Neighbour Smaller element - stack

Given an array, find the nearest smaller element G[i] for every element A[i] in the array such that the element has an index smaller than i.
G[i] for an element A[i] is an element A[j] such that
j is maximum possible AND
j < i AND
A[j] < A[i]
Note: Elements for which no smaller element exist, consider next smaller element as -1.
Input Format:
First line contains an integer N denoting the number of elements in the array (not necessarily distinct).
Second line contains N space separated integers denoting the elements of the array.
N <= 100000
Print N space separated integers denoting the array G.
Sample Input 1
39 27 11 4 24 32 32 1
Sample Output 1
-1 -1 -1 -1 4 24 24 -1
How Can I solve This question?
My approach


Finding N'th Fibonacci mod 2^m

(F(n) = N'th fibonacci number)
Compute the number X = F(n) mod 2^m where (0 <= n <= 2 147 483 647) and (0 <= m < 20).
Hello this is the question, I was trying to solve it however the input values are so large that I cannot solve it less than 1 second. Could you please tell me an efficient way to solve this problem?
You could compute after every summation the modulu. The result is the same.

Data Science: Scoring methodology

I am looking for any methodology to assign a risk score to an individual based on certain events. I am looking to have a 0-100 scale with an exponential assignment. For example, for one event a day the score may rise to 25, for 2 it may rise to 50-60 and for 3-4 events a day the score for the day would be 100.
I tried to Google it but since I am not aware of the right terminology, I am landing up on random topics. :(
Is there any mathematical terminology for this kind of scoring system? what are the most common methods you might know?
P.S.: Expert/experience data scientist advice highly appreciated ;)
I would start by writing some qualifications:
0 events trigger a score of 0.
Non edge event count observations are where the score – 100-threshold would live.
Any score after the threshold will be 100.
If so, here's a (very) simplified example:
Stage Data:
userid <- c("a1","a2","a3","a4","a11","a12","a13","a14","u2","wtf42","ub40","foo","bar","baz","blue","bop","bob","boop","beep","mee","r")
events <- c(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,2,3,2,3,6,122,13,1)
df1 <- data.frame(userid,events)
Optional: Normalize events to be in (1,2].
This might be helpful for logarithmic properties. (Otherwise, given the assumed function, score=events^exp, as in this example, 1 event will always yield a score of 1) This will allow you to control sensitivity, but it must be done right as we are dealing with exponents and logarithms. I am not using normalization in the example:
normevents <- (events-mean(events))/((max(events)-min(events))*2)+1.5
Set the quantile threshold for max score:
MaxScoreThreshold <- 0.25
Get the non edge quintiles of the events distribution:
qts <- quantile(events[events>min(events) & events<max(events)], c(seq(from=0, to=100,by=5)/100))
Find the Events quantity that give a score of 100 using the set threshold.
MaxScoreEvents <- quantile(qts,MaxScoreThreshold)
Find the exponent of your exponential function
Given that:
Score = events ^ exponent
events is a Natural number - integer >0: We took care of it by
omitting the edges)
exponent > 1
Exponent Calculation:
exponent <- log(100)/log(MaxScoreEvents)
Generate the scores:
df1$Score <- apply(as.matrix(events^exponent),1,FUN = function(x) {
if (x > 100) {
result <- 100
else if (x < 0) {
result <- 0
else {
result <- x
Resulting Data Frame:
userid events Score
1 a1 0 0
2 a2 0 0
3 a3 0 0
4 a4 0 0
5 a11 0 0
6 a12 0 0
7 a13 0 0
8 a14 0 0
9 u2 0 0
10 wtf42 0 0
11 ub40 0 0
12 foo 0 0
13 bar 1 1
14 baz 2 100
15 blue 3 100
16 bop 2 100
17 bob 3 100
18 boop 6 100
19 beep 122 100
20 mee 13 100
21 r 1 1
Under the assumption that your data is larger and has more event categories, the score won't snap to 100 so quickly, it is also a function of the threshold.
I would rely more on the data to define the parameters, threshold in this case.
If you have prior data as to what users really did whatever it is your score assess you can perform supervised learning, set the threshold # wherever the ratio is over 50% for example. Or If the graph of events to probability of ‘success’ looks like the cumulative probability function of a normal distribution, I’d set threshold # wherever it hits 45 degrees (For the first time).
You could also use logistic regression if you have prior data but instead of a Logit function ingesting the output of regression, use the number as your score. You can normalize it to be within 0-100.
It’s not always easy to write a Data Science question. I made many assumptions as to what you are looking for, hope this is the general direction.

minimize the maximum continious subarray in array of 0/1

Algo question
Binary array of 0/1 given
In one operation i can flip any array[index] of array i.e. 0->1 or 1->0
so aim is to minimize the maximum lenth of continious 1's or 0's by using atmost k flips
eg if 11111 if array and k=1 ,best is to make array as 11011
And minimized value of maximum continous 1's or 0's is 2
for 111110111111 and k=3 ans is 2
I tried Brute Force (by trying various position flips) but its not efficient
I think Greedy ,but can not figure out exactly
can you please help me for algo,O(n) or similar
A solution could be devised by reading each bit in order and recording the size of each continuous group of 1 into a list A.
Once you are done filling A, you can follow the algorithm narrated by the pseudocode below:
result = N
for i = 1 to N
flips_needed = 0
for a in A:
flips_needed += <number of flips needed to make sure largest group remaining in a is of size i>
if k >= flips_needed:
result = flips_needed
return result
N is the number of bits in the entire initial sequence.
The algorithm above works by dividing the groups of 1 into sizes of at most i. Whenever doing that requires <= k, we have the result we are looking for, as i starts from 1 and goes up. (i.e. when we found flips_needed <= k, we know the groups of 1 are as minimal as they can get)

How to use segment tree and scanline

Given 300000 segments.
Consider any pair of segments: a = [l1,r1] and b = [l2,r2].
If l2 >= l1 and r2 <= r1 , it is "good" pair.
If a == b, it is "bad" pair.
Overwise, it is "bad" pair.
How to find number of all "good" pairs among given segments using segment tree and scanline?
Sort the segments in increasing order with respect to their l-values and for pairs with same l-values sort them in decreasing order with respect to their r-value.
Suppose for a particular , you want to count the number of good pairs (ai,aj) such that j < i. Let ai=[l1,r1] and aj = [l2,r2]. Then we have l2 <= l1. Now we need to count all the possible values of j such that r2 <= r1. This can be done by maintaining a segment tree for the values of r for all j such that 0 < j < i. After querying for the i-th pair, update the segment tree with the r-value of the i-th segment.
Coming to segment tree part, build a segment tree on the values of r. On updating a value of r in segment tree, add 1 to the value of r in the segment tree and for querying for a particular value of r, query for sum in the range [0,r-1]. This will give total number of segments that fit good with the given segment.
If the values of r are big that would not fit into segment tree, then apply coordinate compression to values first and then use segment tree for the compressed values.

Error correction on a short decimal number

I have short, variable length decimal numbers, like: #41551, that are manually transcribed by humans. Mistyping one will cause undesirable results, so my first thought is to use the Luhn algorithm to add a checksum -- #41551-3. However, that will only detect an error, not correct it. It seems adding another check digit should be able to detect and correct a single-digit error, so given #41515-3? (a transposition error) I'd be able to recover the correct #41551.
Something like a Hamming code seems like the right place to look, but I haven't been able to figure out how to apply them to decimal, instead of binary, data. Is there an algorithm intended for this use, or can Hamming/Reed-Solomon etc be adapted to this situation?
Yes, you can use Hamming codes in addition with check equations for correction. Use summation of data modulo 10 for finding check digits. Place check digits in 1,2,4,8, ... positions.
I can only provide an algorithm with FIVE extra digits.
Note: 5 original digits is really a worst case.
With FIVE extra digits you can do ECC for up to 11 original digits.
This like classical ECC calculations but in decimal:
Original (decimal) 5-digit number: o0,o1,o2,o3,o4
Distribute digits to positions 0..9 in the following manner:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
o0 o1 o2 o3 o4
c4 c0 c1 c2 c3 <- will be calculated check digits
Calculate digits at positions 1,2,4,8 like this:
c0, pos 1: (10 - (Sum positions 3,5,7,9)%10)%10
c1, pos 2: (10 - (Sum positions 3,6,7)%10)%10
c2, pos 4: (10 - (Sum positions 5,6,7)%10)%10
c3, pos 8: (10 - (Sum positions 9)%10)%10
AFTER this calculation, calculate digit at position:
c4, pos 0: (10 - (Sum positions 1..9)%10)%10
You might then reshuffle like this:
To check write all digits in the following order:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
c4 c0 c1 o0 c2 o1 o2 o3 c3 o4
Then calculate:
c0' = (Sum positions 1,3,5,7,9)%10
c1' = (Sum positions 2,3,6,7)%10
c2' = (Sum positions 4,5,6,7)%10
c3' = (Sum positions 8,9)%10
c4' = (Sum all positions)%10
If c0',c1',c2',c3',c4' are all zero then there is no error.
If there are some c[0..3]' which are non-zero and ALL of the non-zero
c[0..3]' have the value c4', then there is an error in one digit.
You can calculate the position of the erroneous digit and correct.
(Exercise left to the reader).
If c[0..3]' are all zero and only c4' is unequal zero, then you have a one digit error in c4.
If a c[0..3]' is unequal zero and has a different value than c4' then you have (at least) an uncorrectable double error in two digits.
I tried to use Reed-Solomon, generating a 3-digit code that can correct up to 1 digit:
