Xcode Cloud fail on ci_post_clone.sh - ios

Couldn't find enough information about Xcode cloud and is wondering if anyone is facing any issues using cocoapods with Xcode cloud.
I am aware that I need to add a file called ci_post_clone.sh if I have cocoapods.
Almost every time, my Xcode cloud build will fail on the ci_post_clone.sh script where according to the log, installing some cocoa pod fail. And the cocoa pod fail varies, each time, a different cocoapod will fail.
For example, below is the log. I never have problem getting AMPopTip, GooglePlaces error, and this is the first time.I am aware that AMPopTip SDK is quite old and its not updated regularly.
I am just trying to understand how common this problem is and how have any of you bypass it.
Some of the things I have done is,
Clean, rebuild via Xcode Cloud
Run multiple times, each time, error varies and if I am lucky, the build will succeed. So far, I only manage to get 1 successful build out of 5 tries.
First build
Second build
Third build
Xcode cloud environment are
Xcode version: 13.4.1
macOS version: macOS Monterey 12.4
Local machine environment are
Xcode version: 13.4.1
macOS version: macOS Monterey 12.4
cocoapods version 1.11.3


Building old version of React-Native app with Xcode 11

I just started working on an already existing React-Native app that needs a really small update, but that has not been updated since October 2019.
The first thing I need, in order to start updating it, is to build the app. That is where I cannot find a way to do it.
At the moment, I’m trying to build the app only on iOS and not on Android.
First of all the current toolset versions I’m using are:
React-Native version: 0.53.3
Xcode version: 11.4.1
iOS SDK: 13.4
Node version: 8.16.6
NPM version: 6.14.1
I initially had problem with third-party tools, but I managed to fix it through manually installing them in the node-modules/react-native folder.
Now I’m getting errors about Xcode not finding headers of the modules the app is using
like, for example,
React/RCTViewManager.h file not found
Or, similarly, the GoogleSignIn.h headers in the RNGoogleSignIn module
I believe it’s just an error of how libraries are imported in Xcode, because as a test I have created a new react-native “test app” with the same exact versions of react-native and node, then I installed the core dependencies needed to perform the update on the original app, and I managed to build it without problems.
I’ve also tested building the app on an old Mac with macOS 10.14, using Xcode 9, but I’ve got different errors, always related to importing headers of modules.
This is the toolkits versions of the “old Mac”:
React-Native version: 0.53.3
Xcode version: 9.4.1
iOS SDK: 11.3
Node version: 8.16.6
NPM version: 6.14.1
Searching online I know that some of the problems I have faced (like the third-party react-native manual install) have been fixed in react-native updates, but I’m not expert enough with the technology to be sure that I can handle the update process without introducing bugs. I would prefer to just make this version run for now and facing the updating process later.
Do you have any suggestion of things about what I can do in order to successfully build the app?

If anyone ever comes here with a similar problem: the solution was pretty simple.
Be sure you're using the .xcworkspace file in your iOS folder, and not the .xcodeproj. This is used to automatically (and correctly) load the Pods dependencies in Xcode without having to manually link them.
Be sure that you installed the dependencies correctly with the right version of Cocoapods. We had to use an old version (1.5.x) that would automatically downloaded some pod dependencies. Our error was due to Facebook SDK. Newer versions of cocoapods did not download it, while the 1.5.x version would download it.

MongoSwift Pod contains 100 compiler errors. Unable to build after install

I have an iOS app I am planning on integrating with MongoDB. After installing the pod files, upon build I get about 100 errors and I'm not really sure what's causing it or how to fix them.
Added a screenshot of some of the errors. They are all almost exactly the same.
I have tried reinstalling the MongoDB cocoapod (pod 'StitchSDK', '~> 5.0.0') With the same results.
I'm using Xcode 10.2, set Swift language to 4.0, iOS target build to 11.0 (I may have done these completely wrong though.)
Expecting to be able to build the app with no errors.
You can now use the latest version, StitchSDK 6.0.0.
You will need to wait for the SDK to be updated. Meanwhile, you can download a previous version of Xcode. You will be able to test iOS apps with iOS 12.1.4, but NOT 12.2 and up

Bot lipo error in Mac PRO

We are developing an ios app with cocoapods. We have more than 60 pods and build times are around 1 hour using bots.
We have a Mac PRO machine with XCode 9.2 and Cocoapods 1.4.0 to build the app. The bot (archive and export ipa) fails intermittently while archiving. The error is related to lipo not finding a pod like this one:
error: /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer/Toolchains/XcodeDefault.xctoolchain/usr/bin/lipo: can't move temporary file: /Users/admin/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Bots/a179c8572b00bdeb1f9bbce2d702aadd/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SCHEME/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/somePod.framework/somePod to file: /Users/admin/Library/Caches/XCSBuilder/Bots/a179c8572b00bdeb1f9bbce2d702aadd/DerivedData/Build/Intermediates.noindex/ArchiveIntermediates/SCHEME/IntermediateBuildFilesPath/UninstalledProducts/iphoneos/somePod.framework/somePod.lipo (No such file or directory)
The strange thing is that the error is not thrown always by the same pod. So we have different builds with lipo errors related to different pods.
Even more strange, a build using a Mac mini always works using also a bot.
We are guessing Mac Pro could be using threads in a different way than Mac Mini, but we don't have any way to check this.
Is there any limitation to lipo for large apps? Is there any configuration or tunning for the Mac Pro? Has anybody experienced this kind of issue?
Thanks to Jacek Suliga (Linkedin) we realized that our pod dependency tree was not set up properly. In the Mac PRO, builds are faster and parallelization becomes more relevant than in a Mac mini. In our case, a pod was built before its pod dependencies due to this parallelization. Since parallelization depends on more items than just code, hence the intermittent build failures.
In particular, we removed some pod subspecs and created dedicated podspec files.

Unable to archive iOS app after updating to Xcode 7.3

I'm having problems archiving an iOS Swift application since the last Xcode update (Xcode 7.3), the application builds and runs correctly in debug mode but as soon as I try to archive it I get the following error:
No such module "RealmSwift"
Although it references RealmSwift it fails randomly importing this or any other pod.
The most strange point is that downgrading to Xcode 7.2.1 and Command Line tools 7.2 doesn't fix the problem.
I've clean Cocoapods cache, completely removed ~/Library/Developer folder, removed my Pods folder within the project folder. Even trying to archive with a different machine doesn't work. I rolled back to a version of the app released on Crashlytics and therefore successfully archived in the past with the same result.
Any thoughts about what could be wrong?

XDK (2807) ios build fails when adding admobpro plugin

when adding admobpro version 2.10.0(cordova-plugin-admobpro & cordova-plugin-admob) or admob plugin by appfeel, my ios build fails.
I h've tried a blank cordova project, and just added in plugin management the plugins one at the time. both fail.
here you can find the error log, provided by intel XDK.
one of the lines read: The following build commands failed:
ios target: 6 (I have also tried 7)
android build succeed.
thank you
It was an Xcode problem, because XDK used Xcode 6 instead of the new relied on version 7.
This is solved by Intel updating there build system.
a lot of plugins are only working with Xcode 7.
Be aware that ARM versions can make a difference.
