Metric to measure graininess of image or part of image - image-processing

I am new to image processing. I am looking for a metric that takes, say a rectangular patch from an image and computes a single number (preferably within a fixed range like 0-1 or 0-100) that measures 'graininess' of that patch. I am working with images that may have certain areas grainy (other areas are ok). I would like to automatically detect those areas. At this point, I do not need exact set of pixels that constitute the grainy area, if I can detect one or more rectangular patches with a high value of that metric, that will serve my purpose. Are there standard metrics to measure this?
I see that image editors provide control to remove graininess, so I am guessing, they must have a way to measure / quantify this.
Any help will be greatly appreciated


is it possible to take low resolution image from street camera, increase it and see image details

I would like to know if it is possible to take low resolution image from street camera, increase it
and see image details (for example a face, or car plate number). Is there any software that is able to do it?
Thank you.
example of image:
Possible? Yes. In existence? not to my knowledge.
What you are referring to is called super-resolution. The way it works, in theory, is that you combine multiple low resolution images, and then combine them to create a high-resolution image.
The way this works is that you essentially map each image onto all the others to form a stack, where the target portion of the image is all the same. This gets extremely complicated extremely fast as any distortion (e.g. movement of the target) will cause the images to differ dramatically, on the pixel level.
But, let's you have the images stacked and have removed the non-relevant pixels from the stack of images. You are left hopefully with a movie/stack of images that all show the exact same image, but with sub-pixel distortions. A sub-pixel distortion simply means that the target has moved somewhere inside the pixel, or has moved partially into the neighboring pixel.
You can't measure if the target has moved within the pixel, but you can detect if the target has moved partially into a neighboring pixel. You can do this by knowing that the target is going to give off X amount of photons, so if you see 1/4 of the photons in one pixel and 3/4 of the photons in the neighboring pixel you know it's approximate location, which is 3/4 in one pixel and 1/4 in the other. You then construct an image that has a resolution of these sub-pixels and place these sub-pixels in their proper place.
All of this gets very computationally intensive, and sometimes the images are just too low-resolution and have too much distortion from image to image to even create a meaningful stack of images. I did read a paper about a lab in a university being able to create high-resolution images form low-resolution images, but it was a very very tightly controlled experiment, where they moved the target precisely X amount from image to image and had a very precise camera (probably scientific grade, which is far more sensitive than any commercial grade security camera).
In essence to do this in the real world reliably you need to set up cameras in a very precise way and they need to be very accurate in a particular way, which is going to be expensive, so you are better off just putting in a better camera than relying on this very imprecise technique.
Actually it is possible to do super-resolution (SR) out of even a single low-resolution (LR) image! So you don't have to hassle taking many LR images with sub-pixel shifts to achieve that. The intuition behind such techniques is that natural scenes are full of many repettitive patterns that can be use to enahance the frequency content of similar patches (e.g. you can implement dictionary learning in your SR reconstruction technique to generate the high-resolution version). Sure the enhancment may not be as good as using many LR images but such technique is simpler and more practicle.
Photoshop would be your best bet. But know that you cannot reliably inclrease the size of an image without making the quality even worse.

which algorithm to choose for object detection?

I am interested in detecting single object more precisely a fire extinguisher which has no inter class variability (all fire extinguisher looks same). However, The application is supposedly realtime i.e a robot is exploring the environment and whenever it sees the object of interest it should be able to detect it and give pixel coordinates of it.
My question is which algorithm will be good choice for this task?
1. Is this a classification problem and should we use features(sift/surf etc) + bow +svm?
2. some other solution (no idea yet).
Any kind of input will be appreciated.
(P.S bear with me i am newbie to computer vision and stack over flow)
Height varies all are mounted on the wall but with different height. I tried with SIFT features and bow but it is expensive to extract bow descriptors in testing part. Moreover I have no idea how to locate the object(pixel coordinates) inside the image after its been classified positive.
update 2:
I finally used sift + bow + svm and am able to classify the object. But using this technique, i only get output interms of whether the object is present in the scene or not?
How can i detect the object i.e getting the bounding box or centre of the object. what is the compatible approach with the above method for achieving these results.
Thank you all.
I would suggest using color as the main feature to look for, and only try other features as needed. The fire extinguisher red is very distinctive, and should not occur too often elsewhere in an office environment. Other, more computationally expensive tests can then be performed only in regions of the right color.
Here is a good tutorial for color detection that also explains how to find good thresholds for your desired color.
I would suggest the following approach:
denoise your image with a median filter
convert the image to HSV format (Hue, Saturation, Value)
select pixels close to that particular shade of red with InRange()
Now you have a binary image image that contains only the pixels that are red.
count the number of red pixels with CountNonZero()
If that number is too small, abort
remove noise from the binary image by morphological opening / closing
find contours of all blobs in your picture with findContours or the CvBlob library
check if there are blobs of the correct width, correct height and correct width/height ratio
since your fire extinguishers are vertical cylinders, the width/height ratio will be constant from every angle. The width and height will of course vary somewhat with distance to the camera.
if the width and height do not match, abort
repeat these steps to find the black-colored part on the bottom of the extinguisher,
abort if there is no black region with correct width/height below the red region
(perhaps also repeat these steps for the metallic top and the yellow rectangle)
These tests should all be very fast. If they are too slow, you could reduce the resolution of your input images.
Depending on your environment, it is possible that this is already a robust enough test. If not, you can proceed with sift/surf feature matching, but only in a small region around the blobs with the correct color. You also do not necessarily have to do that for each frame, each n-th frame should be be enough for confirmation.
This is a old question .. but will still like to give my recommendation to use YOLO algorithm to solve this problem.
YOLO fits very well to this scenario.

Matlab image processing - replacing dark pixels with neighboring pixels

I am doing some image processing of the retina images.. I need to replace the blood vessels with background pixels so that I can focus on other aspects of retina. I could not figure out a way to do this. I am using matlab. any suggestions?
Having worked extensively with retinal images, I can tell you that what you're proposing is a complex problem in itself. Sure, if you just want a crude method, you can use imdilate. But that will affect your entire image, and other structures in the image will change appearance. Something, that is not desirable.
However, if you want to do it properly, you will first need to segment all the blood vessels and create a binary mask. Once you have a binary mask, it's up to you how to fill up the vessel regions. You can either interpolate from the boundaries or calculate a background image and replace the vessel regions with pixels from the background image, etc.
Segmentation of the blood vessels is a challenging problem and you will find a lot of literature concerning that on the internet. Ultimately, you will have to choose how accurate a segmentation you want and build your algorithm accordingly.
imdilate should do what you want, since it replaces each pixel with the maximum of its neighbors. For more detailed suggestions, I'd need to see images.

Function/algorithm for determining image (in)homogenity

SHORT: is there a function in OpenCV or a general algorithm which could return an index for image homogenity?
LONG VERSION :-) I am implementing auto-focus based on image-data evaluation. My images are biological cells, which are spread fairly in similar density across the image area. Unfortunatelly, sometimes my algorithm is disturbed by dirt on the cover glass, which are mostly a few bright spots. So my idea is, to discard focus-function peaks caused by inhomogenious images.
Thank you for any suggestions!
Example images as requested: (not the best ones, but should fairly show the problem)
The left image captured at wrong Z-position because of dirt. The right one is OK.
Looking at the image, you could split it up in different parts (say 4x4 subimages), compute variance in each sub image, and see if the difference between lowest and highest variance is big.

Adaptive threshold Binarization's bad effects

I implemented some adaptive binarization methods, they use a small window and at each pixel the threshold value is calculated. There are problems with these methods:
If we select the window size too small we will get this effect (I think the reason is because of window size is small)
At the left upper corner there is an original image, right upper corner - global threshold result. Bottom left - example of dividing image to some parts (but I am talking about analyzing image's pixel small surrounding, for example window of size 10X10).
So you can see the result of such algorithms at the bottom right picture, we got a black area, but it must be white.
Does anybody know how to improve an algorithm to solve this problem?
There shpuld be quite a lot of research going on in this area, but unfortunately I have no good links to give.
An idea, which might work but I have not tested, is to try to estimate the lighting variations and then remove that before thresholding (which is a better term than "binarization").
The problem is then moved from adaptive thresholding to finding a good lighting model.
If you know anything about the light sources then you could of course build a model from that.
Otherwise a quick hack that might work is to apply a really heavy low pass filter to your image (blur it) and then use that as your lighting model. Then create a difference image between the original and the blurred version, and threshold that.
EDIT: After quick testing, it appears that my "quick hack" is not really going to work at all. After thinking about it I am not very surprised either :)
I = someImage
Ib = blur(I, 'a lot!')
Idiff = I - Idiff
It = threshold(Idiff, 'some global threshold')
Got one other idea which could work depending on how your images are generated.
Try estimating the lighting model from the first few rows in the image:
Take the first N rows in the image
Create a mean row from the N collected rows. You know have one row as your background model.
For each row in the image subtract the background model row (the mean row).
Threshold the resulting image.
Unfortunately I am at home without any good tools to test this.
It looks like you're doing adaptive thresholding wrong. Your images look as if you divided your image into small blocks, calculated a threshold for each block and applied that threshold to the whole block. That would explain the "box" artifacts. Usually, adaptive thresholding means finding a threshold for each pixel separately, with a separate window centered around the pixel.
Another suggestion would be to build a global model for your lighting: In your sample image, I'm pretty sure you could fit a plane (in X/Y/Brightness space) to the image using least-squares, then separate the pixels into pixels brighter (foreground) and darker than that plane (background). You can then fit separate planes to the background and foreground pixels, threshold using the mean between these planes again and improve the segmentation iteratively. How well that would work in practice depends on how well your lightning can be modeled with a linear model.
If the actual objects you try to segment are "thinner" (you said something about barcodes in a comment), you could try a simple opening/closing operation the get a lighting model. (i.e. close the image to remove the foreground pixels, then use [closed image+X] as threshold).
Or, you could try mean-shift filtering to get the foreground and background pixels to the same brightness. (Personally, I'd try that one first)
You have very non-uniform illumination and fairly large object (thus, no universal easy way to extract the background and correct the non-uniformity). This basically means you can not use global thresholding at all, you need adaptive thresholding.
You want to try Niblack binarization. Matlab code is available here (page 4).
There are two parameters you'll have to tune by hand: window size (N in the above code) and weight.
Try to apply a local adaptive threshold using this procedure:
convolve the image with a mean or median filter
subtract the original image from the convolved one
threshold the difference image
The local adaptive threshold method selects an individual threshold for each pixel.
I'm using this approach extensively and it's working fine with images having non uniform background.
