No such module error - ios

Hello fellow stackers I know this question has been asked before but all of the answers I have seen have not worked for me. I keep getting the following error: No such module 'CloudKit'. I only get this error for the watchkit extension interfaceController the iOS project has zero issues and this whole problem started happening when watchOS 2 came out.
Things I have tried:
changing the framework path to $(SRCROOT)
changing the framework path to ${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/CloudKit.framework
I tried placing the CloudKit.framework file directly into my project folder which actually gets rid of the no such module error but then I get the “_OBJC_CLASS_$_viewsampleViewController” error
Please help me. Any suggestions would be appreciated:)

Apparently WatchOS 2 decided to drop CloudKit technologies which is a big downer. Now if you wanted to use CloudKit for the watch, you need to relay the data from the parent app which is also a huge buzz kill. I found this in the documentation here:


GoogleMobileAds.h file not found

I know that there must be a whole bunch of questions like this, but I tried everything, and nothing would work.
I'm creating a iOS app, and I use Google Ad Mob. I built my Xcode project from Unity, but when I tried to archive it in Xcode, there is this annoying error "GoogleMobileAds.h file not found"! I have the Google Mobile Ad Framework, but when I put it in the project, the error still shows! I looked up this problem, and tried to follow some of the people to fixed it, but the error still wouldn't go away.
Could anyone help please?
Here is the link to the project you can download.
Xcode project
I fixed this by going to Framework Search Paths in build settings, and putting in the GoogleMobileAd.framework!
as #SullyBully already correctly mentioned.
You have to add your folder with the Admob SDK to Framework Search Paths in Build Settings.
Additionally you have to include your GoogleMobildeAds.framework into your frameworks section in xcode (no ideas whats that called)
See screenshot 1 and 2 (I literally spent now hours because of it, hopefully this finds a soul helpful :P)
By the way it is completely neccessary just to include GoogleMobildeAds.framework.
You dont need to include the others like GoogleUtilities, or GoogleAppMeasurement etc.
After you build the the game in Unity.You also have to add google admob iOS library to your Xcode project. You can get from : [][1]

How to create framework with inner frameworks?

I absolutely can not understand how it works. I started with a simple one: created framework using "Cocoa Touch Framework" template and add some code to source files. Then using cocoapods I installed some pods to this framework-project. All looks good (maybe not so good actually) and build fine. After that there was an attempt to connect my framework to other xcode project. I did this as follows: just took my test.framework file from Product folder and transferred to another project. At first everything was not bad. The import was successful and I can use my framework-code in another project. But when I run it I have error: dyld: Library not loaded: Reason: image not found. I tried all of the answers to this problem, but nothing helped me.
After that, it was decided to try to connect my framework to other project. This time I got a completely different behavior: namely, I was able to connect the framework, but I could not access the code inside it. I'm completely confused, because I did not change anything. I just did the same with another project.
Please help me. What am I doing wrong?
A related questions:
Can I connect the framework just moving test.framework file into
another project?
For some reason, I should use the approach described above, is there a chance in the theory of success or all that I have done before is not correct?
I tried it a lot with the same result you get , until I posted the problem in Apple forums and they respond with Nested frameworks are not supported in IOS

Reference to xml_****_**** is ambiguous

I have updated my Xcode to the latest version of 8.0
After the update, I am facing a new build error preventing me to run the project on the simulator.
The error is the below in DDXMLNode.m:
reference to 'XML_DOCUMENT_NODE' is ambiguous
I am using the XMPP framework as pods (pod 'XMPPFramework') so I still can't figure out a way to solve this.
Note that the project is working normally on the device and was working on both Device and Simulator with the previous Xcode Version.
I have tried to search the internet but I still didn't find any solution for this.
I tried to clean the project and delete everything in the DerivedData folder as well, but it didn't solve the issue.
Appreciate any help.
Actually I am posting this answer in case it may help someone in the future.
After searching a lot without finding any answer, I discovered the following:
There is a file called module.modulemap that contains 2 methods.
module libxml [system] {
header "/Applications/"
export *
module libxmlSimu [system] {
header "/Applications/"
export *
The first one is used for real devices, the other one for the simulator.
However, when building the app on the simulator, and for a reason that I didnt figure it out, tree.h is being duplicated and causing all these issue.
So what I made to be able to run the project on the simulator was to comment the first method so the app can build successfully.
NB: Don't forget to uncomment the method once you want to run the project again on the real device.
Hope this will help anyone who will face the same issue.
i have tried some way.
I search the word XML_DOCUMENT_NODE with a result here:
then replace every error with the left symbol. It turns out to be OK for me now.

Opening import file for module 'Swift': Permission denied

As the title shows, I'm currently facing a problem in which I'm trying to add a Swift file to my ObjC project. The bridging header is generated and as soon as I'm trying to build, it stops with the error:
<unknown>:0: error: opening import file for module 'Swift': Permission denied
This only happens with 1 specific project (which is an old app that has been receiving updates once every year or so). A newer project can implement the swift file and build without any problems. I've compared the build settings but couldn't find any differences (and the ones that were there, eventually didn't cause the error).
I've attempted to remove all the Swift related data in the app and let it get generated again, which didn't work. I've also tried to build on both iOS8 and 8.1, but to no avail.
I'm currently out of ideas on what can cause it and I haven't been able to find anything on StackOverflow or Google in general about it so far.
The only method I've found and eventually have used is by creating a completely new Xcode project and restructuring/importing the old files. I've spent an Apple ticket on this project, but they haven't been able to help me out with this problem either.
So, my answer to this is; Create a new Xcode project if it's too outdated to implement Swift.

QR De/Encoder SIGABRT error (switching between de/encoder)

hey guys i have to make an app for my school project which includes reading an creating of QR Codes...
No Problem so far. I started with making a tap bar application so that you can switch between the two settings.
I'm using the ZBarSDK to read the Codes and that works so far...
for creating the codes i am using the kuapay-iOS-QR-Code-Generator and that worke also...
but if i combine them in my app i get the SIGABRT error after switching between the views :/
i hope you can help me i uploaded the whole project, so that everybody can see the problem directly!
I hope you can help me :)
I had the same problem, have you disabled the armv7s architecture in your build settings? Also, have you made sure to connect all your outlets to appropriately declared properties? I'm fairly new too, and I would have made this a comment instead of an answer, but it seems I don't have enough rep to do so/ can't find the link to comment.
