Can you please share the configuration for consul server and agent deploy in Docker Swarm with shared storage? - docker-swarm

Can you please share the consul deployment in Docker swarm with shared storage? I was facing an error with the No Leader select from the masters.


How to access the application which is running on Docker swarm cluster?

I am new to the Docker swarm. I deployed a Jenkins service on Docker swarm cluster with 3 managers and 2 worker nodes. I can access the service using node port. But, I want to access the service from outside network using an external loadbalancer. If any one have any reference, please help me on this.
You specified an external load balancer, so you would do something like:
deploy hashicorp consul as part of your app stack, or as a swarm service, to your swarm.
integrate your services with hashicorp consul so they publish their external ips and ports to it. The services would be setup with host mode networking rather than using dockers ingress networking.
integrate your external load balancer with consul so it can deliver traffic to the service.
point your external dns as your external load balancer.

Openshift will have docker UCP ?

hi i am new to openshfit can some one please help me on below
docker Universal Control Plane will be availabe in openshift as well or instead of UCP we are using openshift ?
how i can manage my new application deployed in openshift like ssl certs ?
Docker UCP is a tool for managing Docker Swarm clusters. OpenShift is an entirely different product based on Kubernetes for container management and scheduling.
OpenShift applications ate exposed publicly via routes, Routes is where you will install you SSL certificates for a specific hostname.

Persistence Storage solution for docker swarm

we have a 5 node docker swarm cluster with three managers and 2 workers. These are all Virtual machines running in private local enrionment. need to setup shared storage for the docker swarm.
we are looking at glusterfs, nfs as a storage solution for swarm.
need pointers and help on setting up the storage solution. please help
The docker swarm was setup on Azure cloud. We have installed azure storage driver plugin on each of the nodes. with storage account name and access key we are able to mount azure file storage to containers in swarm

Spring Cloud with Consul for High Availability

I have a setup where I am deploying a spring-cloud-consul application from within a docker swarm overlay network. In my overlay network I have created consul images on each node. When I spin up the spring-cloud-consul application I have to specify the host name of the consul agent it should talk to such as "discovery" so it can advertise itself and query for service discovery. The issue here is that every container then is querying the same consul agent. When I remove this particular consul agent the Ribbon DiscoveryClient seems to rely on its own cache rather than use one of the other consul nodes.
What is the proper way of starting up a micro service application using spring-cloud-consul and consul such that they are not reliant on one fixed consul agent.
Solutions I have thought of trying:
Having multiple compose files and which specify different consul agents.
Somehow having the docker image identify the node it is on and then set itself to use the consul agent local to that node. (Not sure how to accomplish this yet.)
Package a consul agent with the spring-boot application.
Thank you for your help.
The consul agent must run on every node in the cluster. It is not necessary to run the consul agent inside every docker container, just on every node. You have the choice of installing the consul agent on every node, or running the consul agent in a docker container on every node.
For the consul agent in a docker container solution you will need to ensure you have the consul agent container running before other containers are started.
For details on running the consul agent in client mode in a docker container see: and search for Running Consul Agent in Client Mode. This defines the agent container with --net=host networking, so the agent behaves like it is installed natively, when it is actually in a docker container.

Rancher Performance (Docker in Docker?)

Looking at Rancher, what is the performance like? I guess my main question, is everything deployed in Rancher docker in docker? After reading I trying to stay away from that idea. It looks like the Rancher CI pipeline with Docker/Jenkins is docker in docker, but what about the rest? If i setup a docker-compose or deploy something from their catalog, is it all docker in docker? I've read through their documentation and this simple question has still just flown over my head. Any guidance would be much appreciated.
Thank you
Rancher itself is not deployed with Docker in Docker (DinD). The main components of Rancher, rancher/server and rancher/agent are both normal containers. The server, in a normal deployment, runs the orchestration piece and a few other key services for the catalog, Docker Machine provisioning, websocket-proxy and MySQL. All of these can be broken out if desired, but for simplicity of getting started, its all in one. We use s6 to manage the orchestration and database processes.
The rancher/agent container is privileged and requires the user to bind mount the hosts Docker socket. We package a Docker binary in the container and use it to communicate with the host on startup. It is similar to the way a Mac talks to Boot2docker, the binary is just a client talking to a remote Docker daemon. Once the agent is bootstrapped, it communicates back to the Rancher server container over a websocket connection. When containers and stacks are deployed Rancher server sends events to the agents which then call the hosts Docker daemon for deployment. The deployed containers are running as normal Docker containers on the host, just as if the user typed docker run .... In fact, a neat feature of Rancher is that if you do type docker run ... on the host, the resulting container will show up in the Rancher UI.
The Jenkins entry in the Rancher catalog, when using the Swarm plugin is doing a host bind mount of the Docker socket as well. We have some early experiments that used DinD to test out some concepts with Jenkins, but those were not released.
