No-code build - How to send a new SMS every day to subscribers - zapier

I have a webflow account, where people can signup and enter their name, email, and phone number. I want to send them a different SMS everyday, on a set schedule. What are ways you could build this with no-code tools (zapier, airtables, crm tools, etc). Thanks!

The built-in "SMS by Zapier" has limitations
Low sending rate per hour
Restricted to certain countries
So you'll need to use an SMS sending API like Twilio.
But to be honest, using a platform like ActiveCampaign or Kartra would suit you much better.
They're built for marketing automations, and sending emails blasts.
As someone opts-in on your Webflow site, you could essentially loop them in an automation on either on those platforms e.g. "at the end, put this person back into the same automation" until they opt out.
Are you wanting to send them a SMS to try convert them, or is it like a paid service?


Use own number to send SMS in Twilio

I have had a couple of customers wondering if they can use their own phone numbers to send out SMS using Twilio.
I am wondering if this is possible?
What are the carrier charges in this case and do I need to verify this number before enabling this functionality for an individual user?
The number you want to send messages from (or to) needs to be controlled by Twilio. However, it is possible to port your number from your current provider over to Twilio and thus give Twilio control over that number. This is possible, at least in some countries.
This support article here describes how this can be done for US numbers.

Is it possible to list Twilio WhatsApp Phone Numbers and Templates?

I am integrating with the Twilio API to send WhatsApp for Business messages. For the most part, so far everything has been straight forward. However, I foresee the need to be adding new WhatsApp phone numbers and templates in the future. While I have no problem using the Twilio UI to create these new resources, I was curious if there was a way to list the newly added phone numbers and templates in my app via their API. This would help ensure an update to the application wouldn't be needed each time that a new phone number or template is added.
I have found this other question from over a year ago which may indicate that listing phone WhatsApp phone numbers currently isn't possible. However, this question doesn't address listing templates and due to its age I also wanted to reask the community in case anything has changed. Identify Whatsapp phone number when listing Twilio phone number

Twilio SMS to Multiple Countries

So I'm using Zapier to send text messages to people added to a MailChimp mailing list. A lot of the subscribers are from other countries so I'm just wondering how the interaction works with Twilio.
Will I need a separate number for each country?
Twilio developer evangelist here.
You don't necessarily need another number, Twilio numbers can send internationally (mostly, check the individual settings on the number to be sure, UK landline numbers, for example, can't send internationally).
However, receiving a message from an international number may not be a good experience for your users as they might expect a local number. Good news is that it is easy to build this.
You can create yourself an SMS messaging service. Messaging services are a combination of a number pool along with smart uses of the number pool. You can start your messaging service with one number and add others later. When you add more than one number the messaging service will geomatch between the people you are sending to and the numbers available in the pool, picking the best number for the user.
I'm not entirely sure how this works with Zapier, whether you can set a messaging service ID for your Zap. If that's not possible, you could use Zapier to send a webhook to something like a Twilio Function which you could set up to send the message.
Let me know if that helps at all.

Twilio: Integrate existing number?

Twilio newbie here. Is it possible to integrate with a customer's existing VoIP (or even landline) number? I've searched, but haven't been able to find substantial information on the topic. I'm interest in grabbing call data from the API for use with an existing SaaS application I've built, but my customer base cannot change their phone number. Thanks for your time.
You do have the option of transferiing your phone number to Twilio if you client is open to that idea:
Painless and free process.
and, almost as important, if you need to, you can take the number back with you to another carrier:

is it possible to programmatically send an sms via a free google (or other) service?

I'm running a Ruby on Rails application that I'm looking for a method to send some notifications via SMS (not many, just on critical failures).
It seems like this may be possible via google talk or google voice. Does anyone know how to do this?
Have a look at Twilio. They might not be entirely free, but if you want to reliably send SMS on critical errors that might be worth more than a free option that might not work that reliable.
What's more, they have an excellent twilio-ruby gem that allows you to send SMS very nicely from any app.
Pricing with Twilio depends on the country you're sending your text to, for the U.S. it would be 1 Cent for each outbound SMS.
If you get to know any free solution let me know.
Disclaimer, I do developer evangelism part time at Nexmo.
If you're only sending notifications to yourself, you may be able to just use an email alias for your cell number.
But if you're doing anything significant, the best solution is likely an SMS API. There are a few providers (this list isn't complete, but it's what I'd consider using) - pricing is in cents per message (depends on the API and destination, but hovers around a cent or two). You may be required to provision a virtual number depending on your country - pricing there is generally dollars/month (again, depends on API and destination, hovers around a dollar or two).
