Sorry if this is something basic, I'm quite new to unreal. I have a project with a cube grid mesh and wanted to bake lighting, yet when I do I get an "Overlapping lightmaps" error for the CubeGrid mesh.
I auto-generated the lightmap UVs, set the "Light Map Coordinate Index" to 1, and set the "Light Map Resolution" high enough that it's green.
here is what UV channel 1 looks like
These are all the steps I saw online, so there's got to be something I'm missing. All help is greatly appreciated!
Having problem with SceneKit object. Trying to get it to look like the first image below, but in the application it looks like plastic bronze.
Object in Xcode / SceneKit
Object in AR app
Can't really figure out what am doing wrong but have narrow it down to my material settings. Current settings:
Materials settings in Xcode
You're assigning specular map for diffuse, specular and metalness which is wrong.
PBR lights have four important components which are
Diffuse, Roughness, Metal and Normal
Assign these properties with the right map and you will have the expected result.
For More details on PBR check this link
Although I am quite experienced with most frameworks in iOS, I have no clue when it comes to 3D modelling. I even worked with SpriteKit, but never with something like SceneKit.
Now a customer wants a very ambitious menu involving a 3D object, an 'icosahedron' to be exact. I want it to look something like this:
So I just want to draw the lines, and grey out the 'see-through' lines on the back. Eventually I want the user to be able to freely rotate the object in 3D.
I already found this question with an example project attached, but this just draws a simple cube: Stroke Width with a SceneKit line primitive type
I have no clue how to approach a more complex shape.
Any help in the right direction would be appreciated! I don't even need to use SceneKit, but it seemed like the best approach to me. Any other suggestions are welcome.
to build an icosahedron you can use SCNSphere and set its geodesic property to YES.
Using shader modifiers to draw the wireframe (as described in Stroke Width with a SceneKit line primitive type) is a good idea.
But in your case lines are not always plain or dotted — it depends on the orientation of the icosahedron. To solve that you can rely on gl_FrontFacing to determine whether the edge belongs to a front-facing or back-facing triangle.
I've been working on a project that helps create a virtual reality experience on the laptop and/or desktop. I am using XNA 4.0 on Visual Studio 2010. The current scenario looks like this. I have interfaced the movements of a persons head through kinect. So if the person moves his head right relative to the laptop, the scene seen in the image is rotated towards the left giving the effect of a virtual tour or like looking through the window experience.
To enhance the visual appeal, I want to add a darkness at the back plane. Like the box looks as if it was a tunnel.
The box was made using trianglestrips. The BasicEffect used for the planes of the box is called effect.
effect.VertexColorEnabled = true;
effect.FogEnabled = true;
effect.FogStart = 35.0f;
effect.FogEnd = 100.0f;
effect.FogColor = new Vector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
effect.World = world;
effect.View = cam.view;
effect.Projection = cam.projection;
On compiling the error is regarding some normals.
I have no clue what they mean by that. I have dug the internet hard enough. (I was first under the impression that ill put a black omnilight in the backside of the box).
The error is attached below:
'verts' is the VertexPositionColor [][] that is used to build the box.
How do I solve this error ? Is the method/approach correct ?
Any help shall be welcome.
Your Vertex has Position and Color channels, but is has no normals... so you have to provide vertex has it.
You can use VertexPostionNormalTexture if you don't need the color, or build a custom struct that provides the normal...
Here your are a custom implementation: VertexPositionNormalColor
You need to add a normal (vector3) to your vertex type.
Also if you want Distance fog you will have to write your own shader as BasicEffect only implements depth fog (which while not looking as good is faster)
I'm in need of some assistance here with Directx.
I'm building my project on top of the TerraTessellation Sample from the Nvidia Directx SDK.
Basically what i did was change the .dds files for the files I'm interested on displaying for the terrain.
V_RETURN(loadTextureFromFile(L"TerrainTessellation/", "g_TerrainColourTexture1", pd3dDevice, g_pTerrainEffect));
V_RETURN(loadTextureFromFile(L"TerrainTessellation/", "g_TerrainColourTexture2", pd3dDevice, g_pTerrainEffect));
V_RETURN(loadTextureFromFile(L"TerrainTessellation/", "g_DetailNoiseTexture", pd3dDevice, g_pTerrainEffect));
The problem is:
When I move the camera on the X, Y and Z positions makes the concavities of the map move as well, so regarding the texture it's not on the right position as it should be.
What is happening? What could help out solving the problem?
Check the picture below.
Well there was a problem with the 0 values on the heightmap and with the MIP levels they made the concavities move on its on based on distance. i took the mip levels out and it stayed great.
Model doesn't display correctly in XNA, ignores some bone deformations Reply Quote Edit
I am very new to 3D modelling, however I am required to do some for a project I have undertaken.
The basic principal is that I need a human model that can be deformed to the users measurements (measured using Kinect, but that is another story!). For example I want to stretch the stomach area for larger users etc.
Using 3Ds Max I have been able to rig a human model using a biped and then add some extra bones to change the stomach:
This all looks well and good, however when I load it into XNA, the stomach deformation has vanished-
I am somewhat at a loss as to why this has happened and any suggestions would be most welcome, or any links to tutorials on how this kind of thing should be done.
Furthermore, when I view the exported FBX in an FBX viewer plugin for QuickTime, the deformations show absolutely fine.
The code for displaying the model (its F# code, converted form a c# example, however I have tried it with the original c# code and get the same results) is:
override this.Draw(gameTime)=
// Copy any parent transforms.
let (transforms:Matrix array) = Array.zeroCreate model.Bones.Count
this.Game.GraphicsDevice.BlendState <- BlendState.Opaque
this.Game.GraphicsDevice.DepthStencilState <- DepthStencilState.Default
// Draw the model. A model can have multiple meshes, so loop.
for mesh in model.Meshes do
// This is where the mesh orientation is set, as well
// as our camera and projection.
for e:Effect in mesh.Effects do
let effect = e :?> BasicEffect
effect.World <- mesh.ParentBone.Transform *
* Matrix.CreateTranslation(modelPosition)
effect.View <- Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition,
focusPoint, Vector3.Up)
effect.Projection <- Matrix.CreatePerspectiveFieldOfView(
MathHelper.ToRadians(45.0f), aspectRatio,
1.0f, 10000.0f)
// Draw the mesh, using the effects set above.
Wonder if anyone has any ideas as to what has gone wrong or any ideas of how to sort this.
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
If you added the extra bones to the stomach, then told max to morph some associated vertices in accordance with the new bones by some weighting factor, then you would need to modify Xna's default content processor to tell it how to build the model to take that into account. By default, it won't.
Look at the Skinned model sample on the app hub:
All the joints(elbows, knees, etc) morph a bit as the joints flex. Ultimately, you are wanting a single vertex to be influenced by more than one transform.