building go package using docker - docker

I am trying to dockerize the go package that I found here...
The docker image is much more convenient than installing go on all the servers. But the following dockerfile is not working.
FROM golang:1.6-onbuild
RUN go get
RUN cd $GOPATH/src/
RUN make
RUN ./bin/go-mysql-elasticsearch -config=./etc/river.toml
How do I build a go package directly from github using a concise dockerfile?
I found the exact dockerfile that would do this. But the docker command mentioned on that page does not work. It does not start the go package nor does it start the container.

It depends on what you mean by "not working", but RUN ./bin/... means RUN from the current working directory (/go/src/app in golang/1.6/onbuild/Dockerfile).
And go build in Makefile would put the binary in
So you need to add to your Dockerfile:

I guess this should do what I am looking for.
And I hope one day I will learn to use that little search box.


Can i modify the docker image provided by playwright to add custom node version

I was utilizing Playwright to test my frontend application at work, however, we use node version 16.15.0 specifically. But, while looking at the docker file by Playwright I see that they install the latest node version which is causing issues when running in CircleCi.
Does anyone have any ideas for a workaround? Would I have to create a custom docker image using Playwright's image to tackle this and install the correct node version?
Any help would be appreciated!
Yes, that would be the way to go. The best way to go about this would be to patch the Dockerfile.focal with an ARG instruction. You will then be able to pass values to this argument with your docker build command. This is the best approach that will make maintenance easier. Edit the Dockerfile.focal and add this variable as:
# leave this blank or specify a default value.
Then in docker build you can set the value for this as. The docker build command in the script on the repo will change as follows:
docker build --platform "${PLATFORM}" -t "$3" -f "Dockerfile.$2" --build-arg NODE_VERSION=16.15.0 .
This will inject this variable into the image when it is being built so you can have the correct version. Also, this will make it easier to maintain since you will not have to change the Dockerfile every time you upgrade the version of NodeJS in your image.
Now, finally, you can edit the script to use the version variable. You can edit the line 13 in the script to something like:
apt-get install -y nodejs="{NODE_VERSION}" && \
You can use apt search nodejs after running the setup script to verify the correct version of the package.

Why does this docker image give back this error: Unable to access jarfile /home/server.jar

FROM "this line works but cant show code"
RUN yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk.x86_64 && yum clean all
COPY /resources/accounts.txt /home/resources/accounts.txt
COPY elk_casino_server /home/elk_casino_server
CMD ["jar","cvmf","/home/elk_casino_server/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF","/home/server.jar","/home/elk_casino_server/src/Main.class"]
CMD ["java","-jar","/home/server.jar"]
Please take a little more time to format your code snippets correctly and to make sure you ask a clear question.
Your Dockerfile uses the COPY instruction to copy two resources into your container image:
/resources/accounts.txt (available within the image at /home/resources/accounts.txt)
/elk_casino_server (available within the image at /home/elk_casino_server)
Unfortunately, your CMD instructions are trying to execute something very different. Only one command instruction can be defined and the latter will be accepted, which is:
CMD ["java","-jar","/home/server.jar"]
At no point do you copy /home/server.jar into your container image.
The parameter order of the char command seems to be wrong. The manifest-addition should come after the jar-file, not before it.
jar cfm jar-file manifest-addition input-file(s)
see: Packaging Programs in JAR Files: Modifying a Manifest File
Also: If there are more than one CMD, the last one overrides the others. Since I think you want to pack the jar at build time, RUN might be a better choice.
Both points combined:
RUN jar cvmf /home/server.jar /home/elk_casino_server/src/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF /home/elk_casino_server/src/Main.class

How write dockerfile to properly pull code from my github

I'm working on building a website in Go, which is hosted on my home server via docker.
What I'm trying to do:
I make changes to my website/server locally, then push them to github. I'd like to write a dockerfile such that it pulls this data from my github, builds the image, which my docker-compose file will then use to create the container.
Unfortunately, all of my attempts have been somewhat close but wrong.
FROM golang:1.8-onbuild
MAINTAINER <my info>
RUN go get <my github url>
ENV webserver_path /website/
ENV PATH $PATH: webserver_path
COPY website/ .
RUN go build .
ENTRYPOINT ./website
EXPOSE <ports>
This file is kind of a combination of a few small guides I found through google searches, but none quite gave me the information I needed and it never quite worked.
I'm hoping somebody with decent docker experience can just put a Dockerfile together for me to use as a guide so I can find what I'm doing wrong? I think what I'm looking for can be done in only a few lines, and mine is a little more verbose than needed.
Project layout:
Data: is where my go files are Sidenote: This was throwing me errors when trying to build image, something about not being in the environment path. Not sure if that is helpful
Static: CSS, JS, Images
TPL: go template files
Main.go: launches server/website
There are several strategies:
Using of pre-build app. Build your app using
go build command according to target system architecture and OS (using GOOS and GOARCH system variable for example) then use COPY docker command to move this builded file (with assets and templates) to your WORKDIR and finally run it via CMD or ENTRYPOINT (last is preferable). Dockerfile for this example will look like:
FROM scratch
COPY advent / CMD ["/advent"]
Build by dockerfile. Typical Dockerfile:
# Start from a Debian image with the latest version of Go installed
# and a workspace (GOPATH) configured at /go.
FROM golang
# Copy the local package files to the container's workspace.
ADD . /go/src/
# Build the outyet command inside the container.
# (You may fetch or manage dependencies here,
# either manually or with a tool like "godep".)
RUN go install
# Run the outyet command by default when the container starts.
ENTRYPOINT /go/bin/outyet
# Document that the service listens on port 8080.
Using GitHub. Build your app and pull to dockerhub as ready to use image.
Github supports Webhooks which can be used to do all sorts of things automagically when you push to a git repo. Since you're already running a web server on your home box, why don't you have Github send a POST request to that when it receives a commit on master and have your home box re-download the git repo and restart web services from that?
I was able to solve my issue by just creating an automated build through docker hub, and just using this for my dockerfile:
FROM golang-onbuild
EXPOSE <ports>
It isn't exactly the correct answer to my question, but it is an effective workaround. The automated build connects with my github repo the way I was hoping my dockerfile would.

Is there a way to create/add files to docker image manually?

I'm trying to build a ruby-on-rails project, using rails 1.9.3 on Debian image.
After I've built it, using dockerfile, it appears that a directory is missing. So the container doesn't start. So, can I add it manually? I've tried to use "docker run -it sh" to run it as shell, but for some reason, after I add a directory with mkdir it vanishes, when I exit.
I'm kinda new to this stuff (just did some tutorials), so apologize for any mixed up details.
You are going to need to add the dir, and then commit the changes in the container to make a new image out of it to use the directory in the new image. Its much better to use a repeatable DockerFile to create the image
Documentation for DockerFile ->
Have a look at the documentation for commit here ->

I'm trying to make the perfect docker build file, do i need to build it from scratch each time?

For an assignment the marker requires of me to create a dockerfile to build my project's container, however I have a fairly complex set of tasks I need to have work in the right way together for my dockerfile to be of any use to me, so I am currently building a file that takes 30 minutes each time just to see if minor changes affect the outcome in the right way, so my question is, is there a better way of doing this?
The Dockerfile best practices, or an earlier question might help: Creating a Dockerfile - docker starts from scratch on each new build
In my experience, a full build every time means you're working against docker's caching mechanism, usually by having COPY . . early in the Dockerfile.
If the files copied into the image are then used to drive a package manager, or download other sources - try copying just the script or requirements file, then using it, then copying the rest of the sources.
a simplified python example, restated from the best practices link:
COPY requirements.txt .
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt
COPY . .
With that structure, as long as requirements.txt does not change, the first COPY and following RUN command use cached layers and rebuilds are much faster.
The first tip is using COPY/ADD for artifacts that need to be download when docker builds.
The second tip is, you can create one Dockerfile for each step and reuse them in next steps.
for example, if you want to install postgres db, and install wildfly in your image. You can start creating a Dockerfile for postgresDB only, and build it to make your-postgres docker image.
Then create another Dockerfile which reuse your-postgres image by
FROM your-postgres
and so on...
