

I am a bit confused as when I run the Apple Watch extension App schema on the simulator I see only that the Apple Watch app gets lunched. However I am not sure what will happen with real hardware once we get our hands on the Apple Watch.
I'd like to understand the following:
Do I need to start the corresponding iPhone App on the phone before
starting the App on the Apple Watch?
If the answer to 1 is no then, can I
start an iPhone App from the App on the Apple Watch? If the answer to 2
is yes then how can I start the iPhone App in a way that is not in
the background? (I found handleWatchKitExtensionRequest can trigger
background tasks but I haven't found any documentation yet for
that - I also found the Handoff Api which allows you to resume a task on the device but I don't like that it requires an iCloud account and I am not sure how to structure an App/watch interaction without forcing the user to adopt iCloud).
Given that the Apple Watch App extension resides on the iPhone App
bundle does this mean that when you start the Apple Watch App it needs a
connection and proximity with the iPhone device? I assume that there will
be a bluetooth connection and that it won't be possible to start
some apps if the user and its watch are away from the Iphone (what's
the range?)
Many Thanks
Unless you are on a Wifi network recognized by both your Watch and your iPhone, they'll need to be relatively close to each other. Guessing at range is useless – a number of factors can impact the useable distance of BTLE.

How to submit an app with companion device to AppStore?

We are developing an application for one of our customer to go along with their device. The application by itself cannot do anything, and must be connected to the device via Wi-Fi in order to function.
Do we:
just submit the app the standard way, even though there's no way for Apple to really test the functionality of the app?
do we need to provide a test device to Apple to really test the functionality of the app? If so, what's the procedure for doing this?
Apple's Not-Very-Helpful Response
While we cannot pre-approve apps, we can address compliance questions about specific App Store Review Guidelines or sections of the iOS Developer Program License Agreement (PLA). I understand that this may be a little frustrating and I apologize for any inconvenience this may cause, however, we may only answer specific questions concerning the following resources, unless the app is submitted for review so that we may test the functionality.
App Store Review Guidelines:
iOS Developer Program License Agreement:
There are a few possibilites that have been reported.
One is to submit a video of the app running with your companion device, with a complete walk-through of the app's functionality using that device.
Another is to provide a device emulator as a test mode built into the app (perhaps requiring two devices).
Another is to provide an demo account in the Review notes; and have that account wifi tunnel out to control a remote wifi device at your location, maybe with a webcam aimed at that device and viewable by Apple.
Include proper contact info for that possibility where Apple may want you to send them a sample device for evaluation.
I have the same issue: a third-party device with which the app communicates. Without the device, the app is useless. One screen with one label. I submitted the app to the store, explaining what it does and how it communicates.
The app got approved 5 days later, without Apple asking any questions whatsoever.

Turn iOS Device into AirPlay Speaker

I'm fiddling with an app, and I'm also aware that apps made by developers that allow an iOS Device to receive an audio stream from another iOS Device or iTunes. So I'd like to implement it and possibly find a method within Apple's guidelines, allowing audio to be streamed. I've tried looking for everything, but I can't find where to start. Any ideas, a place to start, maybe even a point of direction would be great.
chekout the airspeaker project on github.
I was able to run it on iOS simulator 6.0 and then use my iphone to stream audio.
However if I try to stream from iTunes 11 it does not work ( iTunes lists the device in airplay list but , on selection , prompts with error "airplay device is not compatible with this version of iTunes." )
