How to configure dynamic value on #OpenAPIDefinition using Micronaut - swagger-ui

Is it possible to have dynamic values on #OpenAPIDefinition?
This setup in Micronaut openapi is currently working, we can display the version and server context-path:
In Application.class:
info = #Info(title = "${info.title}", description = "${info.description}",version ="${info.version}"), servers = {#Server(url ="${server.context-path}")}
My objectives are:
I want to use the "micronaut.server.context-path" value from
if I use "micronaut.server.context-path", it just take it as string literal, as is not the real property value
I want to use the "build.version" value from
I also want to use the "build.version", but I didn't how I can reference that in micronaut


Read html select value into jenkins Active Choice Reactive Reference Parameter

`I am using Active Choice Reactive Reference Parameter to get the option loaded based on the previous Active choice parameter(VMConfiguration). However I am able to get a dropdownlist getting just "Ver1", "Ver2", "Ver3".
ad_studio_install = [
"AD Studio Install":
["Ver1", "Ver2", "Ver3"]
adstudio_list = ad_studio_install[VMConfiguration]
html_to_be_rendered = """<select name="value">"""
adstudio_list.each { json_file ->
html_to_be_rendered = """
<option value="${json_file}">${json_file}</option>
I have faced the exact same problem a while back. As I could not get it to work with the Active Choice Parameter Plugin I wrote a plugin dedicated to this purpose. Having a sort of decision tree based choice in drop down boxes.
The only thing you need to do is install the "Multiselect Parameter" plugin and configure it to be used as a parameter in your build, like for example this way:
H,Software product,Selected version
C,AD Studio,Ver1
C,AD Studio,Ver2
C,AD Studio,Ver3
In your build you get the selected values in the given environment variables SELECTED_SOFTWARE and SELECTED_VERSION.
You can even select human readable names for your versions and have a technical value in a variable.
All of this is explained in the documentation and in the help texts.

Illegal sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTimeOffset

Posting for prosperity. I had zero hits from google.
I'm writing a SAP Business One Web Client extension. I'm using the worklist template and have the b1s/v2/ Service Layer metadata (auto generated while setting up the template)
Running the sandbox version ("npm run start-local") it automatically generates fake data based on the metadata. My data included an edm.DateTimeOffset which is resolved by Fiori using the sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTimeOffset model.
Here is an example response object from the test data proxy (all autogenerated)
DocEntry: 1,
U_CardCode: "U_CardCode_0",
U_CardName: "U_CardName_0",
U_DocCurrency: "U_DocCurrency_0",
U_DocTotal: "",
U_DueDate: "2017-04-13T14:50:39.000Z",
U_Status: "U_Status_0",
U_SupplierInvNo: "U_SupplierInvNo_0",
A perfectly normal U_DueDate value that, according to all the documentation I could find is an accepted format, doublely confirmed by the fact that it's a sap generated value.
This produces an error on screen
Illegal sap.ui.model.odata.type.DateTimeOffset
Adding a formatter doesn't work. If it's unable to parse the value then it won't pass it on to a formatter.
Turns out there is a way to override the expected type in the metadata. I couldn't find much documentation on it, but I changed the element from
text="{'U_DueDate'}" />
path: 'U_DueDate',
targetType: 'any',
formatter: ''
}" />
The date is now accepted as a string so I can use a custom formatter.
Here is the date function in the formetter:
date : function (sValue) {
if (!sValue) {
return "";
var date = new Date(sValue)
var asString = date.toLocaleDateString("en-GB")
return asString;
You don't have to hard code the localization, but my use case is that niche

How to change token label using C_SetAttributeValue

Is there any way to change token label using C_SetAttributeValue? what template is being used to change token name as I tried with below function got error iaik.pkcs.pkcs11.wrapper.PKCS11Exception: CKR_TEMPLATE_INCOMPLETE
token = getToken();
attrs[0] = new CK_ATTRIBUTE();
attrs[0].type = PKCS11Constants.CKA_LABEL;
attrs[0].pValue = label.toCharArray();
attrs[1] = new CK_ATTRIBUTE();
attrs[1].type = PKCS11Constants.CKA_ID;
attrs[1].pValue = label.toCharArray();
session.getSessionHandle(), token.getSlot().getSlotID(), attrs, true);
Hello on StackOverflow!
Have a look at C_SetAttributeValue definition:
CK_ULONG ulCount
The second parameter is the Object ID, not the slot ID.
Please refer to your library's manufacturer documentation for extensions to PKCS#11 that allow to set token label.
C_SetAttributeValue is categorized as an object-management function. More precisely, the cryptoki function C_SetAttributeValue is used to modify or set an attribute value of an object (not token). If you use a standard PKCS#11 library, you should use C_initToken to change or set the token label.
Please note that a company may provide some non-standard functions for its own products. Thus, it might be also a non-standard function or extension in a specific product that helps you to change the token label.

How can I set Algolia searchableAttributes on an instantsearch widget?

I am trying to set searchable attributes so that these can by dynamically controlled by locale. I am attempting to follow this guide from algolia on multi lang support:
The example shows setting this value on index:
but this is not how I am creating my index, maybe I am missing something? I also don't appear to have the set_settings method on the helper.
I am trying to set this via:
helper.setQueryParameter('searchableAttributes', searchable_terms_array)
found towards the bottom of the following coffee script code block
searchable_terms_array = [
restricted_terms_array = [
'title_' + current_locale
search = instantsearch(
appId: 'MY-ID'
apiKey: 'MY_KEY'
indexName: 'my_index_' + rails_env
urlSync: {
threshold: 300
getHistoryState: ->
{ turbolinks: true }
searchFunction: (helper) ->
query = search.helper.state.query
# Here is my attempt, doesn't seem to work
helper.setQueryParameter('searchableAttributes', searchable_terms_array)
# is there another way to set above line?
helper.setQueryParameter('restrictSearchableAttributes', restricted_terms_array)
videos.helper.setQuery query
Finally, it may be important to note that I am setting the primary searchable attributes via the Algolia admin console, but assume I am supposed to be setting the additional language related fields to searchable via the API.
searchableAttributes is setting not a query parameter. The JS Helper is a query only layer on top of the client. This means that you can't set the settings of your index using the JS Helper.
What you need to do for multiple language support is to create a replicas per language. Each replica will have a different set of searchable attributes. Then using instantsearch.js or the JS Helper you can switch indices, respectively using the sortBySelector widget or the setIndex method of the helper.

Adobe DTM - Analytics/Omniture query string missing parameters

I've searched for days looking into this issue but have yet to come up with something. We are migrating our analytics code over to DTM. We are using our own Library hosted at DTM. Everything works great except for some missing data collection parameters in the query string only when using the Adobe Analytics tool to assign variables.
Let me explain. When I use custom code in DTM in a rule to call analytics I get exactly the same query string parameters in the request that we were getting before.
var str = 'string';
s.linkTrackVars = 'prop61,eVar61';
s.linkTrackEvents = 'none';
s.prop61 = str;
s.eVar61 = str;, 'o', str);
This works fine.
If I try to set eVar61 and prop61 with the Adobe Analytics tool inside a rule, five parameters are no longer in the query string. Specifically 'pev1', 'pid', 'pidt', 'oid' and 'ot'. Is there a way to get DTM to set those parameters or am I just to use custom code for all our rules?
Those are clickmap query string parameters. Click on the gear icon to edit the global Analytics tool, and under Link Tracking, make sure 'Enable Clickmap' is checked. Alternatively, you can set s.trackInlineStats=true in your code, which effectively achieves the same effect.
If you ever see missing query string parameters in the future, you can determine what variables to define using the Data Collection Query Parameters in the Marketing Cloud documentation.
