Deeplabv3+ model acts marginalized - machine-learning

I can train the deeplabv3+ model on my dataset and it gives good results.
But my problem with it is that the model infers pixels with very high probability.
The model treats black (does not belong to a class) and white (definitely belongs to a class) with pixels.
For example, when it wants to assign a probability value to a pixel that it is sure pixel belongs to a person, it assigns it 0.99, but when it encounters a pixel, say a blurred pixel from a person's hand and it is not sure of the class of that pixel it assigns 0.04 probability of being human or lower values ​​for that pixel where my expectation is assigning a value around 0.4 or 0.6.
It is important for me to get such values.
I've tried weighting the critical parts of my dataset (like hands, ..) to make it harder for the model to learn shapes, but the problem persists.
I know that my model is not over−fitted as the official definition (because the mIOU of my model on the test dataset is low as expected) but it works marginalized as describes earlier.
Any ideas would be appreciated.


The reason behind rgb image normalization parameters in pytorch

I've seen transforms.Normalize((0.485, 0.456, 0.406), (0.229, 0.224, 0.225)) both in lots of tutorials and pytorch docs, I know the first param is mean and the second one is std. I can't understand why the values for different channels differ.
That can just be the distribution of the colours in the original dataset of the code authors (such as COCO or PascalVOC). It would only be through chance that all colours are equally represented. However, if you used the same mean in your case, I doubt it would make much of a difference due to the similarity of the means and stds.
For example, in my custom dataset taken from a GoPro camera, the means and standard deviations are as such:
mean: [0.2841186 , 0.32399923, 0.27048702],
std: [0.21937862, 0.26193094, 0.23754872]
where the means are hardly equal. This does not mean, however, that they are treated differently in the ML model. All this transform does is make sure that each feature is standardised (through z-score standardisation).
Think about it this way: if one colour is represented with a generally-higher intensity in your dataset (eg. if you have lots of vibrant "blue" pictures of the beach, the sky, lagoons, etc), than you will have to subtract a larger number from that channel to ensure that your data is standardised.

Post-process multi-class predictions for image segmentation?

My FCN is trained to detect 10 different classes and produces an output of 500x500x10 with each of the final dimensions being the prediction probabilities for a different class.
Usually, I've seen using a uniform threshold, for instance 0.5, to binarize the probability matrices. However, in my case, this doesn't quite cut it because the IoU for some of the classes increases when the threshold is 0.3 and for other classes it is 0.8.
Hence, I don't have to arbitrarily pick the threshold for each class but rather use a more probabilistic approach to finalizing the threshold values. I thought of using CRFs but this also requires the thresholding to have already been done. Any ideas on how to proceed?
Example: consider an image of a forest with 5 different birds. Now im trying to output an image that has segmented the forest and the five birds, 6 classes, each with a separate label. The network outputs 6 confusion matrices indicating the confidence that a pixel falls into a particular class. Now, the correct answer for a pixel isnt always the class with the highest confidence value. Therefore, a one size fits all method or a max value method won't work.
CRF Postprocessing Approch
You don't need to set thresholds to use a CRF. I'm not familiar with any python libraries for CRFs, but in principle, what you need to define is:
A probability distribution of the 10 classes for each of the nodes
(pixels), which is simply the output of your network.
Pairwise potentials: 10*10 matrix, where element Aij denotes the "strength" of the configuration that one pixel is of class i and the other of class j. If you set the potentials to have a value alpha (alpha >> 1) in the diagonal and 1 elsewhere, then alpha is the regularization force that gives you consistency of the predictions (if pixel X is of class Y, then the neighboring pixels of X are more likely to be of the same class).
This is just one example of how you can define your CRF.
End to End NN Approach
Add a loss to your network that will penalize pixels that have neighbors of a different class. Please note that you will still end up with a tune-able parameter for the weight of the new regularization loss.

Why doesn't the hidden state of a neuron network provide better dimension reduction result than original input?

I just read a great post here. I am curious about content of "An example with images" in that post. If the hidden states mean a lot of features of the original picture and getting closer to final result, using dimension reduction on hidden states should provide better result than the original raw pixels, I think.
Hence, I tried it on mnist digits with 2 hidden layers of 256 unit NN, using T-SNE for dimension reduction; the result is far from ideal. From left to right, top to bot, they are raw pixels, second hidden layer and final prediction. Can anyone explain that?
BTW, the accuracy of this model is around 94.x%.
You have ten classes, and as you mentioned, your model is performing well on this dataset - so in this 256 dimensional space - the classes are separated well using linear subspaces.
So why T-SNE projections don't have this property?
One trivial answer which comes to my mind is that projecting a highly dimensional set to two dimensions may lose the linear separation property. Consider following example : a hill where one class is at its peak and second - on lower height levels around. In three dimensions these classes are easily separated by a plane but one can easily find a two dimensional projection which doesn't have that property (e.g. projection in which you are loosing the height dimension).
Of course T-SNE is not such linear projections but it's main purpose is to preserve a local structure of data, so that general property like linear separation property might be easly losed when using this approach.

Object classification with Kinect using cascaded classifiers

My project is to create a software that recognizes certain objects like an apple or a coin etc. I want to use Kinect. My question is: Do I need to have a machine learning algorithm like haar classifier to recognize a object or kinect itself can do that?
Kinect itself cannot recognize objects. It will give you a dense depth map. Then you can use the depth features along with some simple features (in your case, maybe color features or gradient features would do the job). Those features you input to a classifier (SVM or Random Forest for example) to train the system. You use the trained model for testing on new samples.
Regarding Haar features, I think they could do the job but you would need a sufficiently large database of features. It all depends on what you want to detect. In the case of an apple and a coin, just color would suffice.
Refer this paper to get an idea how to perform human pose recognition using Kinect camera. You just have to pay attention to their depth features and their classifiers. Do not apply their approach directly. Your problem is simpler.
Edit: simple gradient orientations histogram
Gradient orientations can give you a coarse idea about the shape of the object (It is not a shape-feature to be specific, better shape features exist, but this one is extremely fast to calculate).
Code snippet:
%calculate gradient
[dx,dy] = gradient(double(img));
A = (atan(dy./(dx+eps))*180)/pi; %eps added to avoid division by zero.
A will contain orientation for each pixel. Segment your original image according to the depth values. For a segment having similar depth values, calculate color histogram. Extract the pixel orientations corresponding to that region, call it A_r. calculate a 9-bin (you can have more bins. Nine bins mean each bin will contain 180/9=20 degrees) histogram. Concatenate the color features and the gradient histogram. Do this for sufficient number of leaves. Then you can give this to a classifier for training.
Edit: This is a reply to a comment below.
Regarding MaxDepth parameter in opencv_traincascade
The documentation says, "Maximal depth of a weak tree. A decent choice is 1, that is case of stumps". When you perform binary classification, it takes a form of:
if yourFeatureValue>=learntThresh
The above type of classifier which performs thresholding on a single feature value (a scalar) is called decision stumps. There is only one split between positive and negative class (therefore maxDepth is one). For example, it would work in following scenario. Imagine you have a 1-D feature:
f=[1 2 3 4 -1 -2 -3 -4]
First 4 are class 1, rest are class 0. Decision stumps would get 100% accuracy on this data by setting the threshold to zero. Now, imagine a complicated feature space such as:
f=[1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12];
First 4 and last 4 are class 1, rest are class 0. Here, you cannot get 100% classification by decision stumps. You need two thresholds/splits. Therefore, you can construct a tree with depth value 2. You will have 2^(2-1)=2 thresholds. For depth=3, you get 4 thresholds, for depth=4, you get 8 thresholds and so on. Here, I assume a tree with a single node has height 1.
You may feel that the more the number of levels, you can achieve more accuracy, but then there is a problem of overfitting (and computation, memory storage etc.). Therefore, you have to set a good value for depth. I usually set it to 3.

How do I make a U-matrix?

How exactly is an U-matrix constructed in order to visualise a self-organizing-map? More specifically, suppose that I have an output grid of 3x3 nodes (that have already been trained), how do I construct a U-matrix from this? You can e.g. assume that the neurons (and inputs) have dimension 4.
I have found several resources on the web, but they are not clear or they are contradictory. For example, the original paper is full of typos.
A U-matrix is a visual representation of the distances between neurons in the input data dimension space. Namely you calculate the distance between adjacent neurons, using their trained vector. If your input dimension was 4, then each neuron in the trained map also corresponds to a 4-dimensional vector. Let's say you have a 3x3 hexagonal map.
The U-matrix will be a 5x5 matrix with interpolated elements for each connection between two neurons like this
The {x,y} elements are the distance between neuron x and y, and the values in {x} elements are the mean of the surrounding values. For example, {4,5} = distance(4,5) and {4} = mean({1,4}, {2,4}, {4,5}, {4,7}). For the calculation of the distance you use the trained 4-dimensional vector of each neuron and the distance formula that you used for the training of the map (usually Euclidian distance). So, the values of the U-matrix are only numbers (not vectors). Then you can assign a light gray colour to the largest of these values and a dark gray to the smallest and the other values to corresponding shades of gray. You can use these colours to paint the cells of the U-matrix and have a visualized representation of the distances between neurons.
Have also a look at this web article.
The original paper cited in the question states:
A naive application of Kohonen's algorithm, although preserving the topology of the input data is not able to show clusters inherent in the input data.
Firstly, that's true, secondly, it is a deep mis-understanding of the SOM, thirdly it is also a mis-understanding of the purpose of calculating the SOM.
Just take the RGB color space as an example: are there 3 colors (RGB), or 6 (RGBCMY), or 8 (+BW), or more? How would you define that independent of the purpose, ie inherent in the data itself?
My recommendation would be not to use maximum likelihood estimators of cluster boundaries at all - not even such primitive ones as the U-Matrix -, because the underlying argument is already flawed. No matter which method you then use to determine the cluster, you would inherit that flaw. More precisely, the determination of cluster boundaries is not interesting at all, and it is loosing information regarding the true intention of building a SOM. So, why do we build SOM's from data?
Let us start with some basics:
Any SOM is a representative model of a data space, for it reduces the dimensionality of the latter. For it is a model it can be used as a diagnostic as well as a predictive tool. Yet, both cases are not justified by some universal objectivity. Instead, models are deeply dependent on the purpose and the accepted associated risk for errors.
Let us assume for a moment the U-Matrix (or similar) would be reasonable. So we determine some clusters on the map. It is not only an issue how to justify the criterion for it (outside of the purpose itself), it is also problematic because any further calculation destroys some information (it is a model about a model).
The only interesting thing on a SOM is the accuracy itself viz the classification error, not some estimation of it. Thus, the estimation of the model in terms of validation and robustness is the only thing that is interesting.
Any prediction has a purpose and the acceptance of the prediction is a function of the accuracy, which in turn can be expressed by the classification error. Note that the classification error can be determined for 2-class models as well as for multi-class models. If you don't have a purpose, you should not do anything with your data.
Inversely, the concept of "number of clusters" is completely dependent on the criterion "allowed divergence within clusters", so it is masking the most important thing of the structure of the data. It is also dependent on the risk and the risk structure (in terms of type I/II errors) you are willing to take.
So, how could we determine the number classes on a SOM? If there is no exterior apriori reasoning available, the only feasible way would be an a-posteriori check of the goodness-of-fit. On a given SOM, impose different numbers of classes and measure the deviations in terms of mis-classification cost, then choose (subjectively) the most pleasing one (using some fancy heuristics, like Occam's razor)
Taken together, the U-matrix is pretending objectivity where no objectivity can be. It is a serious misunderstanding of modeling altogether.
IMHO it is one of the greatest advantages of the SOM that all the parameters implied by it are accessible and open for being parameterized. Approaches like the U-matrix destroy just that, by disregarding this transparency and closing it again with opaque statistical reasoning.
