How can I render a square bitmap to an arbitrary four-sided polygon using GDI? - delphi

I need to paint a square image, mapped or transformed to an unknown-at-compile-time four-sided polygon. How can I do this?
Longer explanation
The specific problem is rendering a map tile with a non-rectangular map projection. Suppose I have the following tile:
and I know the four corner points need to be here:
Given that, I would like to get the following output:
The square tile may be:
Rotated; and/or
Be narrower at one end than at the other.
I think the second item means this requires a non-affine transformation.
Random extra notes
Four-sided? It is plausible that to be completely correct, the tile should be
mapped to a polygon with more than four points, but for our purposes
and at the scale it is drawn, a square -> other four-cornered-polygon
transformation should be enough.
Why preferably GDI only? All rendering so far is done using GDI, and I want to keep the code (a) fast and (b) requiring as few extra
libraries as possible. I am aware of some support for
transformations in GDI and have been experimenting with them
today, but even after experimenting with them I'm not sure if they're
flexible enough for this purpose. If they are, I haven't managed to
figure it out, and so I'd really appreciate some sample code.
GDI+ is also ok since we use it elsewhere, but I know it can be slow, and speed is
important here.
One other alternative is anything Delphi- /
C++Builder-specific; this program is written mostly in C++ using
the VCL, and the graphics in question are currently painted to a
TCanvas with a mix of TCanvas methods and raw WinAPI/GDI calls.
Overlaying images: One final caveat is that one colour in the tile may be for color-key
transparency: that is, all the white (say) squares in the above tile
should be transparent when drawn over whatever is underneath.
Currently, tiles are drawn to square or axis-aligned rectangular
targets using TransparentBlt.
I'm sorry for all the extra caveats that make this question more complicated
than 'what algorithm should I use?' But I will happily accept answers with
only algorithmic information too.

You might also want to have a look at Graphics32.
The screen shot bewlow shows how the transfrom demo in GR32 looks like

Take a look at 3D Lab Vector graphics. (Specially "Football field" in the demo).
Another cool resource is AggPas with full source included (download)
AggPas is Open Source and free of charge 2D vector graphics library. It is an Object Pascal native port of the Anti-Grain Geometry library - AGG, originally written by Maxim Shemanarev in C++. AggPas doesn't depend on any graphic API or technology. Basically, you can think of AggPas as of a rendering engine that produces pixel images in memory from some vectorial data.
Here is how the perspective demo looks like:
After transformation:

The general technique is described in George Wolberg's "Digital Image Warping". It looks like this abstract contains the relevant math, as does this paper. You need to create a perspective matrix that maps from one quad to another. The above links show how to create the matrix. Once you have the matrix, you can scan your output buffer, perform the transformation (or possibly the inverse - depending on which they give you), and that will give you points in the original image that you can copy from.
It might be easier to use OpenGL to draw a textured quad between the 4 points, but that doesn't use GDI like you wanted.


How to create sprite surface like in "cham cham"

My question maybe a bit too broad but i am going for the concept. How can i create surface as they did in "Cham Cham" app
I got most of the stuff done in the app but the surface change with user touch is quite different. You can change its altitude and it grows and shrinks. How this can be done using sprite kit what is the concept behind that can anyone there explain it a bit.
Here comes the answer from Cham Cham developers :)
Let me split the explanation into different parts:
Note: As the project started quite a while ago, it is implemented using pure OpenGL. The SpiteKit implementation might differ, but you just need to map the idea over to it.
Defining the ground
The ground is represented by a set of points, which are interpolated over using Hermite Spline. Basically, the game uses a bunch of points defining the surface, and a set of points between each control one, like the below:
The red dots are control points, and eveyrthing in between is computed used the metioned Hermite interpolation. The green points in the middle have nothing to do with it, but make the whole thing look like boobs :)
You can choose an arbitrary amount of steps to make your boobs look as smooth as possible, but this is more to do with performance.
Controlling the shape
All you need to do is to allow the user to move the control points (or some of them, like in Cham Cham; you can define which range every point could move in etc). Recomputing the interpolated values will yield you an changed shape, which remains smooth at all times (given you have picked enough intermediate points).
Texturing the thing
Again, it is up to you how would you apply the texture. In Cham Cham, we use one big texture to hold the background image and recompute the texture coordinates at every shape change. You could try a more sophisticated algorithm, like squeezing the texture or whatever you found appropriate.
As for the surface texture (the one that covers the ground – grass, ice, sand etc) – you can just use the thing called Triangle Strips, with "bottom" vertices sitting at every interpolated point of the surface and "top" vertices raised over (by offsetting them against "bottom" ones in the direction of the normal to that point).
Rendering it
The easiest way is to utilize some tesselation library, like libtess. What it will do it covert you boundary line (composed of interpolated points) into a set of triangles. It will preserve texture coordinates, so that you can just feed these triangles to the renderer.
SpriteKit note
Unfortunately, I am not really familiar with SpriteKit engine, so cannot guarantee you will be able to copy the idea over one-to-one, but please feel free to comment on the challenging aspects of the implementation and I will try to help.

How can I draw this complex shape using iOS Quartz 2D drawing?

I know how to draw simple shapes - rectangles, ellipses and lines etc. using iOS Quartz 2D drawing.
Just now I'm trying to draw a relatively complex shape though, the tail of a musical quaver:
Can anybody suggest a good way to approach this problem?
Can you design the quaver in a graphics program like Inkscape, export as an SVG, and then render using SVGKit? From a development level, it would be much easier to maintain something that you can visually update, rather than trying to draw a shape with code.
What I have learned from my designers is, that you start with a simple form and then extend and change it in single, small steps. Sometime later you arrive at the complex form. So, like answered by #Duncan C building a path. Now I know that is quite tedious. One alternative not mentioned here is PaintCode, an app that produces Cocoa code from your drawing. It is called PaintCode and should do what you want. Btw I am not affiliated with the makers of PaintCode!
You could draw that as a filled UIBezierPath (which is a UIKit wrapper on a CGPath).
You'd open a path, draw a sequence of straight lines and cubic or quadratic bezier curves, then close the path. Then you'd draw it as a filled path.
Once you have the path created, you could draw it with a single call.
A couple of alternatives, as Duncan seems to have answered this.
One option would be to dynamically scale a high resolution image.
There is one caveat with this approach: you should not scale anything below 1/2 of the original size, otherwise the interpolation tends to glitch.
So you would need to store image at say 64x64, 128x128, 256x256 etc
You could pack all of these into a single 256x512, and this is what a lot of games do.
Another option is to render a quaver unicode character

Handling blocks in Minecraft-style terrain (d3d/c++)

In 3d terrain that consists of thousands of cubes (i.e. Minecraft ), what is a way to handle each block in terms of location and rendering? More specifically, I know that drawing a primitive of a cube and world transforming it everywhere in directX 9 is probably a ridiculous way to accomplish this since there are so many performance issues, so I was wondering what a more reasonable method would be.
Should each cube be a mesh that's copied many times, or is their a way to create the appropriate meshes from the data in your vertex buffer?
I found this article that walks through some of the theory behind implementing what I want to implement, but I've never used octrees before so I wasn't able to take too much from the source code. If octrees are indeed the way to go, where is a good starting point to learn about them? Most of my google searches only turned up blog posts about theory with little or no implementation examples.
It seems like using voxels would be useful in doing this, but like with octrees, I'm coming from no experience here, so I don't really know what to study first.
Anyway, thanks for any advice\resources\book names you can spare. I'm sure it's obvious, but I'm still very new to 3d programming, so I appreciate your help.
First off if you're using Minecraft as your reference, think of their use of chunks and relate it to Oct-trees. Minecraft divides up their world into smaller chunks to handle the massive amount information that is needed to be stored so use Oct-trees to organize this data that will be stored. Goz has a very accurate description of how Oct-trees and Quad-trees work, so use his information as a reference.
Another thing to consider is that you don't actually want to draw every cube to the screen as this will eat up your framerate. Use Object Culling to only draw visible cubes to the screen. Again if you think Minecraft; have you ever encountered a glitch where you can see through the blocks and under the world? This is because Minecraft only draws the top layer of blocks. With this many objects on screen, it would be a worthwhile investment to look into Object Culling using both the camera frustum and occlusion query.
For information on using DirectX I would recommend any book by Frank Luna. I own this book myself and it never leaves my side when programming in DirectX.
I highly recommend this book as I've learned almost everything I know about DirectX from it.
Upon a Google search I found this link that discusses Occlusion Culling, because Luna doesn't cover occlusion culling, only frustum culling. I hear the Programming Gems series mentioned a lot, but I can't attest to its name personally.
Hope this helps.
Oct-trees are fairly simple, especially axis aligned ones like those in mine craft.
It is basically just a 3D extension of the quad-tree. You may find it easier to learn about Quad-trees first.
To give you a quick overview of a quad-tree; basically you start off with a square. Now imagine placing a much smaller square in that square. If you wish to build a quad tree representing it you first divide the original square into 4 equal sized squares.
Next you check each quadrant and if the smaller square is in that quadrant you split that quadrant into 4 smaller sized squares. Then you check those 4 quadrants choose the quadrant and subdivide. Eventually your smaller square will be wholly contained in one or more quadrants inside quadrants inside quadrants (etc). You have now built your quad tree.
Now if you imagine you are searching for a specific square inside the larger square you can quickly see the bonus of a quad-tree. Instead of searching every possible square in the quad tree (equivalent to searching every pixel in a texture) you can now check the first 4 quadrants to see if they contain it. If one does you can check its 4 sub quadrants and so on until you find the smallest quadrant wholly containing your square (or pixel). This way you end up doing many fewer tests to find your object.
Now an oct-tree is basically the same thing but instead of encoding squares in squares you now encode cubes in cubes. Every cube can be split into 8 smaller octants (and hence the name oct-tree).
Oct-trees have the advantage that by knowing which octant you are starting in you can easily cast rays through the oct-tree to find collisions (as an octant is either full, partially full or it is empty). If an octant is empty then you pass right through it and then check the octant on the other side. If it is partially full you check its sub-octants and so on until you either find a full octant (ie you've hit a solid cube and you render it) or you pass through the octant entirely and hence there is no cube to render. This is how minecraft works (I'm guessing anyway ;)). This is also a good way of quickly rendering voxel data which more people are looking into these days as a possible future rendering mechanism.
Hope thats some help! :)
Oct-trees and quad-trees are useful for culling sections of your geometry to render. Minecraft uses 16x16x16 render blocks to break up the terrain into manageable pieces.
Another technique to consider is instancing. Instancing is where you tell the GPU to render an object multiple times in different locations. It's used for crowd rendering, trees, anything where the geometry is the same, but you have lots of them.
Here is an article where the writer duplicates the minecraft renderer in OpenGL 4. While the code won't apply to your case the techniques (culling cubes that are surrounded, etc) can be applied to a directx renderer.
Don't be fooled by the blocky graphics and the low quality textures. Minecraft is an extremely complex renderer and you'll need to come up with ways to handle the sheer number of items involved. For example even a "small" part of the world, say 100x100x100 blocks is 1 million blocks. To push each block to the GPU as a separate mesh would kill your GPU. The Minecraft renderer is far more complex than most first person shooters when you get down to the technology.

Simple Delphi 3d functions

Could anyone help me with examples of some bare-bone, old school 3d methods in Delphi? Not using openGL or firemonkey or any external library (vanilla canvas coding). What i want to do is to be able to rotate X number of points around a common origo. From what i remember from the old days, you subtract left from right (on the 3d points) so that origo is always 0,0 - then perform the calculations, and finally add the left/top pixel offset to get the actual screen positions.
What im looking for is a set of small, ad-hoc routines, ala:
RotateX(aValue:T3dpoint; degr:float):T3dPoint;
Using these functions it should be fairly easy to create the old "rotating 3d cube" (8 points).
Also, are there functions for figuring out the visible "faces"? If i want a filled vector cube, then i guess i need to extract visible regions (based on distance/overlapping?) which in turn is drawn as X number of filled polygons? And these must no doubt be sorted by depth to not come out a mess.
for instance:
PointsToFaces(const a3dObject:T3dPointArray):TPolyFaceArray;
SortFaces(Const aFaces:TPolyFaceArray):TPolyFaceArray;
Any help is welcome!
Here are some nice good-old resource for Delphi Math from efg's Reference.
You can find a list of graphic projects.
2D/3D Lab Vector graphics: translation, rotation, scaling, view transform, homogeneous coordinates, clipping, projections, vectors, matrices etc...
I did write a simple 3D rendering 'engine' a few years ago, using only naïve linear algebra. Might not be the most efficient one, though. A few thousand of points is the limit if you want to be able to move reasonably smooth. Sample EXE. You can get the code if you like, but it might not be that pretty.

Creating a 3D effect from a 2D image

I have a random 2D image. I would like to be able to present the image in 3D. This doesn't have to be very detailed, even if the image were arbitrarily broken into layers like a pop-up cutout from a children's book.
The goal would be that a given image would look normal when directly viewed but that if a viewer were to move/tilt left, right, up, down there would be a 3d effect.
This is similar but not exactly the same as this question here:
How to create 3D streoscopic images using MATLAB with image tool?
This is complete over-kill:
And this is probably on the right track:
My ideal implementation would be a automated PHP script with ImageMagick take is fed an image and spits out as a result either (in order of preference):
Images representing each layer, from
nearest to deepest (closer to the
childs pop-up book layer analogy)
5 images representing the said views
(direct, left, right, top, bottom)
Has this been done (either of the above ideal implementations), or does anyone know how to do all, or part, of this?
As far as the first part of your question is concerned, it sounds like your ideal implementation is, except that:
you want it simpler (return images from a fixed set of angles as opposed to a walkthrough)
you want it with imagemagick and PHP
I think that last restriction is unrealistic because there's a fair amount of maths and computer vision behind this kind of problem. Imagemagick will help you with lower level-image processing tasks like affine transforms, but it doesn't really provide the required higher-level computer vision functionality like 3D image reconstruction.
So my advice would be to try and work around that restriction somehow. If you implement the approach using more suitable tools (like C++ and OpenCV, for example, or Matlab, as the Make3D guys did), then you can wrap that in a CGI application so your PHP scripts can access it. Cornell (the authors of Make3D) had a similar thing going a while back, but it looks like they're not doing it any more.
For the second part of your question, the theory behind what you want to do has been fairly well-researched. See here for a list of depth estimation papers. Here is what things look like in source.
