Chatbot Avatar icon is not working for salesforce Einstein chatbot - salesforce-einstein

I have implemented the Einstein Chatbot in my salesforce sandbox.
I have added some images(.png format) as static resource 'ChatbotImgs' as zipped folder marking it as Public. This zipped file includes companyLogo.png and avatarImgIcon.png (42px X 42px).
I have tried adding these 2 images as Company Logo URL and Agent Avatar Image URL (as chatbot avatar is not available) in Embedded Service Chat Setup through Portal. (provided relative path)
Also tried adding full static resource path in Additional branding(Embedded Service Deployment) in Avatar and Logo.
I have also tried embedded_svc.settings.chatbotAvatarImgURL ="[full static resource image url]" in Js and added JS file entry in portal.
My company logo is working fine but not getting chatbot avatar icon.. Any suggestions please?


How do I disable a request for a user name in creating a Azure Media Services video asset using CloudMediaContext.Assets.Create

I have created a mvc partial view which in conjunction with ajax uploads an mp4 file to Azure blob storage, acquires the resulting blob into an Azure media storage asset, encodes the asset as an adaptivebitratemp4 asset and then publishes that asset. Everything works fine on my local development web site. However when I publish that solution to my Azure development web site the solution stops working. On the local site the code request (through a popup) that I verify my Azure account username; the Azure development site does not make this request and I think the system is "hanging" on my lack of response to this request. I believe that the following call contains the request for verification:
IAsset asset = _context.Assets.Create("NewAsset_" + Guid.NewGuid(), AssetCreationOptions.None);
Where _context is an instance of CloudMediaContext.
Two questions:
I vaguely remember seeing a discussion relating to this scenario but have been unable to find it? Any pointers to the topic?
As any user who can get to this upload view has already been validated as a legitimate user with rights to upload and create their own video, I have no need to do it here. CloudMediaContext.Assets.Create does not seem to require a username. How can I disable this request for a username?
Thank you John. That was it. New to Media Services and made the wrong choice in setting up the account.
How are you doing authentication to Azure Media services ?
Sounds like you used interactive user auth and not service principal for the AAD auth. Web apps should always default to using service principal auth and avoid the pop up.

How to implement DeepLinking If user don't have app then?

I have 3 requirement for DeepLinking or Universal Links to my project.
If user is having the application then URL should redirect to application with content.
If user don't have the application then it should redirect to Appstore.
If user don't have the application then it should redirect to Appstore and after download the app it should go to that page with data which I am sending with URL.
Links which I followed:
What I understood is:
Creating and Uploading the Association File and for this I have to follow some steps:
Adding support for universal links is easy. There are three steps you need to take:
Create an apple-app-site-association file that contains JSON data about the URLs that your app can handle. Upload the apple-app-site-association file to your HTTPS web server. You can place the file at the root of your server or in the .well-known subdirectory. Prepare your app to handle universal links.
Creating and Uploading the Association File
To create a secure connection between your website and your app, you establish a trust relationship between them. You establish this relationship in two parts:
An apple-app-site-association file that you add to your website
A entitlement that you add to your app
Preparing Your App to Handle Universal Links.
In your entitlement, include a list of the domains that your app wants to handle as universal links. To do this in Xcode, open the Associated Domains section in the Capabilities tab and add an entry for each domain that your app supports, prefixed with applinks:, such as
Problem is: I followed all steps and I have a url I added it in the domain in my Associated Domain.
Example: https://<My_Domain>/anything.
Now Backend is generating URL and sending.
We are using Http server.
Route::get('appstore',function(){ return redirect()->away('');});
Problem is when I am clicking on that URL I am not getting any popup for already app and also After download how data I will get ?
Am missing something or backend is missing something?
So it seems like you are trying to accomplish deferred deep linking, which means you route the user to the content if the app is installed or you route the user to the app store to download the app and present them the content once the app is opened. This is very difficult to do by yourself and I'll explain more in a bit.
It looks like you are setting up your universal links correctly but the redirect to the app store is fairly hacky. Universal Links are meant to be used to redirect users to the web version, which means bringing them to the app store instead is no easy task.
If you do get the user to the app store, deferred deep linking which is just directing them to the content after they install the app is nearly impossible to do yourself without using a third-party service like Branch. Branch also will allow you to push users back to the app store to download the app, if that's the user experience your looking for.
Hope this helps!

How to open file in edit mode uploaded to google drive using google api service account

I have google api service account.I successfully upload the file on the drive, open the file on browser.But i am not able to get the edit mode.How can i open a particular file in edit mode.And the changes will reflect to original files.
Currently i open the file using link "" this does not support the edit mode. When the current user sign in on the above link page then i see the edit option but it saves to the current user logged in account and not reflect the original file.
You can try the above link its working now.
I am developing the application in MVC and using google api v2
One approach is to share the files to the users (depending on type in your use case). Once the file has been uploaded (thru Service Account), additional settings will be required to share the file. Set the role as writer and you'll be good to go (by calling the File's selfLink)

ruby google api client, service account and Google app to use google drive

You can skip to the problem below but in short I can auth, upload and get a file list but it doesn't correspond to the gmail account I setup with the service account and google dev console
longer version:
I created a new email account say and used the google development console to enable drive, contacts and a few other APIs for my project.
Then I created the service account API keys/secrets and downloaded the client_secrets.json as well.
It took a while but got authentication working with the ruby google-api-client and I can login via rails console.
I'm getting file.list but it only has the Getting Started.pdf even though I've created a few docs and spreadsheets on the service account.
I can also upload a file but don't see it.
I "think" that it's uploading to Google Apps related account? but I have neither set one up nor do I own domain for the organization I'm setting this up with.
I have no idea where the files are going or uploading or how I can access the drive account I actually did setup with
what's going on .
Can i get some code example on how to modify this to impersonate user?
require 'google/apis/drive_v2'
Drive = Google::Apis::DriveV2
#drive =
scope = ''
#drive.authorization = Google::Auth.get_application_default([scope])
#give me list of files
#files = #drive.list_files
puts "Search results:"
#files.items.each do |file|
puts "- File: #{file.title} (#{})"
If I have to setup google apps this might be tough since they only have subdomains and I don't have direct access. The type of thing I wish I had been told up front.

Custom link in an open graph story

I'm building a facebook app which uses open graph to publish stories. I can successfully publish the stories but what I want to do is to customize the app link in the story(circled in the given image).
Currently my link to "posted via APP_NAME" is referring to the Facebook appcenter page of my app. All I want to do is to customize the link and make it refer to my personal website. How can I do that?
Do I have to specify any extra parameters while making a POST request to facebook??
As far as I know this link leads to one of:
Canvas URL if you have a canvas app
Site URL if you have no canvas app just website with fb login
You can set both in App Settings (
Looking through the logs it's impossible to distinguish it from people just accessing the app.
Add a canvas application with an address of page with this code:
<script>top.location.href = ''</script>
