Possible to create an auto-refresh script for Google Slide Presentations - google-slides-api

Hello all, I was wondering if one could use the google apps script on google slides. I am trying to create a slideshow that will be able to be refreshed while IN a presentation.
Here is some sample code I found on a webpage:
var currentPresentation = SlidesApp.getActivePresentation();
var sourcePresentation = SlidesApp.openById('sourcePresentationId');
var sourceSlide = sourcePresentation.getSlides()[0];
var linkedSlide = currentPresentation.append(sourceSlide,SlidesApp.SlideLinkingMode.LINKED);
sourceSlide.insertText('hello world'); // Only the source slide has the text box.
linkedSlide.refreshSlide(); // The linked slide now has the text box.**
Any help is appreciated.


Mapbox GL JS : Popup onclick with external JSON

I am trying to display a popup onclick in Mapbox GL JS when the user clicks a polygon (It's a weather warning box during a Flash Flood Warning).
I have been using this example from Mapbox as a base, and -
This is my JSON file that I am trying to pull data from.
When I click the polygon, there is no popup. When I mouseover it, the cursor changes - so I know the basic possible issues like filename and directory structure are right.
My code below was modified from the example. I am trying to load the "description" of each polygon : (My map is called "topleftmapbox" and the JSON id is "FFWWarning")
// When a click event occurs on a feature in the places layer, open a popup at the
// location of the feature, with description HTML from its properties.
topleftmapbox.on('click', 'FFWWarning', function (e) {
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
var description = e.features[0].description;
// Ensure that if the map is zoomed out such that multiple
// copies of the feature are visible, the popup appears
// over the copy being pointed to.
while (Math.abs(e.lngLat.lng - coordinates[0]) > 180) {
coordinates[0] += e.lngLat.lng > coordinates[0] ? 360 : -360;
new mapboxgl.Popup()
// The following code below runs correctly and changes the cursor on mouseover.
topleftmapbox.on('mouseenter', 'FFWWarning', function () {
topleftmapbox.getCanvas().style.cursor = 'pointer';
// Change it back to a pointer when it leaves.
topleftmapbox.on('mouseleave', 'FFWWarning', function () {
topleftmapbox.getCanvas().style.cursor = '';
I have a feeling that my issue is somewhere in this part of the code :
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates.slice();
var description = e.features[0].description;
I am still new with Mapbox and I have tried looking through here and various sources online to fix this. I am hoping the issue is just that I have the description variable set wrong and that I am missing something simple.
I debugged the code that you provided and found that variable coordinates was containing an object having array of lat-lng.
Modifying that part should fix the issue.
var coordinates = e.features[0].geometry.coordinates[0][0].slice();
In coordinates[0][0], second index determines the position of popup.
Here is the working code. https://jsbin.com/suzapug/1/edit?html,output

Getting the current page's window with the low level api of the Firefox SDK

I'm creating a Firefox extension for adding some functionality to certain Web pages. I need to check that some elements do exist and highlight them, so I'm using xpath to check and locate them. I know about manipulating tabs and the content through tabs and ports, but I really need to use the low level API and do it without ports. The thing is, I don't know how to get the current opened tab window (I can also open the tab, but I'm not getting the window). I already tryed to open a tab and :
url: url,
onOpen: function onOpen(tab) {
// get the XUL tab that corresponds to this high-level tab
var lowLevelTab = viewFor(tab);
var browser = tab_utils.getBrowserForTab(lowLevelTab);
var doc = browser.contentDocument;
console.log(doc); //THIS IS AN EMPTY DOC
// get the most recent window. This give me a XUL window, and I can't sucessfully execute eval on that...
var win = utils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow();
I sawa lot of methods for retrieving different kinds of windows, but I'm not finding the explanation about the differences. E.g. Chroe window, XUL window, NSI window, base window...I just need the current Web page's document window.
Any clarification is welcome.
Thanks in advance,
I just needed to listen for another tab event:
onReady: function onOpen(tab) {
var content = utils.getMostRecentBrowserWindow().content;
var domInstances = content.document.evaluate(me.getTemplateXpath(), content.document, null, 4, null);
var res = domInstances.iterateNext();
while (res) {
res.style["background-color"] = "orange";
res = domInstances.iterateNext();

Google Script to open URL in same window as Spreadsheet

I'm trying to work around the lack of API for Google Spreahsheet's Filter Views, by passing the filter view's URL into a hyperlink displayed in a sidebar.
Importantly: I want the filter view URL to open in the same window as, and thus replace, the spreadsheet. The hyperlink target should then be _self
function listFilterViews(){
var uiInstance = UiApp.createApplication()
.setTitle('Teacher Views');
var panel = uiInstance.createVerticalPanel();
var scroll = uiInstance.createScrollPanel();
var url = "https://docs.google.com/blablabla"
var link = uiInstance.createAnchor("click me", url)
However, the URL doesn't open in the same window as expected but in an other window instead. How can I fix this?
According to the setTarget documentation:
"(setting a target to _self) will only work if the app is being shown as a standalone service. It will have no effect when called inside a dialog, such as in a Google Spreadsheet."
Apps Script intentionally prevents scripts from being able to switch the view of the current window, as a security measure.

Is it possible to post a link that targets a specific choice in an accordeon so to open automatically?

I have a page that contains multiple topics in accordion.
How can I post a link (on social media or other places) so when the user clicks it can view the topic I want without making him choose the desired one to view it?
The website is built in Joomla 2.5 using its native (mootools) accordions.
A temporary solution came to my mind is to make single pages containing only the content I want, but it won't help them view the other topics contained in the same page, unless the user clicks the same category.
MooAccordion has a display option. You could use like:
window.addEvent('domready', function () {
var index = window.location.search; // get query string
index = index.replace("?", ''); // remove the ?
index = index.length ? index : 0; // in case there in no query, display first
var myAccordion = new Fx.Accordion($('accordion'), '#accordion h2', '#accordion .content', {
display: index // the actual behavior you are looking for
Read more at Mootools docs
So you could try these links as demo:

Bookmarklet to save URL in Google Spreadsheet

I want to create a simple bookmarklet, that grabs the URL of the current webpage "location.ref" and saves it in a Google Spreadsheet. After it saves it, I want to stay on the current webpage.
The only way I know of writing to Google Spreadsheet is using Google App Script. So I wrote a simple script that does just that:
function doGet(request) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.openByUrl( "https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=<MY-SPREADSHEET-ID>");
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
var headers = ["Timestamp", "url"];
var nextRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var cell = sheet.getRange('a1');
var col = 0;
for (i in headers){
if (headers[i] == "Timestamp"){
val = new Date();
} else {
val = request.parameter[headers[i]];
cell.offset(nextRow, col).setValue(val);
return ContentService.createTextOutput(request.parameter.url)
I published this as a webapp. I wrote the bookmarklet:
<a href="javascript:(
alert(window.open('https://script.google.com/macros/s/<MYWEBAPP>/exec?url='+encodeURIComponent(location.href), '_self'));
So far so good. It actually works when I click on the bookmarklet, it does grab the URL of the current webpage and save it in my spreadsheet. But then, the webapp returns a text response and the bookmarklet displays the text causing me to move away from my current website.
Is there a way to ignore the response? GAS webapp script requires me to use doGet() that has to return something. Is there a way to not return anything from GAS script? Alternatively, is there a way i could use some other call to replace window.open to invoke the webapp that would allow me to store the response in a variable and ignore it?
I know it's been over a year but I was trying to do exactly this. It took me a while to figure out, but this works. The 1 second delay was necessary to let the script finish loading.
Instead of using window.open you may consider sending a HTTP GET request using XMLHttpRequest.
Refer here on its usage.
Change _self to something else, e.g. bookmarker and it will open in a new window or tab. If you use it on many pages, they will all reuse the same tab if it keeps the same name.
