XDK (2807) ios build fails when adding admobpro plugin - ios

when adding admobpro version 2.10.0(cordova-plugin-admobpro & cordova-plugin-admob) or admob plugin by appfeel, my ios build fails.
I h've tried a blank cordova project, and just added in plugin management the plugins one at the time. both fail.
here you can find the error log, provided by intel XDK.
one of the lines read: The following build commands failed:
ios target: 6 (I have also tried 7)
android build succeed.
thank you

It was an Xcode problem, because XDK used Xcode 6 instead of the new relied on version 7.
This is solved by Intel updating there build system.
a lot of plugins are only working with Xcode 7.
Be aware that ARM versions can make a difference.


Project ERROR: This mkspec requires Xcode 4.3 or later

I have updated to Qt 5.9.6 and I have Xcode 10.0 running on High Sierra.
I have a Qt App that builds for OSX and iOS. And it builds and runs all well with Qt 5.9.4.
Now, I want to update to 5.9.6 for a reason. When I try to build for iOS using Qt 5.9.6, I get the following error
Project ERROR: This mkspec requires Xcode 4.3 or later
Is there a way to get around this issue?
Note that the OSX build using Qt 5.9.6 just works fine. I have QMAKE_IOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET set to 10.0 for iOS case
I also deleted the .qmake.stash and the .pro.user file from the root directory and restarted QtCreator to try build from a a fresh start. But still get the same issue!
This is bug in Qt, use Qt 5.9.7 where this bug is fixed.

Cordova 6.1.1 iOS build fail with error code 65

I am new to Cordova using Mac OS and I am just running the Mac OS in virtual machine.
Any help will be greatly appreciated.
When I build a project for iOS platform the build fail due to this error.
The plugin only installed is whitelist which require in new version of cordova.
Additional information may need:
- I am using Yosemite hackintosh.
- Cordova v.6.1.1.
- xcode 6.4
Thank you!
What's the version of your plugin of cordova-plugin-camera?
I sugest you
update Xcode from 6.4 to 7.0;
remove your dir, and create a Cordova project again.
then you can try "cordova build ios" again.
As you have installed only cordova whitelist plugin, this could not be a plugin issue. You can create a new project and port your code and try building iOS platform again. This solves the issue in most cases. Also ensure that you dont have any illegal or special characters in config.xml. Many a times, copy paste results in special characters addition in config.xml which causes this issue.

Deployement Error for iOS in VS Cordova

VS version - 2015 with Cordova update 3Mac OS - 10.10.4iOS - 9.0 When building in release mode for iOS we get following warnings. But release folder is created with ipa and plist.
So when uploading that ipa using application loader it gives following 2 errors.
As I mentioned in this stackoverflow thread:
There appears to be an issue with Cordova's iOS implementation when publishing apps created specifically using Xcode 7.
A Cordova community member has published a "cordova-plugin-ipad-multitasking" plugin with a fix.
Install this plugin and you should be all set. A future Cordova version will resolve the problem fully.
Failing that, if you are using remotebuild you can also find the native project under ~/.taco_home/remote-builds/taco-remote/builds and make the modifications as described in the Cordova bug on the issue.
To resolve ITMS-90339, there is a second step you can do to patch in the near term. Grab the build.xcconfig from the 3.9.x branch of the cordova-ios repo and place this under res/native/ios/cordova
Now remove this line:
Note that you will want to remove this custom build.xcconfig file if you upgrade to the version with the full patch that is forthcoming.

Error in phonegap build .. for ios

I am trying to build my app for ios using phonegap build but I am getting this error
Error - A plugin in your app does not support the compulsory arm64 (64-bit support) architecture.
here are my plugins
please how can i get rid of that error ?
Your answer is in the post below.
phonegap builds 32bit or 64bits
I quote the answer:
The builds only support iOS 6.x or newer.
One of these three (3) plugins are not 64-bit
Remove all three and add them back one at a time.
Best of Luck

Cordova iOS Build in Netbeans

I am building a cordova app using Netbeans 8.0. My problem is that although it builds on Xcode, I am getting the following error in Netbeans.
cordova prepare ios
xcodebuild: error: SDK "iphoneos6.0" cannot be located.
/Users/abc123/nbproject/build.xml:178: exec returned: 64
BUILD FAILED (total time: 2 minutes 0 seconds)
Xcode is at version 5.1. I assume I need to add the SDK path to a file somewhere, but I don't know where that is nor where to put it.
I can still use Xcode if I have to but it is quite cumbersome when the Android version still uses Netbeans. The provisioning profile is set correctly.
In netbeans goto configure cordova. You can find a link by clicking on the build device icon. from the popup select mobile platform setup. put the correct path there.
I was in the same situation. Using Netbeans 8.0.2, Xcode 6.1.1 e IOS Simulator 8.1 (550.3)
The tip, in the commentaries, from tl8, is great. Go to the Project Files Tab (Cmd+2 or on the menu bar, Windows -> Files).
On the files:
Inside those files you can make the changes. The first concerns to the simulator version. The second is about the ios version on the device.
