How can I download a lot of videos from YouTube simulteneously? - youtube

I use Pytube to download videos from YouTube.
This library is completely synchronous, and of course it can take a very long time to download a video.
I call the following code from an asynchronous aiogram message handler.
video = YouTube('url')
video = video.streams.filter(only_audio=True).first()
video_path =
I have to speed up this process as much as possible even if a video is long.
I'm thinking of using the concurrent library and its ProcessPoolExecutor to download videos from processes. Would this be a good idea?
Perhaps you know of any other tools to install many videos at the same time, given that they can be 2+ hours long?


How to reduce initial buffering time of AVPlayer to play video?

Hello Friends,
I am working on OTT platform app, I need to play video very smoothly without any delay like Snapchat and instagram as reference. I am using Cloudinary for uploading videos and everything is working good but at first time, AVPlayer takes time of 1-2 second to start video, which is bad thing for Me. Once video play, next time I come on same video it plays smoothly with less delay of max Half second.
As far as I tried to learn through different blogs and stack over flow answers, I get rid this is default AVPlayer Buffering time and it depends of video durations and its fetching video information like title, metadata etc. But I don't have to use these information anywhere.
I tried to set false this property of AVPlayer .automaticallyWaitsToMinimizeStalling = false, but still no luck.
I tried few solutions from StackOverflow posts, but didn't get success
How to reduce iOS AVPlayer start delay
This is demo video Link Which you can try
If you can suggest, what I can use for OTT platforms to play video smoothly really grateful to everyone...
Thanks In Advance
Most streaming services use ABR, which creates multiple resolution copies of the video and beaks each into 2-10 second, typicaLLY, chunks.
One benefit of ABR is that to speed up playback start up, the video can start on a lower resolution bit rate and then 'step up' to higher bit rates as it proceeds.
You can often see this on popular streaming services where you will see the video quality is lower when the video starts and improves after a short time.
See here for more on ABRs:
This requires you to do work on the server side to prepare the video for HLS and DASH streaming, the two most common ABR streaming protocols.
Typically dedicated streaming servers, or a combination of encoders and packagers, are use to prepare and serve the ABR streams. There are also cloud services, for example AWS Media Services or Azure Media Services, which allow on demand streaming models.
You can make the videos smaller either by reducing the dimensions or by compressing it more. Both of these have the effect of lowering startup time - but will sacrifice quality in exchange.
Cloudinary will create ABR versions for you, but the last I checked, you pay for each version created.

How to build a simple video streaming server?

I am a newbie in video streaming and I just build a sample website which plays videos. Here i just give the video file location to the video tag in html5. I just noticed that in youtube the video tag contains the blob url and had a look into this. I found that the video data comes in segments and came across a term called pseudo streaming. Whereas it seems likes the website that i build downloads the whole file and plays the video. I am not trying to do any live streaming, just trying to stream local videos. I thought maybe the way video data is received in segments is done by a video streaming server. I came across RED5 open source streaming server, but most of the examples that is given is for live streaming which I am not experimenting on. Its been few days and I am not sure whether i am on the right track
The segmented approach you refer to is to support Adaptive Bit Rate streaming - ABR.
ABR allows the client device or player download the video in chunks, e.g 10 second chunks, and select the next chunk from the bit rate most appropriate to the current network conditions. See here for an example:
For your existing site, so long as your server supports range requests then you probably are not actually downloading the whole video. With Range Requests, the browser or player will request just part of the file at a time so it can start playback before the whole file is downloaded.
For MP4 files, it is worth noting that you need to have the header information, which is contained in a 'block' or 'atom' called MOOV atom, at the start of the file rather than the end - it is at the end for regular MP4 files. There are a number of tools which will allow you move it to the start - e.g.:
You are definitely on the right track with your investigations - video hosting and streaming is a specialist area so it is generally easier to leverage existing streaming technologies and services rather than to build them your self. Some good places to look to get a feel for open source solutions:

optimize upload videos in different signal strength

I have a question, my app is a short video share application just like vine, but now I encounter questions when used in subway or some places with weak signals, it will fail sometimes and have poor user experience.
I am a newbie for network programming and iOS. I did a lot search on Google, and have some general sense, let me sum up my finds and pls help to give some suggestions for it.
My requirement is:1. support resume when uploading interrupt. 2. can success upload in weak signal. Actually I do NOT need to think about the realtime problems or how to compress the video, just think the video as a file is totally ok. BTW the server is a REST style, I use post to upload datas.
which is the better way for my requirement, using stream(stream NOT mean live stream video just data stream like NSOutStream&NSInputStream, just play the video after all of it has uploaded, NOT the live stream video playing and downloading at meantime) or divide the whole file into several chunks and upload chunk by chunk.
someone said, using stream is good for resource efficiency since the stream will read files into memory and control the size of the buffer and after setup connection with server we use delegate to control the failure so easy to use.
Upload chunk by chunk is good at speed, I have puzzled with this statement, upload by chunks after successfully upload one chunk we need to release the connection resources and setup another connection then do upload I think this will spend time to do these preparation stuffs.
If upload by chunks which size should be good, one video file is almost 1M bytes, someone said 8k is a safe choice, but......
since the app needs to adapt to different signal strength, is there any way? for example the chunk size is depended on the bandwidth or other ways
Is there any private API already support resume uploading interrupt or is there any apple api can support this, my app needs to run on iOS 5 and above so can NOT use NSURLSession
Concurrent uploading is a way to speed up? If so how to implement or any API available?
Thank you in advance for helping a newbie like me. Thank you very much.
It takes o lot of topics your question. iOS doesn't have an public API to stream video (such as the face time components). The main issue here is sending frame by frame will require a lot of network traffic, instead if you use the normal video writer you get hardware compression, that will be a lot better. There's more and you can check here: Realtime Audio/Video Streaming FROM iPhone to another device (Browser, or iPhone), Upload live streaming video from iPhone like Ustream or Qik, How send to stream video from iOS device to server? and here
If real time is not your problem I would suggest you just to use a good network manager such as: MKNetworkkit or AFNetworking 2.0 . They will take care of most of the aspect that you asked.

How to serve videos like Youtube? Almost instant play and fast seeking

How to serve videos like Youtube does ? Even if the video is long (almost 2 hours long) and is viewed in HD, it would almost instantly play and seeking to not yet loaded parts are very fast.
I'm using a dedicated server from Rackspace with 100Mb up/down for this test, my ping time is below 50ms to the server. My local internet connection is 10Mb, I could maximize my internet connection when I download something from the server so connection to the server is not the issue here.
I'm trying to emulate this and I've tried Real time streaming using Wowza and Pseudostreaming using the H264 Streaming Module. Neither could compare to how fast Youtube delivers video.
Video test file is MP4 (h.264), 300MB, 2 hours long, total bitrate is set to 500kbps, and JWPlayer as the video player
Wowza Streaming (RTMP) - Loading then playing the video is fast, but not as fast as youtube. Seeking is not as fast as well it takes
around 5 - 7 seconds to move to the new position and continue playing the video.
Pseudostreaming H264 Streaming Module (HTTP) - Loading the video takes a long time since its downloading the video header first before
playing it. A 2 hours video has around 2.5MB of MOOV ATOM (video
header file) that it needs to download first before it could play.
Once it starts playing seeking to not downloaded parts is on par with
Wowza but not as fast as Youtube.
What do I need to serve videos with the speed of Youtube? I also need it to buffer/download the video when paused just like Youtube so Real Streaming like Wowza is out.
Pseudostreaming using the H264 Streaming module would have been nice since it does buffer when paused, its just that the initial loading time is very long! Anyway I could remove that initial load time?
What are my other options? I'm open to any other option that I could use in my server.
The way YouTube works is different and they keep on changing the way it works. Doing the reverse engineering on that by capturing the YouTube feeds over wire-shark over last 4 years told me that the pattern is very dynamic. The segmentation is one key, the dual buffer, multiple caching servers and techniques, using the client machine as the buffer render and the functionalities of the player matters a lot. There are many many factors which make YouTube video fast and sleek.
You can emulate the same to some extent but building exactly the same needs loads of efforts and infrastructure.

Playing Multiple Portions of You Tube Video

I know, we can start playing a youtube video at any minute as Youtube provides the api.
What I want is, I want to play multiple portions of the video. For example in a video I want to play from minute 1 to 2, then again from minute 5 to 10 and again from minute 43 to 54.
Is there an API or tool for doing that.
One thing I thought was creating different videos & put them as a play list, but not sure how faster will it be.
Let me know if there is a way to do this.
Thanks in Advance.
There is the Youtube Player API.
#Getting started shows an example of a video being played for 6 seconds from the beginning before it stops.
#seekTo allows advancement of video playback.
You may also use #loadVideoById to pass in the start time and end time via the object syntax, although this method may require the loading of the same video multiple times.
