Can I get notified when user's phone number changed through change notification/webhook? - microsoft-graph-api

I was researching how to get notified when a selected user's attribute changed, like a phone number or email, through a change notification.
When looking into the Microsoft graph API document, I see user changes can be notified. I want to know if I can use some filter to only monitor one of user's attribute changes?

To check the user property change or a particular Attributes as mentioned in the document here, you can use this
For more information on notification please refer: Microsoft Graph change notifications
hope this helps.


Deep link routing using iOS

When user receives a remote notification that someone started following them, user should be able to tap notification and get redirected to the profile page for that user that followed them. How can I use to achieve this? Must the notification payload contain the userId of the user who followed them so I know whose profile info to display?
Another use case would be if someone sent a chat message. Once they tap the remote notification they should be redirected to that specific chatroom.
I'm going through branch documentation and cant see anything addressing this.
Thanks for any assistance on right approach or relevant resources.
You will need to enable user tracking to achieve this and the user_id of the follower needs to be input into the deep link that is sent in the notification of the person who was followed. Please see the below documentation on how to track users with in Branch:

How to show background image on CallKit

I want to show the background image on Call kit when a call is coming.I have searched a lot but not find any solution.And also I want to open the app when the phone is locked.Please help me
Thanks in Advance.
If your app has requested and been granted access to the user's Contacts database, it can modify the Contacts database to add a photo to any entry. So although there is no API to directly supply an image to be shown for a CallKit call, you may be able to modify or create a Contact database entry for a given caller before notifying the system of the incoming call via the -reportNewIncomingCallWithUUID:update:reply: API, and then that Contact entry's photo will be shown.

Is it possible to send an SMS message from an iOS app to the current caller when a call is in progress?

I have searched and have not been able to find a definitive answer. I know that it is not possible to get the phone number of the current caller using Objective-C, but I don't need the number.
I want to send a text message to the current caller. Does iOS have a method to allow you to send a text message from an app to the current caller.
The scenario is this:
End user calls another user
They put the person they called on speaker phone and navigate to my app
The app has a button that allows them to share information via SMS to the person they are talking to while they are talking to them without having to do anything more than click a button (the user doesn't have to type the other person's phone number manually to send the SMS).
Sukhdeep is correct.iOS will never allow you to perform Messaging without user involvement.
The answer is No.
Apple will never allow you this.

Can i create a webhook to get check in info?

Is it possible to have a webhook invoked when an attendee checks-in an event?
If not is there a way to get this information in "real-time"?
Not currently, but this is something that we hope to implement in our next Sprint. I'll let you know as well as announce on our social media channels when this is available.

Sending vCard update

I'm currently playing with the XMPPFramework for iOS and I had the idea to let users make their own profile, based on vCards. I've made a screen where they can enter some information, such as date of birth, first/last name etc. When they are done they press the 'save' button.
What I would like to do, is to letting know everyone that's subscribed to this user that his vCard changed but I'm not sure how to do this. I've already tried to send a vcard-temp:x:update stanza but the message didn't arrive on my other device I'm testing with.
Does anyone know how I could do this and which method I could use?
You cannot know about vCard changes,
You can only know about photo updates via XEP: 0153
This xep uses the presence to send the photo there.
