Apply angular material tooltip (mat-tooltip) to ag-grid header tooltip - angular-material

How can I apply angular material tooltip (mat-tooltip) to ag-grid header tooltip. As per Ag-grid documentation we can create custom component for header tooltip:
Here in custom component if we try to apply mat-tooltip directive it's not getting reflected in output but same works with cellRenderer for row cell tooltip e.g.


How to format content of tooltip and add line breaks within tooltip of chakra ui?

I have a tooltip to be shown which is like 4-5 lines having title in bold and next few lines separated by a line break. I am able to render the tooltip using chakra ui but while using tags for bold or tags for line break - they get rendered as it is in the tooltip . I tried searching in the documentation of chakra ui but could not find anything through which I can format content within the tooltip. Even here, in this question they dont get rendered and format the text of my question instead.
Note that I have to use chakra ui tooltip only.
Also, the same tooltip is to be shown in column header of ag-grid as well as one form. While using these 2 tags, the ag-grid tooltip is formatting the content as per the tags , but while using same tags in chakra-ui tooltip to be used in the form, it does not format.
I know these 2 have no relation with each other - but I am just trying to highlight the point that it does work in some other tooltip offered by ag-grid in this case.
You can pass component to the label of the Tooltip:
<Tooltip label={<Stack>
<Text >First line </Text>
<Text >second line </Text>
<Text >third line </Text>

multiple text colors in jQuery Tooltip

I'm trying to get some words in a jQuery tooltip text, another colour. Is this possible? I would like to give the words 'CONTROL PANEL BUTTON' another colour. I already give the tooltip a custom class. Can I for instance use two classes for different parts of the tooltip text?
Here's my script:
content: "CONTROL PANEL BUTTON<br><br>Click to show or hide the Fluid Control Panel.",
tooltipClass: "ui-tooltip_trans"

Highcharts: How to display multiple tooltips by click in multiple series with shared true

I search for a way to display a tooltip permanently, when the tooltip is shared. These points are very important:
Click on the point --> tooltip is cloned and displayed permanently
Click on the same point again, the clone is removed
Multiple tooltips are allowed to be displayed at the same time
As Sebastian pointed out in comment - you could clone tooltip.
When tooltip has useHTML set to false (by default it does), then you will only need to clone SVG element. See similar topic: link
When useHTML is set to true then div element is created and appended to container of chart. You will need to clone not only SVG frame, but also HTML's div. Another issue is to check cloned tooltips only by x, because tooltip is shared.
When useHTML is true HTML will overflow other SVG elements - to avoid this you could style HTML div with tooltip text and remove visible style in SVG tooltip. In other words - make tooltip in pure HTML.

Highcharts graph: tooltip when mouse over label

On Highcharts graph, can we show a tool tip when mouse over label
other tool tip than shown when mouse over columns (point)?
I've managed to achieve this - you need two steps:
1.) For the xAxis or yXis, set the labels options; the 'formatter' property should include a html title attribute. Utilise a function for dynamic outputs. Ensure the 'useHTML' property is set to true. eg:
useHTML: true,
formatter: function () {
return '<div class="label_tip" style="font-size:12px; font-weight:500;" title="'+this.value+'">'+this.value+'</div>'; }
2.) Use any tooltip library to alter the titles to a tooltip. This should be triggered in the Highcharts load or redraw event.
In this example I'm using qTips to create the label tooltips -

Tooltip for jmesa cells?

How can I add tooltips for all cells in one column for instance? I'm using a jmesa table.
I need this because in the cells i've got text like this: 'this is the ...'. On hover I need to display a tooltip with the complete text.
Use a SPAN tag with a TITLE attribute to show the tooltip:
<span title='${bean.fullDescription}'>${bean.value}</span>
