Dialpad and Dual Channel Recordings - twilio

The documentation found here, Known Limitations has a section stating:
Dual channel recording requires recordingStatusCallback to be set
The recordingStatusCallback attribute must be set in the Conference instruction attributes when enabling dual channel recording. See this support article for more information.
But the referenced support article does not provide any information on Dual Channel recordings.
There is a code snippet:
flex.Actions.addListener("beforeAcceptTask", (payload) => {
payload.conferenceOptions.record = 'true';
payload.conferenceOptions.recordingStatusCallback = 'https://example.com/recordingcallbackurl';
Which I believe generates a mono recording, not a dual channel (stereo) recording. Any suggestions where to look or can you provide some clarity around this? Not clear about the requirement for:
The recordingStatusCallback attribute must be set in the Conference instruction attributes

To generate a dual channel recording, I think you need to add the recordingChannels option, set to "dual":
flex.Actions.addListener("beforeAcceptTask", (payload) => {
payload.conferenceOptions.record = 'true';
payload.conferenceOptions.recordingStatusCallback = 'https://example.com/recordingcallbackurl';
payload.conferenceOptions.recordingChannels = 'dual'


YouTube API: differentiating between Premiered and Livestream

I am using YouTube data API and trying to differentiate prior livestreams vs premiered content. The liveStreamingDetails in the video list is populated for both livestreams and premiered content. Is there a way I can differentiate between the two?
Below is my python code for getting live stream start time. If its not populated, then I know that video is not live stream. But the problem is that this value is getting populated for premiered content as well.
vid_request = youtube.videos().list(part = 'contentDetails, statistics, snippet, liveStreamingDetails, status',id = ','.join(vid_ids))
vid_response = vid_request.execute()
for videoitem in vid_response['items']:
livestreamStartTime = videoitem['liveStreamingDetails']['actualStartTime']
livestreamStartTime = ''
Any pointers on what could work would really help?

multiple accent Langiage in gather speech in twilio

As our customer usually talk in different accent, like spanish ,indian and few other english accent. Is it possible to add multiple language accent in gather verb SPEECH RECOGNITION LANGUAGE?
Also I haven't found the "enhance" option in twilio studio.
exports.handler = function(context, event, callback) {
let twiml = new Twilio.twiml.VoiceResponse();
//twiml.say("Testing voice command, please say something");
const gather = twiml.gather({
hints:"one, two, help, voicemail",
language:"en-US", //,en-US"
// enhanced:true
gather.say("Testing voice command, please say something and we will
transcribe it");
callback(null, twiml);
The recognized language is a single value. You would need to utilize a common way to ask what language they would like to interact with (say in English) before setting their primary language of choice.

how to Add titles and descriptions to videos on YouTube in other languages using api v3?

I had studied hardly the documentation on https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/revision_history#november-19-2015 about how to Set localized titles and descriptions.
But when you try it, it seems impossible, even if you use the "app" of the api on https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/videos/update#prubalo you always get the same error with the parameter part. I set that parameter with the value "snippet", like you have to do. But it doesn't work, I tried with the rest of values or possible combinations and..it doesn't work.
Can someone give me an example of the code (i prefer python) or the request http ??
Please be sure you code o request http really works...even i found any mistakes on the examples on the documentation like 5 opening parenthesis and 4 closing parenthesis...
Following is an PHP code example. The concept is same, hope you can do it in the Phython.
Please make sure you set the default language of the video (snippet.defaultLanguage) before adding localisations.
// Call the API's videos.list method to retrieve the video resource.
// Part should be 'localizations' not 'snippet' because you are updating the localisation
$listResponse = $youtube->videos->listVideos('localizations', array('id' => 'YOUR_VIDEO_ID'));
// Since the request specified a video ID, the response only contains one video resource.
$video = $listResponse[0];
// Set the localisations array for the video localisation
// You can retrieve the language list from following API - https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/docs/i18nLanguages/list
$video['localizations'] = array(
'ta' => array(
'title' => 'TITLE_IN_GIVEN_LANG',
'description' => 'DESC_IN_GIVEN_LANG'));
// Update the video resource by calling the videos.update() method.
$updateResponse = $youtube->videos->update('localizations', $video);
Update - Example of updating localisation of video using google developer console

Error using WASAPI with PortAudio on Win7

I'm trying to use PortAudio and libsndfile to play .wav files in exclusive mode on my Windows 7 machine, but I'm getting
error number -9984 "Incompatible host API specific stream info" .
I've filled out the PaWasapiStreamInfo struct as follows:
struct PaWasapiStreamInfo wasapiInfo ;
wasapiInfo.size = sizeof(PaWasapiStreamInfo);
wasapiInfo.hostApiType = paWASAPI;
wasapiInfo.version = 1;
wasapiInfo.flags = paWinWasapiExclusive;
wasapiInfo.channelMask = NULL;
wasapiInfo.hostProcessorOutput = NULL;
wasapiInfo.hostProcessorInput = NULL;
wasapiInfo.threadPriority = eThreadPriorityProAudio;
Then assigning the hostApiSpecificStreamInfo parameter and opening the stream via Pa_OpenStream as follows:
/* stereo or mono */
out_param.channelCount = sfinfo.channels;
out_param.sampleFormat = paInt16;
out_param.suggestedLatency = _GetDeviceInfo(out_param.device)->defaultLowOutputLatency;
out_param.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = (&wasapiInfo);
err = Pa_OpenStream(&stream, NULL, &out_param, sfinfo.samplerate,
paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, paClipOff,
output_cb, file);
Have I missed a step?
The technique you used to run the stream in exclusive mode worked for me. It may be the case that you're not opening a stream on a WASAPI device. Depending on your system configuration you may have DirectSound and WMME devices as well. The following code will verify whether the device referenced by index deviceIndexis a WASAPI device or not:
bool isWasapi = Pa_GetHostApiInfo(Pa_GetDeviceInfo(deviceIndex)->hostApi)->type == paWASAPI;
You also need to specify the same index in the out_param struct:
out_param.device = deviceIndex;
You did couple things I did not. In your example you tried to set the thread priority, but PortAudio documentation states that the following line:
wasapiInfo.threadPriority = eThreadPriorityProAudio;
will have no effect because you didn't not set the paWinWasapiThreadPriority bit in wasapiInfo.flags. By the same rule it is unnecessary to explicitly set the other varaibles to null. To fix this set wasapiInfo.flags as follows:
wasapiInfo.flags = (paWinWasapiExclusive|paWinWasapiThreadPriority)
This should enable exclusive mode and cause the threadPriority variable to take effect.

Unable to change say voice in Tropo MVC

I'm using the Tropo MVC classes and have a problem with changing the voice in the say. Setting the voice property of the say object does not seem to change the voice for example:
Say say1 = new Say("This is first voice");
say1.Voice = "susan";
Say say2 = new Say("This is the male voice");
say2.Voice = "dave";
List<Say> sayList = new List<Say>();
Script.Ask(null, null, new Choices("[1 DIGIT]", "dtmf", "#"), null, strArgs, true, sayList, Convert.ToSingle(action.Timeout));
The voice does not change. In fact it appears that the only way to change the voice is to set Script.Voice = "voice" which doesn't work for me as I have to handle language select in the first Ask which requires English voice followed by French voice.
Tropo also supports SSML, which is a super powerful markup language for mixing voices and adjusting voice tempo/cadence.
You can mix voices in a single Say command by doing something like:
new Say("<?xml version='1.0'?><speak>For English please press 1.<voice name='Carlos' xml:lang='es'>para el espaƱol por favor pulse 2</voice></speak>")
The inline XML is kinda yukkie but it gets the job done and learning SSML will allow you to create some really professional-sounding apps.
