Turn iOS Device into AirPlay Speaker - ios

I'm fiddling with an app, and I'm also aware that apps made by developers that allow an iOS Device to receive an audio stream from another iOS Device or iTunes. So I'd like to implement it and possibly find a method within Apple's guidelines, allowing audio to be streamed. I've tried looking for everything, but I can't find where to start. Any ideas, a place to start, maybe even a point of direction would be great.

chekout the airspeaker project on github.
I was able to run it on iOS simulator 6.0 and then use my iphone to stream audio.
However if I try to stream from iTunes 11 it does not work ( iTunes lists the device in airplay list but , on selection , prompts with error "airplay device is not compatible with this version of iTunes." )


Flutter just_audio seek issue when target is "Designed for iPad"

I am trying to enable "Designed for iPad" as a target for my functioning Flutter based iOS app. My understanding is that the app runs the iPad version in a VM when the user is on an M1 (or Apple Silicon) mac.
The app uses just_audio, all features work fine and I can load a file and play (I am using a StreamAudioSource derived from an encrypted file downloaded on disk). When I try to seek in the file I get this error from the iOS side and the audio does not seek but continues playing from where it was (I see a buffering and ready state).
AQMEIO_HAL.cpp:736 kAudioDevicePropertyMute returned err 2003332927
There is very little info on this error apart from this pretty old Apple developer post
If I play a file as a stream (encrypted HLS) then seek works exactly as expected.
Has anyone had any experience with just_audio targeted this way?

How to fix App Store connect demo video error?

I’m trying to upload an speedometer app to apple App Store. But I get this error message from apple:
Does your app interact with hardware, and if so please provide a link to a demo video that demonstrates the current version of your app in use on a physical iOS device, which shows the initial pairing process and entire app workflow with the designated hardware.
I have sent them an video of the whole app but don’t accept it. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
In the video, make sure you demonstrate the pairing of the "physical iOS device" and other hardware(BLE device?).
I think there is no other way to make your app approved.
With another phone take a video of your iPhone using the app physically.
For example: while walking record yourself holding the phone and the speedometer changing.
Also, tell Apple that your app does not interact with external hardware.

Replay Kit iOS not working properly?

In ios 11 beta, we have an option for screen recording in the control panel. While selecting it, it should show the app lists which has enabled with Broadcast extensions(Replay kit).
But, in ios11 beta, it does not show any apps.
I have already installed the "MobCrush" app in my device. In wwdc 2017, apple showed the ReplayKit demo with this app only.
I don't know if any fix in the next version updates. Please share anything you know guys.
I don't know how Tamil solved the issue, but in my case by restarting the device it started showing my own Broadcast Extension in Screen Recording setup. But still no luck for MobCrush. Maybe it should be built with new XCode?

DLNA support for iOS video app

I am developing an video player app on iOS and I am now thinking about how to support DLNA so that my app can mirror its online video to the TV with some DLNA-supported device.
Notice that the online video is playing on my app via WIFI or cellular network and I could switch it to be played on TV and my app becomes a remote control and a server to the TV.
Which framework should I use?
I already know Cyberlink and PlatinumKit.
I have worked on DLNA with iOS and Android device. I did not used the Cyberlink or PlatinumKit. I learned how it works and write with swift and java.
Here is my blog about the subject, if you only want the part of DLNA to find DLNA device and stream the video to the device, then control events like play, pause and seek. You could find all the material you need here.

ios simulator - where is settings>notifications>appname?

I built a VOIP app for iphone where if you receive a call, you will hear a telephone ring tone. Some users have complained that they don't hear any ringtone. I discovered later that on the physical device, you can go to Settings>Notifications>TheAppName, and adjust your notification settings. One of htese settings is to disable sounds or allow sound, which corresponds to whether you get the ringtone or not when receiving a call. However, some users still don't seem to hear the ringtone at all despite having the most permissive sound settings.
I wanted to reproduce their issues in the iOS simulator. But I can't seem to find the Settings>NOtifications in the simulator. How do I locate this?
You cannot test push notification services on the simulator. You have to use a device to test it.
