I'm trying to understand how create the photoshop bevel effect using opencv
This is how the bevel effect looks like :
How the Photoshop Bevel effect works
There are a lot of options to tweak this effect but the most two important ones are the depth and the size of the bevel:
Depth of the bevel :
Size of the bevel :
What I found
What I've discovered so far is that this effect is a kind of Bump map that defines how the object interacts with a specific lighting source. But I couldn't find any information on how we can generate a bump map for a specific object.
My question
So my question is : Is it possible to create this effect using a bump map? If yes how could we generate a bump map programmatically (Using OpenCV for example)
I have unicolor image and i need to resize some parts from it, with different scale. Desired result is showed at image.
I've looked at applying grid mesh in opengles but i could not find some sample code or more detailed tutorial.
I've also looked at imgwrap but as far i can see this library requires qt framework. Any ideas, sample code or links for further read will be appreciated, thanks.
The problem you are facing is called "image warping" in computer graphics. First you have to define some control points in the original image and corresponding points in a sample destination image. Then you have to calculate a dense displacement field (in this application called also wrapping grid) and simple apply this field to the original image.
More practically: your best bet on iOS will be to create a 2D grid of vertices in OpenGL. Map your original image as a texture over this grid and deform the original grid by displacing some of its points. Then you simple take a screenshot of the resulting image with glReadPixels.
I do not know any CIFilter that would implement displacement field mapping of this kind.
UPDATE: I found also an example code that uses 8 control points to morph images with OpenCV. http://engineeering.blogspot.it/2008/07/image-morphing-with-opencv.html
OpenCV has working ports to iOS, so you could simple experiment with the code on the link above also on a target device.
I am not sure but i Suggest that if you want do this types of work then you need to crop some part for image and applies your resize feature/functionality in this croped part of image and put at position as it is. I just give my opinion not sure that it is true for you or not.
Here also i give you link of Question please read it, It might be helpful in your case:
How to scale only specific parts of image in iPhone app?
A few ideas:
Copy parts of the UIImage into different CGContext using
CGBitmapContextCreateImage(), copy the parts around, scale
individually, put back together.
Use CIFilter effects on parts of your Image, masking the parts you want to scale. (Core Image Programming Guide)
I suggest you check out Brad Larson's GPUImage project on GitHub. Under Visual effects you will find filters such as GPUImageBulgeDistortionFilter, which you should be able to adapt to your needs.
You might want to try this example using thin plate splines and OpenCV. This, in my opinion, is the easiest-to-try solution that is online.
You'll probably want to look at OpenGL shaders. What I'd do is I'd load the image in as a texture, apply a fragment shader (which is a small program that will let you alter distort the image), render the results back to a texture, and either display that texture or save it as a bitmap.
It's not going to be simple, but there is some sample code out there for other distortions. Here's a swirl in shaders:
I don't think there is an easier way to do this without involving OpenGL, and you probably wouldn't find great performance in doing this outside of the GPU either.
Hi I'm using Firemonkey because of it's cross platform capabilities. I want to render a particle system. Now I'm using a TMesh which works well enough to display the particles fast. Each particle is represented in the mesh via a two textured triangles. Using different texture coordinates I can show many different particle types with the same mesh. The problem is, that every particle can have its own transparency/opacity. With my current approach I cannot set the tranparency individually for each triangle (or even vertex). What can I do?
I realized that there are some other properties in TMesh.Data.VertexBuffer, like Diffuse or other sets of textures (TexCoord1-3), but these properties are not used (not even initalized) in TMesh. It also seems not easy to simply change this behavior by inheriting from TMesh. It seems one have to inherit from a lower level control to initialize the VertextBuffer with more properties. Before I try that, I'd like to ask if it would be possible to control the transparency of a triangle with that. E.g. can I set a transparent color (Diffuse) or use a transparent texture (TextCoor1)? Or is there a better way to draw the particles in Firemonkey.
I admit that I don't know much about that particular framework, but you shouldn't be able to change transparency via vertex points in a 3D model. The points are usually x,y,z coordinates. Now, the vertex points would have an effect on how the sprites are lighted if you are using a lighting system. You can also use the vertex information to apply different transparency effects
Now, there's probably a dozen different ways to do this. Usually you have a texture with different degrees of alpha values that can be set at runtime. Graphics APIs usually have some filtering function that can quickly apply values to sprites/textures, and a good one will use your graphics chip if available.
If you can use an effect, it's usually better since the nuclear way is to make a bunch of different copies of a sprite and then apply effects to them individually. If you are using Gouraud Shading, then it gets easier since Gouraud uses code to fill in texture information.
Now, are you using light particles? Some graphics APIs actually have code that makes light particles.
Edit: I just remembered Vertex Shaders, which could.
I want to simulate stroking a carpet, so you would have a graphic of a fury carpet and with your finger you can move around and stroke it. I need to shift pixels and create some fake distortion around where I am touching.
Anyone have any tips ?
Firstly I guess do I have enough to work with assuming I have 1 jpeg of the material. Not any skeleton or 3d file, just a flat image
this can be also improved with 'fur rendering'
I've some examples:
or new demo from NVidia:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Fp5N-pOxKA - around 35sec
Sounds like a typical task to be solved with OpenGL shaders.
As MrTJ says: Shaders is your key here.
Apart from your diffuse use a second texture as your "carpet" map that you modify. Maybe use the like a normal map, storing a directional vector per texel.
Use your "carpet" map in your shader and distort however you like to create your desired carpet effect.
I need to paint a square image, mapped or transformed to an unknown-at-compile-time four-sided polygon. How can I do this?
Longer explanation
The specific problem is rendering a map tile with a non-rectangular map projection. Suppose I have the following tile:
and I know the four corner points need to be here:
Given that, I would like to get the following output:
The square tile may be:
Rotated; and/or
Be narrower at one end than at the other.
I think the second item means this requires a non-affine transformation.
Random extra notes
Four-sided? It is plausible that to be completely correct, the tile should be
mapped to a polygon with more than four points, but for our purposes
and at the scale it is drawn, a square -> other four-cornered-polygon
transformation should be enough.
Why preferably GDI only? All rendering so far is done using GDI, and I want to keep the code (a) fast and (b) requiring as few extra
libraries as possible. I am aware of some support for
transformations in GDI and have been experimenting with them
today, but even after experimenting with them I'm not sure if they're
flexible enough for this purpose. If they are, I haven't managed to
figure it out, and so I'd really appreciate some sample code.
GDI+ is also ok since we use it elsewhere, but I know it can be slow, and speed is
important here.
One other alternative is anything Delphi- /
C++Builder-specific; this program is written mostly in C++ using
the VCL, and the graphics in question are currently painted to a
TCanvas with a mix of TCanvas methods and raw WinAPI/GDI calls.
Overlaying images: One final caveat is that one colour in the tile may be for color-key
transparency: that is, all the white (say) squares in the above tile
should be transparent when drawn over whatever is underneath.
Currently, tiles are drawn to square or axis-aligned rectangular
targets using TransparentBlt.
I'm sorry for all the extra caveats that make this question more complicated
than 'what algorithm should I use?' But I will happily accept answers with
only algorithmic information too.
You might also want to have a look at Graphics32.
The screen shot bewlow shows how the transfrom demo in GR32 looks like
Take a look at 3D Lab Vector graphics. (Specially "Football field" in the demo).
Another cool resource is AggPas with full source included (download)
AggPas is Open Source and free of charge 2D vector graphics library. It is an Object Pascal native port of the Anti-Grain Geometry library - AGG, originally written by Maxim Shemanarev in C++. AggPas doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AggPas as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data.
Here is how the perspective demo looks like:
After transformation:
The general technique is described in George Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping". It looks like this abstract contains the relevant math, as does this paper. You need to create a perspective matrix that maps from one quad to another. The above links show how to create the matrix. Once you have the matrix, you can scan your output buffer, perform the transformation (or possibly the inverse - depending on which they give you), and that will give you points in the original image that you can copy from.
It might be easier to use OpenGL to draw a textured quad between the 4 points, but that doesn't use GDI like you wanted.
I am trying to write a strategy game using XNA 4.0, with a dynamically generating map, and it's really difficult to create all the ground textures, having to distort them individually in photoshop.
So what I want to do is create a flat image, and then apply the distortion programatically to simulate perspective, by moving the corners of the image.
Here is an example done in photoshop:
How can I do that in XNA?
My answer isn't XNA-specific as I've never actually used the library; however the concept should still apply.
In general, the best way to get a good perspective effect is to actually give 3d coordinates and transformations and let DirectX/OpenGL handle the rest. This has great benefits over attempting to do it yourself - specifically, ease of use, performance (much of the work is passed on to your graphics card), and perspective-correct texturing. And nothing's stopping you from doing 3d and 2d in the same scene, if that's a concern. There are numerous tutorials online for getting set up in the third dimension with XNA. I'd suggest heading over to MSDN.