How to get the list in jsp present in reques using s:select tag struts2 [duplicate] - struts2

I am developing a simple struts application. In my JSP I have a dropdown list box (using s:select tag). I need to fill the values with a arraylist values in the action class. How can I do that? what changes needed in the structs.xml file for complete this?
<s:select name="department" label="" list="departmentlist" headerKey="-1" headerValue="Select Department">
Action class:
private List<String> departmentlist = new ArrayList<String>();
public String xyz()
return "success";

The error
"The requested list key 'departmentlist' could not be resolved as a
collection/array/map/enumeration/iterator type. Example: people or
people.{name} - [unknown location] "
means that the select tag is not able to resolve departmentlist as a collection. It is an OGNL expression which is trying to find the departmentlist in the value stack and if it not found or contains a null reference the select tag will complain. When you render the select tag make sure the list is in the value stack and is initialized. See the example here.

Try to add get and set method for our field departmentlist,in your class
Exple :
in your class controller put this method for your field departmentlist :
public List<String> getDepartmentlist(){
return this.departmentlist();
public void setDepartmentlist(List<String> departmentlist){
return this.departmentlist = departmentlist;


java struts2 very strange behaviour while using iterator

public class UserAction{
private UserData user;
//getter, setter
public String Load() {
user = UserDao.getInstance().getItem(getUserContext().getId());
request.getSession().setAttribute("item", user);
return super.Load();
public class PropertyAction {
private List <PropertyData> propertyList;
//getter, setter
public String execute() throws Exception {
return "list";
<s:iterator value="propertyList" var="item">
I want to show very strange behaviour of Struts2.
I click property link -> then run PropertyAction.execute() and it display above jsp.
I click user link -> then run UserAction.Load()
I click property link -> then run PropertyAction.execute() and error has been shown "UserData has no property thema".
I spy what happened and I notice that I set setAttribute with name "item". So if I use var="item" in my iterator in jsp, it doesn not use value from propertyList but from session !
My question is it is correct behaviour ?
This is defined behavior; whether or not it's "correct" is debatable.
Because you're using JSP EL, the Struts request wrapper is responsible for resolving JSP EL expressions. The normal application scopes are searched first (e.g., application, session, request). If nothing is found, only then will the value stack be queried for matching expressions.
If you accessed item via non-JSP EL means, e.g., the <s:property> tag, only the value stack would be queried, and you'd get the expected behavior.
When you mix ELs results are not always what you'd expect, so you must be aware how the frameworks in question relate to each other.

Object Id set as null when saving - AjaxDependencySelection

So I decided to use AjaxDependencySelection Plugin for Grails, and it has proven to be very useful. However, I am trying to implement autoComplete boxes, and it does not seem to be saving the object id when using an Autocompleted selection. Here is my implementation in my gsp
<g:selectPrimary id="template" name="template"
noSelection="['': 'Please choose Template']"
<g:selectSecondary id="tag" name="tag"
noSelection="['': 'Please choose Tag']"
<g:autoCompleteSecondary id="subtag" name="subtagId"
<input type=hidden id="hidden5" name="subtagId" value="${documentPartInstance?.subtag}"/>
However, everytime I save it, I am presented with this error Column 'subtag_id' cannot be null . Here is my domain class definition for Subtag
class Subtag {
static scaffold = true
String subtagName
static belongsTo = [tag : Tag]
public Subtag()
public Subtag(String s)
subtagName = s
static constraints = {
String toString(){
Tag hasMany subtags as well
It seems to be creating new Subtag instances when using the autoselect box (as an error shows up saying Could not find matching constructor for:packagename.Subtag(java.lang.String) Although this is a feature I am looking to implement in my application at later stages (being able to create new Subtags on the fly when creating a document Part), right now, all I would like to be able to do is just choose from my already existing subtags.
When I add in a string constructor, it comes back with the error that Column subtag_id cannot be null
I have developed it so will try help you through your issue.
The problem is that you are trying to push a value from selectSecondary and update the elementId of g:autocomplete which is actually a seperate entity.
I will update the plugin with a new method, need to test it out first.. Also take a look at g:selectAutoComplete. Although this method would only work if your secondary was the primary task... so no good in that case either..
hang on and look out for 0.37 release
Released 0.37 documentation on how to do such a thing here:

How to override Grails' default (binding) conversion of parameter values with commas to String array?

I'm using Grails 2.3.7 and have a controller method which binds the request to a command class. One of the fields in the command class is a String array, as it expects multiple params with the same name to be specified - e.g. ?foo=1&foo=2&foo=3&bar=0.
This works fine most of the time. The one case where it fails is if the param value contains a comma - e.g. ?foo=val1,val2&foo=val3,val4. In this case I'm getting an array with 4 values: ["val1","val2","val3","val4"], not the intended output of ["val1,val2","val1,val2"]. URL escaping/encoding the comma does not help and in my cases the param value is surrounded by quote characters as well (foo=%22a+string+with+commas,+etc%22).
I had a similar problem with Spring 3.x which I was able to solve: How to prevent parameter binding from interpreting commas in Spring 3.0.5?. I've attempted one of the answers by adding the following method to my controller:
public void initBinder(WebDataBinder binder) {
binder.registerCustomEditor(String[].class, new StringArrayPropertyEditor(null));
However this didn't work.
I also tried specifying a custom conversion service, based on the comment in
beans = {
conversionService ( {
converters = [new CustomStringToArrayConverter()]
import org.springframework.core.convert.converter.Converter
import org.springframework.util.StringUtils
class CustomStringToArrayConverter implements Converter<String, String[]> {
public String[] convert(String source) {
return StringUtils.delimitedListToStringArray(source, ";");
but I couldn't get this to work either.
For now, I've come up with a work around. My Controller method has an extra line to set the troublesome field explicitly with: = params.list('foo') as String[]
I'm still open to suggestions on how to configure grails to not split on a comma...

How to use the selected values from the s:inputtransferselect struts tag

I am unable to find the attribute which holds the selected value in the case of <s:inputtransferselect/> Struts Tag. I referred to the documentation but I'm still unable to figure out which attribute exactly holds the selected values.
In the case of <s:optiontransferselect/>, I was able to get the selected values from the doubleId attribute. I am looking for a similar attribute for <s:inputtransferselect/>.
Inputtransferselect creates an input field, a multi option select list and some buttons to add and remove from the select list. When you submit your form this triggers some javascript to select all of the options in the select list, these options then appear in the list on the java side.
Here is an example.
Your .jsp file:
addLabel="Add element"
removeLabel="Remove element"
removeAllLabel="Remove all elements"
upLabel="Move up"
downLabel="Move down"
leftTitle="Add Character"
rightTitle="Existing Characters"
Make sure that your .jsp includes a <s:head/> tag else the javascript required for the inputtransferselect to work won't be available to your page.
To see all available attribute parameters of this tag refer to the documentation.
Your action .java file should contain a list which corisponds to the key and list of your inputtransferselect. To get hold of the values, use the list's getter:
public abstract class MyAction extends AbstractAction
private List<String> cartoonCharacters = new ArrayList<>();
public MyAction()
public List<String> getCartoonCharacters()
return this.cartoonCharacters;
public void setCartoonCharacters(List pCartoonCharacters)
this.cartoonCharacters = pCartoonCharacters;
public String execute() throws Exception
return SUCCESS;
I should also note that in my implementation I haven't got this to work properly - the javascript to automatically select all options on form submit isn't firing so I had to write my own event for this, it's probably something to do with my other on submit events clashing.

Calling Methods and Functions

in jsf2 if we have some function like
public String greeting(String gtr) {
return "Hello " + gtr;
then from jsf page we can call this function as
<h:outputLabel value="#{greetingBean.greeting['some-name']}"
now my question is i want to pass the dynamic parameter from the same bean class instead of 'some-name' something like value="#{greetingBean.greeting[]} is it possible ?
i required this because i have value in Map<String, ArrayList> and want to edit particular ArrayList value ?
any suggestions ?
Brackets are used to replace the dot notation. That is,
is the same as
So, the greeting method will not be called. Instead, JSF will try to access a greeting property, and then try to access a some-name property of the object returned by greeting property. That is, your code above is already generating an error.
If you are using EL 2.2 and want to call an action, simply put:
