Zendesk - Custom field change event not working - zendesk

I am working on Zendesk server side App, There is a orderno custom filed in ticket form.
what i want to achieve is, get value of orderno when its value got changed.
Previously, I have achieve something similar as following.
if (client) {
client.on('ticket.requester.name.changed', function(e) {
console.log("e === > ", e);
Zendesk has some event docs here. I tried but not succeed.
Please guide me how i can get custom filed value when it changes

The documentation you are referring to is for ZIS, a different set of tools for handling integrations. ZAF events for ticket sidebar location are stated here.
This snippet listens for field 123123 change in a ticket_sidebar app:
client.on('ticket.custom_field_123123.changed', function(e) {


SendInBlue trackEvent returns 204 but does not show event in the console

I am trying to send an event using the SendInBlue API here.
When I send the event, it returns a 204 correctly - but I am not getting any events here and I have created an automation flow which is triggered by the event, and it does not send.
const axios = require("axios");
const url = 'https://in-automate.sendinblue.com/api/v2/trackEvent';
(async() => {
try {
const event = await axios.post(
JSON.stringify( {
email: 'myemail#emailprovider.co',
Accept: 'application/json',
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
'ma-key': 'xkeysib-MY_v3_API_KEY'
} catch (err) {
Is there a way I can see the events from this call coming in on the console?
The ma-key is not the same that API KEY. You should use the ma-key instead your current API for the automatization key.
After a couple of mails and a phone call, i figured out where is the ma-key:
You should login at send inblue. Click on Automatization (top menu). Click on Config (left tab bar). Click on something like 'see tracking code'. Then, you see a JS code. In this code, there is a key on it. This is your key.
My panel is in Spanish so maybe the words are not the same. Cheers.
As far as I know you can't really see the events in the console.
If you just want to make sure it's working you can
go to automation
start a workflow
Select a trigger: Website activities => An event happens
If you can select your event it means it worked.
Sendinblue is more a marketing automation tool and not an event analytics. So I'm not surprised you can't see the event in the GUI. If you want to see the events, try something like Mixpanel.
As #hector said pay attention to the API key. you're using the V3 campaigns (emails, contacts...) key. The tracking API is different.
Also, if you want to add event data, apparently you absolutely need to add a random unique ID. I struggled to find this as their docs are not super clear about it. So the body should look like something like this:
body: jsonEncode(<String, dynamic>{
'eventdata': {
data: {
event_data1: value1,
event_data2: value2,
'email': example#mail.com,
'event': eventName

Jira issue status not getting updated

I am trying to update Jira issue fields through REST Api, I am able to update summary, description, priority, reporter fields but the status.
Here is the code I am trying to run:
string jSonContent = (#"
""fields"": {
""summary"": ""data"",
""description"": ""modified."",
""priority"": {""name"": ""val""},
""reporter"": {""name"": ""abcdef#gmail.com""},
""status"": {""name"": ""WORK IN PROGRESS""}
}").Replace("data", summ).Replace("modified.", desc).Replace("val", pri);
request.AddParameter("application/json", jSonContent, ParameterType.RequestBody);
var response = Execute(request);
You cannot change the status of an issue the way like that.
To determine what type of fields could be changed with a simple PUT request do a GET for metadata:
This query in turn will provide you all the fields that you can modify. You won't find status field in the returned JSON object.
Back to your problem: How could be the status of an issue changed? In Jira you have a workflow that holds the possible transition between the states. In order to change the state you need to do a transition. (Exactly the same way as you would do it on UI.)
So first do a GET request like that:
This request will return all possible transitions of your issue's current state. Check which transition you want to perform and note it's ID (in my case the wished ID is 11). With this transition ID you can do a POST request with the JSON payload:
"transition": {
"id": "11"
One additional thing to note: If your transition isn't a simple one then you have to provide more data. I mean a simple transition here where you simply would click on a button on the UI and you wouldn't get an extra screen for the transition. (E.g. you can setup a transition like: you only could resolve an issue if you add a comment to it.) Fortunately, the previously returned transition list contains all the fields that could or that must be provided together with the transition ID.
You can find more information in official Jira documentation.

webix: Validating edits from datatable on the server

I have the following scenario:
An datatable with some editable columns which validate for input on the client with the webix rules. There are columns though, that cannot be validated on the client, but on the server only (ie for unique id/code).
An approach would be to create a rule and validate with webix.ajax in synchronous mode that I would prefer to avoid this at all means.
I thought I could validate on 'save'. The server can return a status response with error or success. I can catch this with onAfterUpdate event of the datatable (correct me if there is a better way, but it works this way).
At this point, I would like to display a validation error on the datatable if the server script returns an error status and mark the row (and possibly the corresponding column/cell) with error.
I thought I could use the callEvent method on the datatable and fire a onValidationError event but I didn't manage to make that work.
save: {
url: "save.php",
autoupdate: true,
onAfterUpdate:function(response, id, details) {
if (response.status == 'error')
The documentation states that I can pass some parameters to the event from callEvent but I could not find any specification on the docs. The code above does not work (the event is not fired).
So the question is: How can I fire a onValidationError event for the datatable using callEvent?
or what would be another approach to use webix to show the error on the datatable with validation on the server side?
Thank you.
Instead of calleing onValidationError event you can use
//mark cell, call after error response
myDataTable.addCellCss(id, columnId, "webix_invalid");
//remove mark, call after success response
myDataTable.removeRowCss(id, "webix_invalid");
which will mark the cell as non-valid.
On a side note, if you want to trigger some event with parameters, you can use code like next. Just beware that triggering an event is not a good way to change the component's state ( it can be used to trigger your own event handler though )
myDataTable.callEvent("event name", [param1, param2, param3])

Binding Energize.js clicks to Google Analytics PhoneGap Build plugins

I'm writing an app using PhoneGap Build, jQuery Mobile and Energize.js (to speed up clicks)
My wish is to bind an 'event' to the Google Analytics plugin for PhoneGap Build, so that I can track user clicks.
As you can see below, my tracking listener is bound to a 'touchstart' event. At the moment, none of the tracking is working. I am unsure if it is because I have bound to an incorrect action (which Energize.js may have changed) or if there is another issue in my code.
Any help would be appreciated. My account on Google Analytics is set as a 'Webpage' instead of 'Mobile App' as per the plugin guidelines.
$(document).on("touchstart", ".condition-list-item a", function() {
var deviceID = device.platform + '.' + device.uuid;
// Generates unique variable for each device
var conditionVar = $(this).attr("data-condition");
// Pulls ConditionName from list item clicked
// Fires 'Page' tracking to Google Analytics, with ConditionName as 'Page'
VariableButtonClicked(deviceID, conditionVar)
// Creates an object 'Position' using Geolocation API
function onSuccess(position) {
var geo = position.coords.latitude + ', ' + position.coords.longitude;
Try this:
$(".condition-list-item a").on("touchstart", function(e){
//your function
As follow-up, the above code is still not working. Google Analytics is currently attempting to track the information as if it were a website (as recommended by the plugin).
I change the settings on the Google Analytics website to track as if it were a Mobile App. I still think the above code is not working; however, Google Analytics' built in tracking takes care of much the same stuff and is working beautifully.

Modify URL before loading page in firefox

I want to prefix URLs which match my patterns. When I open a new tab in Firefox and enter a matching URL the page should not be loaded normally, the URL should first be modified and then loading the page should start.
Is it possible to modify an URL through a Mozilla Firefox Addon before the page starts loading?
Browsing the HTTPS Everywhere add-on suggests the following steps:
Register an observer for the "http-on-modify-request" observer topic with nsIObserverService
Proceed if the subject of your observer notification is an instance of nsIHttpChannel and subject.URI.spec (the URL) matches your criteria
Create a new nsIStandardURL
Create a new nsIHttpChannel
Replace the old channel with the new. The code for doing this in HTTPS Everywhere is quite dense and probably much more than you need. I'd suggest starting with chrome/content/IOUtils.js.
Note that you should register a single "http-on-modify-request" observer for your entire application, which means you should put it in an XPCOM component (see HTTPS Everywhere for an example).
The following articles do not solve your problem directly, but they do contain a lot of sample code that you might find helpful:
Thanks to Iwburk, I have been able to do this.
We can do this my overriding the nsiHttpChannel with a new one, doing this is slightly complicated but luckily the add-on https-everywhere implements this to force a https connection.
https-everywhere's source code is available here
Most of the code needed for this is in the files
IO Util.js
We can work with the above files alone provided we have the basic variables like Cc,Ci set up and the function xpcom_generateQI defined.
var httpRequestObserver =
observe: function(subject, topic, data) {
if (topic == "http-on-modify-request") {
var httpChannel = subject.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIHttpChannel);
var requestURL = subject.URI.spec;
if(isToBeReplaced(requestURL)) {
var newURL = getURL(requestURL);
ChannelReplacement.runWhenPending(subject, function() {
var cr = new ChannelReplacement(subject, ch);
get observerService() {
return Components.classes["#mozilla.org/observer-service;1"]
register: function() {
this.observerService.addObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request", false);
unregister: function() {
this.observerService.removeObserver(this, "http-on-modify-request");
The code will replace the request not redirect.
While I have tested the above code well enough, I am not sure about its implementation. As far I can make out, it copies all the attributes of the requested channel and sets them to the channel to be overridden. After which somehow the output requested by original request is supplied using the new channel.
P.S. I had seen a SO post in which this approach was suggested.
You could listen for the page load event or maybe the DOMContentLoaded event instead. Or you can make an nsIURIContentListener but that's probably more complicated.
Is it possible to modify an URL through a Mozilla Firefox Addon before the page starts loading?
YES it is possible.
Use page-mod of the Addon-SDK by setting contentScriptWhen: "start"
Then after completely preventing the document from getting parsed you can either
fetch a different document from the same domain and inject it in the page.
after some document.URL processing do a location.replace() call
Here is an example of doing 1. https://stackoverflow.com/a/36097573/6085033
