Build error in ionic capacitor iOS app ‘Firebase.h’ not found - ios

I'm new to cross platform and mobile dev in general. I am using ionic6 with Angular and Capacitor3.
I am trying to make an app that uses push notifications (with Firebase). I had managed to compile my iOS app once, but on my 2nd attempt it didn't work although I hadn't changed anything.
I have followed this documentation
As well as this tutorial (I've copied the code from the doc as the tutorial is a little old)
When I build my app, i get this error :
/Users/usr/Documents/my-app/ios/capacitor-cordova-ios-plugins/sources/CordovaPluginFcmWithDependecyUpdated/FCMPlugin.m:8:9: 'Firebase.h' file not found with include; use "quotes" instead"
If I change #import <Firebase.h> into #import "Firebase.h" as suggested, then I get his error :
/Users/usr/Documents/my-app/ios/capacitor-cordova-ios-plugins/sources/CordovaPluginFcmWithDependecyUpdated/AppDelegate+FCMPlugin.m:215:7: Use of undeclared identifier 'FIRInstanceID'
I read somewhere that I only need to comment it since it's deprecated. Which leads me to this error :
Undefined symbol: OBJC_CLASS$_FIRAnalytics
I've tried almost everything I could find online but nothing works. I've been stuck here for a week now.
Please let me know if you have any leads or if you need more information (preferably how to get it since I'm still new to this, I may not know how to)
Thank you very much in advance !


React native QRCode scanner integration problem

im trying to integrate react-native-qrcode-scanner into my project. I do all they say in the installation guide but get following error :
I see that this line of code inside this library fails :
return PermissionsIOS.requestPermission(
PermissionsIOS being imported as
const PermissionsIOS = NativeModules.ReactNativePermissions
So it seems like permissions was not loaded into the project.
Any ideas?
Ok, I found it. The thing is that by some strange reason react-native link react-native-permissions didnt work out. I've read installation on react-native-permissions's page. It says that one of 3 following must be done :
Installation via pods - made only worse
running react-native link react-native-permissions - didnt work in first place
Manual linkage with XCode
Only 3rd alternative did the trick for me.

Two Xcode 8.3.3 errors: Lexical or Preprocessor issue

I made my app and it's looking good to me. When I try to build I get the two errors.
Here is the second error:
I have no idea. I'm a beginner and I don't really care about mobile ads but I would like to make two versions so I am ignoring it but I can't get past this.
Code for Picture 1 :
#import <GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h>
I get a:
"GoogleMaps/GoogleMaps.h" File not found error in the AppDelegate.m
Second Error that is Parse Issue in Module.Modulemap
umbrella header "GoogleMobileAds.h"
The error I get is:
"Umbrella header 'GoogleMobileAds.h' not found
Any help is appreciated. I worked hard for these errors. I googled and looked around on here and I'm not really understanding the issue.

No such module error

Hello fellow stackers I know this question has been asked before but all of the answers I have seen have not worked for me. I keep getting the following error: No such module 'CloudKit'. I only get this error for the watchkit extension interfaceController the iOS project has zero issues and this whole problem started happening when watchOS 2 came out.
Things I have tried:
changing the framework path to $(SRCROOT)
changing the framework path to ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/CloudKit.framework
I tried placing the CloudKit.framework file directly into my project folder which actually gets rid of the no such module error but then I get the “_OBJC_CLASS_$_viewsampleViewController” error
Please help me. Any suggestions would be appreciated:)
Apparently WatchOS 2 decided to drop CloudKit technologies which is a big downer. Now if you wanted to use CloudKit for the watch, you need to relay the data from the parent app which is also a huge buzz kill. I found this in the documentation here:

write an iOS 5.1 app that uses a web service

I am fairly new to iOS programming and I'm trying to make an iOS 5.1 app that communicates with a server to receive information from a database. I got the server returning the needed information from the database by following this tutorial:
But then I tried to follow a the other half of the tutorial by the same guy:
In this one we use JSON, ASIHTTPRequest and MBProgressHUD, but I get a lot of errors when I run this because ASIHTTPRequest is no longer supported in iOS 5.1.
Can anyone point me in the right direction here? I you can show me another tutorial that works for iOS 5.1 that would be great. I have looked but I can't find any.
ASIHTTPRequest is most likely returning errors in your iOS 5.1 app because you're using ARC. ASIHTTPRequest wasn't written in ARC, which is why it's throwing tons of errors. But there's an easy workaround:
In Xcode 4's groups and files pane, select your project file at the top of the list.
Select your target towards the left hand panel.
You should now see a list of all the implementation (.m) files referenced and compiled throughout the course of the program.
Double click the implementation files for ASIHTTPRequest and add the following linker flag: -fno-objc-arc. This linker flag acts as a crossbridge between the old non-ARC files and your ARC-based project.
Although there may be residual warnings left, this trick should remove all other error messages associated with ASIHTTPRequest.
When I followed that same tutorial I got a lot of errors. and the build kept failing until I reliased it was because libz.1.2.3.dylib wasnt there. If you go to Build Phases, remove that from the list and add libz.1.2.5.dylib all mine worked first and I got the app working fully :)

iOS: Strange XCode compilation error

I'm building a app with Bump API and Facebook SDK.
And at some point suddenly an error appeared which hasn't been there before.
The strange thing is, that it first was in an Facebook SDK header file and now it's in Bumper.h.
I'm pretty sure that the error is not where XCode says it is. But i can't find anything. This is pretty frustrating and it once again confirms that XCode can be a REAL pain.
Somebody of you have any ideas what could be wrong? I'm developing with iOS 5. Thx
Travel up the include chain. The actual error will be in something that includes Bumper.h or an include in the file that includes Bumper.h (and so on till you get to the missing #end , } or ; )
When a compile is done all the includes are glued together into one file which is why you are seeing the consequences of the syntax error in the wrong place.
