Getting Docker error trying to run script executor - processmaker

Running scripts in ProcessMaker using javascript script executor was working fine until last week. Suddenly, started getting the following Docker errors:
"production.ERROR: Script threw return code 125Message: Unable to find image 'processmaker4/executor-bitnami_processmaker-javascript-2:v1.0.0' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for processmaker4/executor-bitnami_processmaker-javascript-2, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied."
Tried upgrading PM AMI from version 4.1 to latest 4.2.3-5, but still getting error. Wondering if something changed with backend container repository. I did not change anything, PM builds the docker command with repository URL and API token automatically.
Any help greatly appreciated.


Error happened while using Jenkins to push docker image

I'd like to push the image image/name to the docker repository image/name through Jenkins. I have logged in my docker account on my local machine. But it returned with the error:
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.DockerClientException: Could not push image: errors:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
unauthorized: authentication required
Maybe use the library you are building with to pass credentials
From the doc:
I'm assuming this is the library you use by the error message you posted.

OpenShift 4 error: Error reading manifest

during OpenShift installation from a local mirror registry, after I started the bootstrap machine i see the following error in the journal log:[1270]:
Error: error pulling image "":
unable to pull unable to pull image:
Error initializing source docker://
(Mirrors also failed: [my registry:5000/ocp4/openshift4#sha256:999a6a4bd731075e389ae601b373194c6cb2c7b4dadd1ad06ef607e86476b129: Error reading manifest
sha256:999a6a4bd731075e389ae601b373194c6cb2c7b4dadd1ad06ef607e86476b129 in my registry:5000/ocp4/openshift4: manifest unknown: manifest unknown]): error pinging docker registry
Get "": dial tcp i/o timeout
Does anyone have any idea what it can be?
The answer is here in the error:
... dial tcp i/o timeout
Try this on the command line:
$ podman pull
You'll need to be authenticated to actually download the content (this is what the pull secret does). However, if you can't get the "unauthenticated" error then this would more solidly point to some network configuration.
That IP resolves to a quay host (you can verify that with "curl -k"). Perhaps you have an internet filter or firewall in place that's blocking egress?
fix your network issue, if you have one
look at doing an disconnected /airgap install -- has more details on that
(If you're already doing an airgap install and it's your local mirror that's failing, then your local mirror is failing)

cant pull image from own private docker repo

I can't seem to pull from my own private repo on dockerhub. I successfully pushed the image to dockerhub (using macosx) and set it to private. I then tried to pull from another laptop (Windows 10) but I keep getting Error response from daemon: pull access denied for {username}/{repo}, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
I am using a command like, docker pull {username}/{reponame}:{tag}. The windows laptop is a work laptop and the macosx is the personal computer. Does it have to do something with a transparent proxy? I looked into this, control docker with systemd but I don't know how to set that up in Windows; the article instructs for a unix based system it seems.
I also tried adding the registry name (based on other stackoverflow posts) in the front like, docker pull{username}/{reponame}:{tag} but that gives me another error:
Error response from daemon: error parsing HTTP 408 response body: invalid character '<' ...
I ensured I am logged in:
docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded
Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.

Getting unauthorised access when trying to logging in to acr

I am trying to build a gitlab-ci pipeline and push the build image to acr from gitlab. I am using the command
docker login **** --username 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 --password EXPOSE_TOKEN
It has worked before many times but this time it is not working.
I am getting the error :
'Error response from daemon: Get https://**** unauthorized: authentication required, visit for more information.`
I am also tying to deploy the image to aks but getting the same error. I have executed my pipeline many times and this is the first time that I am getting this error.
The issue got resolved after I updated the expose-token value. The value of expose-token gets changed at regular intervals. This was the same issue I faced, I updated my command with the new value and it worked fine.
Just for info:
To get the value of the expose-token please run the below command in your azure cli
az acr login --name <acr-username> --expose-token

docker pull generate 403 error message on latest version

I'm recently update to docker version 1.8.2, build 0a8c2e3 but when I execute any docker pull , the output show 403 error trying to download image layers.
docker pull cassandra [80/221]
Using default tag: latest
Pulling repository
f86e3cc71c14: Error pulling image (latest) from, Server error: Status 403 while fetching image layer (756acc691e31cf79b1a74a404f91b
2f4365cba936cec3f6eb4bc94ef419b33da) 404f91b2f4365cba936cec3f6eb4bc94ef419b33da)
8c00acfb0175: Download complete
756acc691e31: Error pulling dependent layers
Error pulling image (latest) from, Server error: Status 403 while fetching image layer (756acc691e31cf79b1a74a404f91b2f4365cba936ce
I got the same problem because the new docker registry on Docker Hub seems to use an external service on and this site forbids access from my country. The full error was:
Error statting layer: Head net/http: TLS handshake timeout
I found this running the docker daemon with -D (debug) and reading the log at /var/log/upstart/docker.log. Also, if you're behind a proxy, verify that your proxy isn't denying access.
