Any help from any source is appreciated.
Server has a Docker container with alpine, nginx, php. This container is able to write in bind mounted host directory, only when I set "chown -R nobody directory" to the host directory (nobody is a user in container).
I am using VSCode's extension "Remote - SSH" to connect to server as user ubuntu. VSCode is able to edit files in that same host directory (being used for bind mount), only when I set "chown -R ubuntu directory".
Problem: if I set "ubuntu" as owner, container can't write (using php to write), if I set "nobody" as owner, VSCode SSH can't write. I am finding a way to allow both to write without changing directory owner user again and again, or similar ease.
Image used:
What I tried:
In Container, I added user "nobody" to group "ubuntu". On host, directory (used as mount) was set "sudo chown -R ubuntu:ubuntu directory", user "ubuntu" was already added to group "ubuntu".
VSCode did edit, container was unable to edit. (Edit: IT WORKED, I changed the directory permission for the group to allow write)
Edit: the container already created without Dockerfile also ran and maybe edited with important changes, so maybe I can't use Dockerfile or way to solve problem. Can It be achieved through running commands inside container or without creating container again? This container can be stopped.
Edit: I am wondering, in Triet Doan's answer, an option is to modify UID and GID of already created user in the container, will doing this for the user and group "nobody" can cause any problems inside container, I am wondering because probably many commands for settings already executed inside container, files are already edited by php on mounted directory & container is running for days
Edit: I found that alpine has no usermod & groupmod.
This article wrote about this problem very nicely. I would just summarize the main ideas here.
The easiest way to tackle with this permission problem is to modify UID and GID in the container to the same UID and GID that are used in the host machine.
In your case, we try to get the UID and GID of user ubuntu and use them in the container.
The author suggests 3 ways:
1. Create a new user with the same UID and GID of the host machine in
Here’s the Dockerfile version for Ubuntu base image.
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update && apt-get -y install gosu
COPY /usr/local/bin/
RUN chmod +x /usr/local/bin/
ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/local/bin/"]
The was created as follows:
echo "Starting with UID: $USER_ID, GID: $GROUP_ID"
useradd -u $USER_ID -o -m user
groupmod -g $GROUP_ID user
export HOME=/home/user
exec /usr/sbin/gosu user "$#"
Simply build the container with the docker build command.
docker build -t ubuntu-test1 .
The LOCAL_UID and LOCAL_GID can be passed to the container in the docker run command.
$ docker run -it --name ubuntu-test -e LOCAL_UID=$(id -u $USER) -e LOCAL_GID=$(id -g $USER) ubuntu-test1 /bin/bash
Starting with UID: 1001, GID: 1001
user#1291224a8029:/$ id
uid=1001(user) gid=1001(user) groups=1001(user)
We can see that the UID and GID in the container are the same as those in the host.
2. Mount the host machine’s /etc/passwd and /etc/group to a container
This is also a fine approach and simpler at a glance. One drawback of this approach is that a new user created in a container can’t access the bind-mounted file and directories because UID and GID are different from the host machine’s ones.
One must be careful to have /etc/passwd and /etc/group with read-only access, otherwise the container might access and overwrite the host machine’s /etc/passwd and /etc/group. Therefore, the author doesn't recommend this way.
$ docker run -it --name ubuntu-test --mount type=bind,source=/etc/passwd,target=/etc/passwd,readonly --mount type=bind,source=/etc/group,target=/etc/g
roup,readonly -u $(id -u $USER):$(id -g $USER) ubuntu /bin/bash
ether#903ad03490f3:/$ id
uid=1001(user) gid=1001(user) groups=1001(user)
3. Modify UID and GID with the same UID and GID of the host machine
This is mostly the same approach as No.1, but just modify the UID and GID in case a new user has been created in the container already. Assume you have a new user created in the Dockerfile, then just call these commands in either Dockerfile or
If your username and group name were "test", then you can use usermod and groupmod commands to modify UID and GID in the container. The taken UID and GID as environment variables from the host machine will be used for this "test" user.
usermod -u $USER_ID -o -m -d <path-to-new-home> test
groupmod -g $GROUP_ID test
Problem: if I set "ubuntu" as owner, container can't write (using php to write), if I set "nobody" as owner, VSCode SSH can't write. I am finding a way to allow both to write without changing directory owner user again and again, or similar ease.
First, I'd recommend the container image should create a new username for the files inside the container, rather than reusing nobody since that user may also be used for other OS tasks that shouldn't have any special access.
Next, as Triet suggests, an entrypoint that adjusts the container's user/group to match the volume is preferred. My own version of these scripts can be found in this base image that includes a fix-perms script that makes the user id and group id of the container user match the id's of a mounted volume. In particular, the following lines of that script where $opt_u is the container username, $opt_g is the container group name, and $1 is the volume mount location:
# update the uid
if [ -n "$opt_u" ]; then
OLD_UID=$(getent passwd "${opt_u}" | cut -f3 -d:)
NEW_UID=$(stat -c "%u" "$1")
if [ "$OLD_UID" != "$NEW_UID" ]; then
echo "Changing UID of $opt_u from $OLD_UID to $NEW_UID"
usermod -u "$NEW_UID" -o "$opt_u"
if [ -n "$opt_r" ]; then
find / -xdev -user "$OLD_UID" -exec chown -h "$opt_u" {} \;
# update the gid
if [ -n "$opt_g" ]; then
OLD_GID=$(getent group "${opt_g}" | cut -f3 -d:)
NEW_GID=$(stat -c "%g" "$1")
if [ "$OLD_GID" != "$NEW_GID" ]; then
echo "Changing GID of $opt_g from $OLD_GID to $NEW_GID"
groupmod -g "$NEW_GID" -o "$opt_g"
if [ -n "$opt_r" ]; then
find / -xdev -group "$OLD_GID" -exec chgrp -h "$opt_g" {} \;
Then I start the container as root, and the container runs the fix-perms script from the entrypoint, followed by a command similar to:
exec gosu ${container_user} ${orig_command}
This replaces the entrypoint that's running as root with the application running as the specified user. I've got more examples of this in:
DockerCon presentation
Similar SO questions
What I tried: In Container, I added user "nobody" to group "ubuntu".
On host, directory (used as mount) was set "sudo chown -R
ubuntu:ubuntu directory", user "ubuntu" was already added to group
"ubuntu". VSCode did edit, container was unable to edit.
I'd avoid this and create a new user. Nobody is designed to be as unprivileged as possible, so there could be unintended consequences with giving it more access.
Edit: the container already created without Dockerfile also ran and
maybe edited with important changes, so maybe I can't use Dockerfile
or way to solve problem. Can It be achieved through
running commands inside container or without creating container again?
This container can be stopped.
This is a pretty big code smell in containers. They should be designed to be ephemeral. If you can't easily replace them, you're missing the ability to upgrade to a newer image, and creating a lot of state drift that you'll eventually need to cleanup. Your changes that should be preserved need to be in a volume. If there are other changes that would be lost when the container is deleted, they will be visible in docker diff and I'd recommend fixing this now rather than increasing the size of the technical debt.
Edit: I am wondering, in Triet Doan's answer, an option is to modify
UID and GID of already created user in the container, will doing this
for the user and group "nobody" can cause any problems inside
container, I am wondering because probably many commands for settings
already executed inside container, files are already edited by php on
mounted directory & container is running for days
I would build a newer image that doesn't depend on this username. Within the container, if there's data you need to preserve, it should be in a volume.
Edit: I found that alpine has no usermod & groupmod.
I use the following in the entrypoint script to install it on the fly, but the shadow package should be included in the image you build rather than doing this on the fly for every new container:
if ! type usermod >/dev/null 2>&1 || \
! type groupmod >/dev/null 2>&1; then
if type apk /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Warning: installing shadow, this should be included in your image"
apk add --no-cache shadow
echo "Commands usermod and groupmod are required."
exit 1
How do I run docker run and docker-compose up/run commands so that the process inside the docker is run by a user with the same uuid as my local user?
I need to do this so that any files generated by an "inside-docker" process would have ownership permissions of my local user.
To replicate:
Use the alpine:3.9 container, mount in a volume for the file to be written and create the file. Assume my current username is user.
mkdir output_dir #Create an output directory
docker run -it --rm --volume "/path/to/output_dir:/tmp" alpine:3.9 touch /tmp/file.txt
ls -la output_dir/file.txt
Will give the output:
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Feb 7 19:51 /path/to/output_dir/file.txt
This means I need to sudo chown user:user /path/to/output_dir/file.txt to have access as my current user on my own file system.
How do I do this without this extra step?
Idea that comes to mind:
Add a Docker Entrypoint which will create a user inside the container with the same uuid as my local user and execute any code as that user.
set -ux
useradd -s /bin/false --no-create-home -u ${TEMP_UID} temp
#su-exec is an executable which makes it easy to run a process as a specific user.
exec su-exec temp $#
The problem with this is I will have to inject the TEMP_UID=<user_id> as an environment variable at every docker run command or include in my docker-compose.yml file for every docker-compose up/run command. If Docker has an internal variable that keeps track of the uuid of the user that ran it, I would just use that. But I can't seem to find such an internal variable.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I think the answer is as simple as
docker run --user ${UID} -it --rm --volume "/path/to/output_dir:/tmp" alpine:3.9 touch /tmp/file.txt
Note I injected --user ${UID} into your example command.
Many of the current options require a change outside of the container to pass in the current user, or rely on variables that may not exist in all environments. My preferred solution, since the goal is to fix file permissions on mounted volumes, is to start the entrypoint as root with a script that changes the container userid to match that of the volume mount's userid. And then the end of the entrypoint launches the application with a exec gosu $app_user_name "$#" to switch from root to that application user that was modified inside of the container.
Scripts to do this are in my base image repo. Take note of the fix-perms script which includes two sections like the following (one for uid and another for gid):
# update the uid
if [ -n "$opt_u" ]; then
OLD_UID=$(getent passwd "${opt_u}" | cut -f3 -d:)
NEW_UID=$(stat -c "%u" "$1")
if [ "$OLD_UID" != "$NEW_UID" ]; then
echo "Changing UID of $opt_u from $OLD_UID to $NEW_UID"
usermod -u "$NEW_UID" -o "$opt_u"
if [ -n "$opt_r" ]; then
find / -xdev -user "$OLD_UID" -exec chown -h "$opt_u" {} \;
The OLD_UID value is from the userid in the image, and NEW_UID is from the volume mount. When those don't match, the usermod command is run, followed by a recursive chown command to fix any files with the old uid/gid.
Note that in production, where user id's on the host can be standardized, I match the host user id to that of the image if a volume is needed, allowing me to run the entrypoint as that user instead of root. The entrypoint checks the current userid and skips the fix-perms script and gosu command if it is not root.
I run docker-compose up -d and then ssh into the container. I can load the site via localhost just fine but when I try to edit the source code on my local it does not let me due to permission errors. This is the ls -la output on container vs local:
My dockerfile has the chown command:
My local user is called pwm. I tried running chown -R pwm:pwm ../app from host at which point I am able to edit files but then I get laravel permission denied errors. Then I need to runchown -R www-data:www-data ../app again to fix it.
How can I fix this?
For a development environment, my go-to solution for this is to setup an entrypoint script inside the container that starts as root, changes the user inside the container to match that of the file/directory owner from a volume mount (which will be your user on the host), and then switch to that user to run the app. I've got an example of doing this along with the scripts needed to implement this in your own container in my base image repo:
In there, the fix-perms script does the heavy lifting, including code like the following:
# update the uid
if [ -n "$opt_u" ]; then
OLD_UID=$(getent passwd "${opt_u}" | cut -f3 -d:)
NEW_UID=$(stat -c "%u" "$1")
if [ "$OLD_UID" != "$NEW_UID" ]; then
echo "Changing UID of $opt_u from $OLD_UID to $NEW_UID"
usermod -u "$NEW_UID" -o "$opt_u"
if [ -n "$opt_r" ]; then
find / -xdev -user "$OLD_UID" -exec chown -h "$opt_u" {} \;
That script is run as root inside the container on startup. The last step of the entrypoints that I run will call something like:
exec gosu ${app_user} "$#"
which runs the container command as the application user as the new pid 1 executable.
I'm fairly new to node and nginx. I've a task of building a simple webserver which host dynamic contents. A very crucial part of the webserver is to take inputs from user about ports to be used , any custom domain to be used (in place of localhost) , SSL certificates etc. from installer [Its supposed to be built for docker ] but I have no idea how to execute a script such that is passes the variable entered by user ( like $SERVER_URI) to nginx.conf and node file and overwrite current data
I will suggest to create a config file and read the value from them so everything will be dynamic.
Here is how you can achieve SSL certificate and other ENV and port dynamically also docker name and image name will be get and set.
Create file docker.config which contain ports, ENV, path mapping, hosts values and links if you wish to link container. leave them blank
if you do not need them. remove host_port:container_port this entry
just for comment purpose.
create this will read the values from docker.config and will run command your docker container.
Need two arguments 1st: docker name and 2nd: image name.
function read_connfig() {
option_key=$(echo "${2}" | cut -d':' -f1)
config_name=$(echo "${2}" | cut -d':' -f2)
post_fix=$(echo "${2}" | cut -d':' -f3)
while IFS=$' \t\n\r' read -r line; do
if [[ $line == END_"${config_name}" ]] ; then
if [[ $read_prop == "yes" ]] ; then
echo -n "${option_key}${line}${post_fix} "
if [[ $line == START_"${config_name}" ]] ; then
done < "$input"
function get_run_configs() {
declare -a configs=("-p :PORT_MAPPINGS:" "-v :PATH_MAPPINGS:" "--add-host=:HOST_MAPPINGS:" "-e :ENV_VARS:" "--link :LINKING:")
local run_command=""
for config in "${configs[#]}"
config_vals=($(read_connfig "${docker_name}" "${config}"))
if [ ! -z "${config_vals}" ];
for config_val in "${config_vals[#]}"
run_command="${run_command} ${config_val}"
echo >&2 "No config found for ${config}"
echo "${run_command}"
docker_command=$(get_run_configs $docker_name)
echo $docker_command
docker run --name $container_name $docker_command -dit $image_name
Resulting command will be. ./ test test
docker run --name test -p host_port:container_port -p 8080:80 -v /path_to_code/:/var/www/htlm/test -v /path_to_nginx_config1:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf -v /path_to_ssl_certs:/container_path_to_Certs -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=1234 -e OTHER_ENV_VAR=value --link db:db-server -dit test
I would like to take a Docker image (let's say ubuntu:latest) and make something like:
> docker-image-mount ubuntu:latest my_little_ubuntu
> cd my_little_ubuntu
> ls
/usr /var /bin etc.
Is it possible somehow?
I've just investigated internal structure of how docker stores their images.
In case of aufs storage driver there is following directory layout (I assume, that docker lives in /var/lib/docker).
/var/lib/docker/aufs/diff in this directory docker stores data of each image "layer". It is just a directory with files, which docker mounts in container root.
/var/lib/docker/aufs/layers in this directory docker stores just text files. Each files contains list of layer ID's for certain image.
So docker itself does something like that:
error() { echo "$#" 1>&2; }
if [ -z "${IMAGE}" ];
error "Image is not specified"
exit 1
if [ -z "${TARGET}" ];
error "Target is not specified"
exit 1
while read LAYER; do
mount -t aufs -o "${BRANCH}" "${IMAGE}" "${TARGET}"
Where ${IMAGE} is ID of docker container, and ${TARGET} is existed directory in host filesystem where to mount image.
To unmount it just call:
umount cf39b476aeec4d2bd097945a14a147dc52e16bd88511ed931357a5cd6f6590de
As I mentioned in comment above, this is heavily depends on storage driver (and obviously on docker version), so I could not give you any guarantee that you will get this code working.
You could use Podman and Buildah to mount a container image (RW).
prompt:~ # podman pull ubuntu
prompt:~ # container=`buildah from ubuntu`
prompt:~ # echo $container
prompt:~ # mnt=`buildah mount $container`
prompt:~ # echo $mnt
prompt:~ # ls $mnt
bin boot dev etc home lib ... usr var
prompt:~ # buildah umount $container
If you actually want to mount a running or stopped container, you could mount it using the podman mount command.