description varchar(max) NULL , function shows NULL for rows having values - varcharmax

While using [description] varchar NULL for pulling a column from a CSV file to create a table using a powershell script.I am seeing description column shows NULL for rows have values too .
Please let me know how to get all the rows in description column with actual values .


Importrange function returning blank cell

I have been using the sheet it was working good but suddenly my 5th column has become blank don't know how but tried to fix but failed
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=420290061","Himani Ma'am!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=1739869159","Amar Sir!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=379284517","Prihaans Sir!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=1628909160","Awadhesh Sir!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=1178416768","Sudhir Sir!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=1834389652","Akash Sir!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=961699629","Bank Transferred!A2:J");
IMPORTRANGE("1vEK5DI4GSAWL-OIRP7iLFKyOJXZ6Iv_HV4OEiEgY-78/edit#gid=495755553","Razor Pay!A2:J");
"select * where Col1 is not Null")
The query() function will only accept one data type per column. The column's type is determined by the majority of values within the first few hundred rows. Data that does not match the column's type will be returned as null.
If column E in the 'Asim' sheet is completely or almost completely blank, it is possible that the column type will be null, with the result that all data in column 5 of all the imported ranges will be returned as null.
You can check whether this is the case by filling column E in sheet Asim with some value like zero, the letter A, or =today(), depending on whether the column is supposed to contain numbers, text or dates.

Query continues to select rows despite 'where not null'

I'm using a query command in google sheets to take the left variable of a text string, convert it to a number and sum it with other columns. When I attempt to use a query command of where Col1 is not null it continues to pull each row leaving a sheet full of zeros. What am I missing? Here's the full formula
=Query(ArrayFormula(value(left(T2:AC))),"select Col1+Col2+Col3+Col4+Col5+Col6+Col7+Col8+Col9+Col10,Col9 where Col1 is not null label Col1+Col2+Col3+Col4+Col5+Col6+Col7+Col8+Col9+Col10 'Total', Col9 'Q9'")
VALUE converts empty strings ("") to 0, as you can see on of the examples from the official Docs.
Because of this, before using VALUE to a cell, you should first check if the cell is empty. One option would be to use ISBLANK:

How are indexed columns with NULL values treated?

Informix-SE 4.10, 7.32 and IDS 11.70: I have an index on a DATETIME YEAR TO FRACTION column I recently added as a timestamp to a table with ~800K rows. This column is being populated as users update or add new rows. So far, ~7K rows have DATETIME values, but the rest are NULL. How does SE and IDS treat the rows with NULL valued DATETIME columns when querying, updating and sorting?.. Are those rows ignored? The reason for the index is to support a query to find the most recently added or updated row with a "select max(datetime_col)" statement. Would a descending order index on this column provide better performance?
Sorting for a descending order the NULLS will be the last, in the ascending (default) will be in the top.
But the way it is treated depend on the way you filter your data.
You cannot compare NULL with a value, it is always false.
Hence, if in that table you try to fetch all rows in which the date is greater than CURRENT the rows with the column in NULL will not be fetch.
In a similar away if you try to fetch all rows in which the date is lesser than CURRENT the rows with the column in NULL will not be fetch.
What you want is to test it if it IS NULL or IS NOT NULL.

Error: Data too long for column "story_html"

I am using gem "audited-activerecord", i have a column called "story_html" in a table and it saves the html5 contents.
when i update the "story_html", i get the following error:-
Mysql2::Error: Data too long for column 'story_html' at row 1: UPDATE `mobile_apps` SET `story_html` = ' `story_html` = x'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', `updated_at` = '2014-12-08 11:26:07' WHERE `mobile_apps`.`id` = 624
Increase the length of the column story_html in your MySQL table mobile_apps to a maximum value that you need. Or change it to text datatype since your content looks very long.

how to insert sqlite table date field value?

i have create table like below and inserting the value using insert query from ruby on rails but it's not updating the date value with table. Rest of the field values updating correctly....
give me
Table structure:
CREATE TABLE [Approval] (
[InstallationName] TEXT NULL PRIMARY KEY,
[Approver] TEXT NULL,
[ApprovalCRCdate] DATE NULL,
[ApprovalTime] TIME NULL,
[ApprovalStatus] TEXT NULL
insert query:
insert into [Approval] values('_EGONSEOSX0043','dfgdfg','6/6/2011' ,'16:13:14' ,324234 ,'Approved')
maybe you should change the field's type to TEXT?
SQlite's DATE datatype has numeric affinity and you are using / that is not a number.
But I think it should all get inserted since SQLite has 'dynamic typing'
