Can i create a webhook to get check in info? - eventbrite

Is it possible to have a webhook invoked when an attendee checks-in an event?
If not is there a way to get this information in "real-time"?

Not currently, but this is something that we hope to implement in our next Sprint. I'll let you know as well as announce on our social media channels when this is available.


Can I get notified when user's phone number changed through change notification/webhook?

I was researching how to get notified when a selected user's attribute changed, like a phone number or email, through a change notification.
When looking into the Microsoft graph API document, I see user changes can be notified. I want to know if I can use some filter to only monitor one of user's attribute changes?
To check the user property change or a particular Attributes as mentioned in the document here, you can use this
For more information on notification please refer: Microsoft Graph change notifications
hope this helps.

Deep link routing using iOS

When user receives a remote notification that someone started following them, user should be able to tap notification and get redirected to the profile page for that user that followed them. How can I use to achieve this? Must the notification payload contain the userId of the user who followed them so I know whose profile info to display?
Another use case would be if someone sent a chat message. Once they tap the remote notification they should be redirected to that specific chatroom.
I'm going through branch documentation and cant see anything addressing this.
Thanks for any assistance on right approach or relevant resources.
You will need to enable user tracking to achieve this and the user_id of the follower needs to be input into the deep link that is sent in the notification of the person who was followed. Please see the below documentation on how to track users with in Branch:

Having a user click a link in a Slack Incoming Webhook Message and getting their response

I'm looking to have a user type something like
/makemeeting today # 4:00pm
this fires a outgoing webhook, which stores the info, then it fires a incoming webhook which would display a message in a channel saying meeting scheduled, and have two links
yes | no
Here's where I'm stuck. I can do everything up till this point. I'd love for any user to be able to click on one of those links and have it perform another outgoing webhook with the proper response.
I know I can just make those links point to a website, but I'd love to keep it all within slack without having to open a browser.
Is this possible? I swear I've seen yes|no, true|false replies before in other commands and bots, but I might be imagining that.
Any help would be appreciated...
This isn't supported yet but is on Slack's roadmap for the "near term".
A work around is to add reactions to your message. When the user clicks the reaction (to bump up its count), an RTM event will be dispatched for you to handle:
An live example can be seen with the Meekan calendar app:
So you could have two reactions: thumbs up and a thumbs down. And handle which reaction the user clicked.

Trigger mobile notification of task creation

I'm joining my app to Asana and I'm creating automatically tasks. I would like to notify assigned user to his new task.
I didn't find anything about that from Asana API documentation
Does anyone have an idea to trigger a mobile notification? Is that even possible?
When you create a task, you can assign it, or add followers to it, or even add a comment to it. But push notifications are logic the user controls, rather than the integration. If I want to be notified of new tasks assigned to me, I will be.

Cannot publish a canceled event using Eventbrite API method event_update

I am working with eventbrite's API for my application and am trying to update an eventbrite event using the method event_update. The call worked when I tried to cancel a live event but it doesn't work when I try to re-publish a canceled event. I can publish a canceled event from the "Quick Links" provided for each event under my account's "My Events" tab. So, I was wondering if this can be done using the API as well. The documentation for event_update says that allowed values for status field are “draft”, “live”, “canceled”, “deleted” but when I do the update, I get the following error:
Event deleted or cancelled.
Any help or input is greatly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
At this time, a canceled event can only be made live again through the Quick Links in the My Events tab of your account. It's not possible to make a canceled event live through the Manage page or the API. This information has been passed along to the API team, and this should be resolved in the coming weeks. We'll let you know once it's been updated!
