cant pull image from own private docker repo - docker

I can't seem to pull from my own private repo on dockerhub. I successfully pushed the image to dockerhub (using macosx) and set it to private. I then tried to pull from another laptop (Windows 10) but I keep getting Error response from daemon: pull access denied for {username}/{repo}, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied
I am using a command like, docker pull {username}/{reponame}:{tag}. The windows laptop is a work laptop and the macosx is the personal computer. Does it have to do something with a transparent proxy? I looked into this, control docker with systemd but I don't know how to set that up in Windows; the article instructs for a unix based system it seems.
I also tried adding the registry name (based on other stackoverflow posts) in the front like, docker pull{username}/{reponame}:{tag} but that gives me another error:
Error response from daemon: error parsing HTTP 408 response body: invalid character '<' ...
I ensured I am logged in:
docker login
Authenticating with existing credentials...
Login Succeeded
Any help or guidance would be appreciated. Thanks.


Error happened while using Jenkins to push docker image

I'd like to push the image image/name to the docker repository image/name through Jenkins. I have logged in my docker account on my local machine. But it returned with the error:
com.github.dockerjava.api.exception.DockerClientException: Could not push image: errors:
denied: requested access to the resource is denied
unauthorized: authentication required
Maybe use the library you are building with to pass credentials
From the doc:
I'm assuming this is the library you use by the error message you posted.

Getting Docker error trying to run script executor

Running scripts in ProcessMaker using javascript script executor was working fine until last week. Suddenly, started getting the following Docker errors:
"production.ERROR: Script threw return code 125Message: Unable to find image 'processmaker4/executor-bitnami_processmaker-javascript-2:v1.0.0' locally
docker: Error response from daemon: pull access denied for processmaker4/executor-bitnami_processmaker-javascript-2, repository does not exist or may require 'docker login': denied: requested access to the resource is denied."
Tried upgrading PM AMI from version 4.1 to latest 4.2.3-5, but still getting error. Wondering if something changed with backend container repository. I did not change anything, PM builds the docker command with repository URL and API token automatically.
Any help greatly appreciated.

How do you add a private registry to docker?

I'm new to Docker. I have installed Docker version : 20.10.15 and am trying to download images from one of our vendor sites.
While I was able to download images earlier, now I get the below error :
cmd : **docker pull**
Error response from daemon: Head "": unauthorized: unable to get identity token from basic auth credentials: invalid grant: invalid authentication credentials given
May I know what is causing this error? Also I would like to know how this repo was working earlier , (as this is not a docker hub repo) how does docker knows that there is a private registry?

Error while pushing image to docker. Requested access to the resource is denied

I am trying to push an image of my application to dockerhub but i keep getting this error:
requested access to the resource is denied.
I am already logged in with my credentials using docker login. My repository is public. I have tried everything it keeps giving me this error.
docker login
docker tag springmysqldockerswagger:latest vai/spring:myfirstimagepush
docker push vai/spring:myfirstimagepush
Any help would be appreciated.

Unable to anonymously pull images from okd/openshift-origin docker registry using docker pull

Using okd/openshift-origin 3.11 (and previous versions) we've been unable to get anonymous image pulls working.
We've tried adding various groups to the registry-viewer role as indicated by the instructions from the merge request where the feature was added.
We've tried:
oc policy add-role-to-user registry-viewer system:anonymous -n <project>
oc policy add-role-to-user registry-viewer system:unauthenticated -n <project>
When viewing the registry in the GUI the access policy shows Anonymous: Allow all unauthenticated users to pull images
Yet this is the result when trying to pull:
docker pull docker-registry-default.$cluster/$project/$image:latest
Error response from daemon: Get https://docker-registry-default.$cluster/v2/$project/$image/manifests/latest: unauthorized: authentication required
What are we missing?
If there is a $HOME/.docker/config.json credential file on the client machine, could you try whether you can pull the image after removing the credential file (or backup) ?
Because docker pull is using $HOME/.docker/config.json by default, it can cause unexpected authorization trouble like this by authenticating as the credential file. As removing docker credential file(config.json) you can verify whether docker pull is conducted by unauthenticated.
