Add an export button to Swagger page - swagger-ui

my company has a existing swagger UI page that you can see here:
The Swagger page
we would like to add somewhere in the top some EXPORT button that will create either PDF/JSON files. Is it possible? how can I do it? anyone have a good tips or guides to make it happen?
thank you very much


AspNetCore.Identity manage account header text change

I created login on my app using Scaffolding Identity.
After the forder structure was added, I was able to modify all but the header of the page.
I opened up each cshtml file did not find the header text Change your account settings in any of them.
Can someone help me to locate the header?
Thank you.
Refer to above, when I created Identity pages, I did not select all but only things that I wanted in the scaffoling options. As a result I did not have Account\Manage\Layout during scaffolding, did not have _Layout.cshtml file to override default view from AspNetCore.Identity.

Is it possible to replace built-in about pages?

I am pretty new to developing addons but I'd like to make one that modifies/replaces the about:netError page.
I could not find tutorials or documentation anywhere, is it even possible?
Thank you.
Edit: I need to edit the xhtml file which shows the info about error.

How to display an custom editor inside a form page?

Is it possible to display or embed a custom editor inside a form page(form toolkit)? I have created a eclipse plugin where i need to embed a custom editor inside a multi - page form editor.
Is it possible?
If possible, How?
Am a newbie in eclipse plugin, This question may look easy for you people. Please help with this. I have searched a lot in internet but i couldn't find any perfect solution.
Updated :

Menu dropdown messed up after translating page using Google translator

My menu drop-down is now messed up, after I translated the page using on-the-fly Google translater. It refuses to recognize CSS classes I have created and used for exclusion (e.g, I have a class like this class="notranslate", which is no no longer working).
For demostration purpose, I have source code
Note: Must register to the site first. Any help would be appreciate it. Thanks
Not sure what is going on but look at this tool: Translate This
This uses the Google Translate but is easier to use.
Hope this can help you.

How can I find where actually is the theme file?

I am new to Symfony and I need to work to a large project with many themes to modify them. How can I find where actually is the theme file in which module, just looking at the HTML browser output? Or do I need to look somewhere else, routing for example?
What you want to do is use the Web Debug Toolbar.
Once you have that running on the page, using appname_dev.php, simple click the view link and it will show you which templates have been used. If you need to know which layout to use then use logs link, click none the sfPHPView.
