Method not found: 'System.String Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IPropertyBase.get_Name()' - entity-framework-6

in my project i use ef core 6*. version.
and AspNetCoreHero.EntityFrameworkCore.AuditTrail.dll for Auditing.
is it compatible with ef core 6.
when call commit method getting this error: Method not found: 'System.String Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Metadata.IPropertyBase.get_Name()'
how can it be fixed? thank you

AspNetCoreHero.EntityFrameworkCore.AuditTrail.dll is not compatible with .net 6 click here to see

i update EFCORE nugget to 6.0.8 - it worked with me after update.


Core Data code generation is not supported for Swift 2.3

I am using CoreData in my application. I was using it in Xcode 8 before it works fine but suddenly its throwing me this error. I tried searching for answer but not getting anything and took a look at a Error: Core Data Code generation is not supported for Swift 2.3 this answer but not solved my problem. If anyone could help. Thank you.
In Data Model Inspector change the Module to Current Product Module and Codegen to Manual/None. This solved my problem.
Try to set Codegen to Manual/None in Utilities area for your Model.xcdatamodeld file.

VNEXT Unable to build

So the issue is, during building my VNEXT Web app, i get following errors:
Error CS0518 Predefined type 'System.Int32' is not defined or imported OHL.Web.DNX Core 5.0
Error CS0518 Predefined type 'System.Object' is not defined or imported OHL.Web.DNX Core 5.0
plus 760 other errors (basic language level). It seems to have lost every relation to the dnx building foundation.
How do i fix this? i have tried switching dnvm to beta 5 and back to 4, nothing.

Cannot find interface declaration for 'AFURLSessionManager', superclass of 'AFHTTPSessionManager'?

Recently i have moved my Xcode Project in to Xcode5.0.2 from the older version of Xcode 4.6.2
Now my project working normal in the 4.6.2 but when i exported in 5.0.2 its giving me compilation error AFURLSessionManager.h
/AFNetworking/AFNetworking/AFHTTPSessionManager.h:73:35: Cannot find interface declaration for 'AFURLSessionManager', superclass of 'AFHTTPSessionManager'
while there is no issue with AFHTTPSessionManager in Xcode 4.6.2
I have goggled the thing but cant find any solution. can any one please guide me on this problem??how to solve this.?
The issue appears to be a bug in the iOS compile-time version checking logic for these classes referenced in pull request 1486. I believe this has since been remedied. I'd suggest you retrieve the latest AFNetworking code and try again.

Errors compiling MVVMCross project after updating to 4.10.1

I have updated to Xamarin.Android 4.10.1 and now my MvvmCross project does not compile :( its as if it cant find any of the MVX attributes.
I am getting an error like the following for every MvvmCross entry in my code
E:\Software Projects\xxx\xxx\xxx\Resources\layout\xxx.xml(0,0): Error: No resource identifier found for attribute 'MvxBind' in package '' (xxx)
has anyone encountered this too?

Project does not compile after update of thinktecture.identitymodel 2.6

I have updated my project yesterday with IdentityModel 2.6, and I can't find why it does not compile anymore with this error.
error ASPRUNTIME : The pre-application start initialization method Start on type
Thinktecture.IdentityModel.Web.Configuration.AppStart threw an exception with the
following error message: Value cannot be null.
I have just updated the package, no code change.
The problem comes from missing web.config section described here
This seems mandatory and all attributes must be filled otherwise it throws...
sessionTokenCacheType for exemple must be filled...
It would be great to have more information on this.
That's a bug in 2.6. Please upgrade to 2.6.1
This was a bug and has been fixed in 2.6.1. Update from NuGet again. Sorry for the inconvenience.
