How to exclude signal from toggle coverage in RivieraPro? - code-coverage

I'm using Modelsim as well and excluding a signal from toggle coverage looks like there as below:
toggle **disable** {sim: /tb/u1/\example.CLR\ }
It is unclear to me if I can target the toggle function with a flag or If I need to tinker around the generated coverage database.


Put node in promiscous mode

How do I capture all the packets in radio range of a particular node in contiki?
While reading the contiki mailing lists and contiki github, I could read people saying something about making changes to core/dev/cc2420.c file. Some people spoke about setting or resetting values of CC2420_CONF_AUTOACK.
I nowhere found proper information regarding putting a node in promiscous mode. Please help.
I guess what you mean to do is to disable the hardware address filtering. There is a radio API for this in Contiki:
#include "dev/radio.h"
// ...
radio_value_t radio_rx_mode;
if(NETSTACK_RADIO.get_value(RADIO_PARAM_RX_MODE, &radio_rx_mode) == RADIO_RESULT_OK) {
NETSTACK_RADIO.set_value(RADIO_PARAM_RX_MODE, radio_rx_mode);
You can also disable automatic acknowledgements by removing the RADIO_RX_MODE_AUTOACK bit of the rx_mode, but that's a different setting.

Toggle Coverage not getting collected

I am using a Coverage Configuration file to collect code coverage explicitly by mentioning "select_coverage -block -expression -toggle -module dut..."
Somehow, I am not able to get any number on toggle coverage for the dut.
I even tried using instance name instead of module, but it didn't change a thing.
These are few other settings that I have:
->select_coverage -block -expr -toggle -fsm -module dut...
->set_fsm_scoring -hold_transition
->deselect_coverage -remove_empty_instances
->deselect_coverage -expression -module A
->set_implicit_block_scoring -off
->set_expr_coverable_operators -event_or
->set_expr_coverable_statements -all
->set_expr_scoring -struct
->set_toggle_scoring -sv_enum
->set_covergroup -per_instance_default_one
->set_covergroup -optimize_model
Would anyone have any idea what could possibly be stopping toggle coverage from being collected ?
After a lot of debug by examining the coverage DB in imc, I found that in an inadvertent mistake, the merge script did not pick up toggle coverage data.
The coverage was being collected fine.

Conditional OCR rotation on the image or Page in KOFAX

We have two source of inputs to create a Batch first is Folder Import and second is Email import.
I need to add condition where if the source of image is Email it should not allow to rotate the image and like wise if source if Folder import it should rotate the image.
I have added a script for this in KTM.
It is showing proper message of the source of image but it is not stopping the rotation of the image.
Below check the below script for reference.
Public Function setRotationRule(ByVal pXDoc As CASCADELib.CscXDocument) As String
Dim i As Integer
Dim FullPath As String
Dim PathArry() As String
Dim xfolder As CscXFolder
Set xfolder = pXDoc.ParentFolder
While Not xfolder.IsRootFolder
Set xfolder = xfolder.ParentFolder
'Added for KTM script testing
FullPath= "F:\Emailmport\dilipnikam#gmail.com_09-01-2014_10-02-37\dfdsg.pdf"'
If xfolder.XValues.ItemExists("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName") Then
FullPath= xfolder.XValues.ItemByName("AC_FIELD_OriginalFileName").Value
End If
PathArry() = Split(FullPath,"\")
If Not PathArry(1) = "EmailImport" Then
For i = 0 To pXDoc.CDoc.Pages.Count - 1
pXDoc.CDoc.Pages(i).Rotation = Csc_RT_NoRotation
Next i
End If
End Function
The KTM Scripting Help has a misleading topic named "Dynamically Suppress Orientation Detection for Full Page OCR" where it shows setting Csc_RT_NoRotation from the Document_AfterClassifyXDoc event.
The reason I think this is misleading is because rotation may already have occurred before that event and thus setting the property has no effect. This can happen if layout classification has run, or if OCR has run (which can be triggered by content classification, or if any project-level locators need OCR). The sample in that topic does suggest that it is only for use when classifiers are not used, but it could be explained better.
The code you've shown would be best called from the event Document_BeforeProcessXDoc. This will run before the entire classify phase (including project-level locators), ensuring that rotation could not have already occurred.
Of course, also make sure this isn't because of a typo or anything else preventing the code from actually executing, as mentioned in the comments.

Display link to code in Qt creator output pane

When running QTest in Qt Creator with terminal setting disabled, the output pane display links to the test line failing, ie:
FAIL! : MidiTest::testMTCWriter() Compared values are not the same
Actual (tcCount): 1
Expected (2) : 2
Loc: [../../Joker/tests/AutoTest/MidiTest.cpp(271)]
Is it possible to make such link? For example I configured doxygen as an external tool and I'd like to produce the same output for documentation errors.

Equivalent of -ftree-vectorizer-verbose for clang

The question is about how to make clang print information on which loops (or other parts of code) have been vectorized. GCC has a command line switch named -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=6 to do this (or -fopt-info-vec in newer versions of GCC), but I couldn't find anything similar for clang. Does clang support this or my only option is to peek in the disassembly ?
clang has following options to print diagnostics related to vectorization:
-Rpass=loop-vectorize identifies loops that were successfully vectorized.
-Rpass-missed=loop-vectorize identifies loops that failed vectorization and indicates if vectorization was specified.
-Rpass-analysis=loop-vectorize identifies the statements that caused vectorization to fail.
Looking through the clang source code, there are a couple vectorization passes in Transforms/Vectorize:
The last three don't seem to have any arguments that will print things. But in inside BBVectorize there are a couple of options for printing things when clang is built debug:
bb-vectorize-debug-instruction-examination - When debugging is enabled, output information on the instruction-examination process
bb-vectorize-debug-candidate-selection - When debugging is enabled, output information on the candidate-selection process
bb-vectorize-debug-pair-selection - When debugging is enabled, output information on the pair-selection process
bb-vectorize-debug-cycle-check - When debugging is enabled, output information on the cycle-checking process
bb-vectorize-debug-print-after-every-pair -When debugging is enabled, dump the basic block after every pair is fused
That looks like it's about it.
