Can i modify the docker image provided by playwright to add custom node version - docker

I was utilizing Playwright to test my frontend application at work, however, we use node version 16.15.0 specifically. But, while looking at the docker file by Playwright I see that they install the latest node version which is causing issues when running in CircleCi.
Does anyone have any ideas for a workaround? Would I have to create a custom docker image using Playwright's image to tackle this and install the correct node version?
Any help would be appreciated!

Yes, that would be the way to go. The best way to go about this would be to patch the Dockerfile.focal with an ARG instruction. You will then be able to pass values to this argument with your docker build command. This is the best approach that will make maintenance easier. Edit the Dockerfile.focal and add this variable as:
# leave this blank or specify a default value.
Then in docker build you can set the value for this as. The docker build command in the script on the repo will change as follows:
docker build --platform "${PLATFORM}" -t "$3" -f "Dockerfile.$2" --build-arg NODE_VERSION=16.15.0 .
This will inject this variable into the image when it is being built so you can have the correct version. Also, this will make it easier to maintain since you will not have to change the Dockerfile every time you upgrade the version of NodeJS in your image.
Now, finally, you can edit the script to use the version variable. You can edit the line 13 in the script to something like:
apt-get install -y nodejs="{NODE_VERSION}" && \
You can use apt search nodejs after running the setup script to verify the correct version of the package.


Upgrade a package in containerised application

I I would like to update a Yarn package inside package.json (Next.js project) within a docker container. I saw that inside the docker file we run yarn install --frozen-lockfile
For this project there is also a docker compose with other containers.
How would you do that? My first try was to run the docker compose up then yarn upgrade 'package' but I got errors not related to the package like I am running a new yarn install on my environment.
When you are upgrading anything it is always recommended NOT to do it on the live/running container. Instead, it is recommended you update what you want to update in your source code and Dockerfile and then create a NEW version of the image and deploy the new image over the old one with docker-compose in your case.
That's what best practice is striving towards. If this is possible it is recommended you go this route.

Manage apt-get based dependency's on Docker

We have a large code based on c++ in my company and we are trying to move to a microservice infrastructure based on docker.
We have a couple of library in house that help us with things like helper functions and utility that we regularly use in our code. Our idea was to create a base image for developers with this library's already installed and make it available to use it as our "base" image. This will give us the benefit of all our software always using the latest version of our own library's.
My questions is related to the cache system of Docker in relation with CI and external dependencys. Lets say we have a Docker file like this:
FROM ubuntu:latest
# Install External dependencys
RUN apt update && apt install -y\
boost-libs \
# Copy our software
# Build it
# Install it
If our code changes we can trigger the CI and docker will understand that it can use the cached image that was created before up to the point were it copy's our software. What happens if one of our external dependency's offers a newer version? Will the cached be automatically be invalidated? How can we trigger a CI build in case any of our packages receives a new version?
In essence how do we make sure we are always using the latest packages available for our external dependency's?
Please keep in mind the above Dockerfile is just an example to illustrate we are trying to use other tricks in the playbook such us using a lighter base image (not Ubuntu) and multistage builds to avoid dev-packages in our production containers.
Docker's caching algorithm is fairly simple. It looks at the previous state of the image build, and the string of the command you are running. If you are performing a COPY or ADD, it also looks at a hash of those files being copied. If a previous build is found on the server with the same previous state and command being run, it will reuse the cache.
That means an external change, e.g. pulling packages from an external repository, will not be detected and the cache will be reused instead of rerunning that line. There are two solutions that I've seen to this:
Option 1: Change your command by adding versions to the dependencies. When one of those dependencies changes, you'll need to update your build. This is added work, but also guarantees that you only pull in the versions that you are ready for. That would look like (fixing boost-libs to a 1.5 version number):
# Install External dependencys
RUN apt update && apt install -y\
boost-libs=1.5 \
Option 2: change a build arg. These are injected as environment variables into the RUN commands and docker sees a change in the environment as a different command to run. That would look like:
# Install External dependencys
RUN apt update && apt install -y\
boost-libs \
And then you could build the above with the following to trigger the cache to be recreated daily on that line:
docker build --build-arg "UNIQUE_VAR=$(date +%Y%m%d)" ...
Note, there's also the option to build without the cache any time you wish with:
docker build --no-cache ...
This would cause the cache to be ignored for all steps (except the from line).

Setup Docker Jenkins with default plugins

I want to create a Jenkins based image to have some plugins installed as well as npm. To do so I have the following Dockerfile:
FROM jenkins:2.60.3
RUN bitbucket
USER root
RUN apt-get update
RUN curl -sL | bash -
RUN apt-get install -y nodejs
RUN npm --version
USER jenkins
That works fine however when I run the image I have two problems:
It seems that the plugins I tried to install manually didn't get persisted for some reason.
I get prompted the list of plugins I want to install but I don't want to install anything else.
Am I missing anything configuring the Dockerfile or is it that what I want to achieve is simply not possible?
Without seeing the contents of, I can't comment as to why the plugins aren't persisting. It is most likely caused by an incorrect installation destination; persistence shouldn't be an issue at this stage, since the plugin installation is built into the image itself.
As for the latter issue, you should be able to skip the installation wizard altogether by adding the line ENV JAVA_OPTS=-Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false
to your Dockerfile. Please note that this can be a security risk, if the Jenkins image is exposed to the world at large, since this option disables the need for authentication
EDIT: The default plugin directory for the Docker image is /var/jenkins_home/plugins
EDIT 2: According to the README on the Jenkins Docker repo, adding the line RUN echo 2.0 > /usr/share/jenkins/ref/jenkins.install.UpgradeWizard.stateshould accomplish the same thing
Things have changed since 2017, when the last answer was posted, and it no longer works. The current way is in following Dockerfile snippet:
# Prevent setup wizard from running.
# WARNING: Jenkins will start with security disabled, without any password.
ENV JENKINS_OPTS="-Djenkins.install.runSetupWizard=false"
# plugins.txt must contain the list of plugins to be installed
# (One plugin per line, e.g. sidebar-link:1.11.0)
COPY plugins.txt /tmp/plugins.txt
RUN /usr/local/bin/ < /tmp/plugins.txt

Selecting different code branches when using a shared base image in Docker

I am containerising a codebase that serves multiple applications. I have created three images;
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get install package
COPY ./app-code /code-dir
FROM app-base:latest
and app-buzz which is very similar to app-foo.
This works currently, except I want to be able to build versions of app-foo and app-buzz for specific code branches and versions. It's easy to do that for app-base and tag appropriately, but app-foo and app-buzz can't dynamically select that tag, they are always pinned to app-base:latest.
Ultimately I want this build process automated by Jenkins. I could just dynamically re-write the Dockerfile, or not have three images and just have two nearly-but-not-quite identical Dockerfiles for each app that would need to be kept in sync manually (later increasing to 4 or 5). Each of those solutions has obvious drawbacks however.
I've seen lots of discussions in the past about things such as an INCLUDE statement, or dynamic tags. None seemed to come to anything.
Does anyone have a working, clean(ish) solution to this problem? As long as it means Dockerfile code can be shared across images, I'd be happy. If it also means that the shared layers of images don't need to be rebuilt for each app, then even better.
You could still use build args to do this.
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo $ >> /root/test
ENTRYPOINT cat /root/test
docker build --build-arg APP_NAME=foo -t foo .
$ docker run --rm foo
In your case you could run the correct script in the RUN using the argument you just set before. You would have one Dockerfile per app-base variant and run the correct set-up based on the build argument.
FROM ubuntu
RUN apt-get install package
COPY ./app-code /code-dir
Any layers before setting the ARG would not need to be rebuilt when creating other versions.
You can then push the built images to separate docker repositories for each app.
If your apps need different ENTRYPOINT instructions, you can have an per app and rename it to within your (or pass it through as an argument to run).

building go package using docker

I am trying to dockerize the go package that I found here...
The docker image is much more convenient than installing go on all the servers. But the following dockerfile is not working.
FROM golang:1.6-onbuild
RUN go get
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/
RUN make
RUN ./bin/go-mysql-elasticsearch -config=./etc/river.toml
How do I build a go package directly from github using a concise dockerfile?
I found the exact dockerfile that would do this. But the docker command mentioned on that page does not work. It does not start the go package nor does it start the container.
It depends on what you mean by "not working", but RUN ./bin/... means RUN from the current working directory (/go/src/app in golang/1.6/onbuild/Dockerfile).
And go build in Makefile would put the binary in
So you need to add to your Dockerfile:
I guess this should do what I am looking for.
And I hope one day I will learn to use that little search box.
